As you call it Çeviri Fransızca
841 parallel translation
I believe in this monster, as you call it.
Je crois en ce monstre, comme vous dites.
A fall guy, as you call it, would only lead them to the falcon.
Un bouc émissaire, comme vous dites, les conduirait au faucon.
That old can as you call it, is a darn sight more car than you'll ever drive. If you don't quit wasting your time around pool rooms.
Ce vieux tacot, ce sera toujours mieux que ce que tu auras si tu continues à traîner dans les salles de billard.
Suppose I did leave that old hole, as you call it.
Et si je quittais ce trou miteux, comme tu dis.
The tripe, as you call it, happens to be the true history of the trumpet and its real value.
Mes inepties s'avèrent être la véritable histoire du cor et font état de sa vraie valeur.
Oh, of course, that french horn, as you call it.
Oh, bien sûr, de ce cor français, comme vous dites.
My protection, as you call it, and Van's, too, for that matter, is to love and trust each other more than anything.
Ma protection, comme vous l'appelez, ainsi que celle de Van, d'ailleurs, c'est l'amour et la confiance mutuelle.
Do you realize what this slander, as you call it, implies?
Réalisez-vous ce que cette calomnie implique?
You actually think you had no intention to kill... that It was all a''sporting stalk, " as you call It.
Vous pensez vraiment que vous n'aviez aucune intention de tuer... que c'était une "traque sportive," comme vous l'appelez.
I'm not sure this wretched spook, as you call it, was responsible for what happened.
Je ne sais si ce fichu fantôme, comme vous dites, est responsable de tout ça.
I haven't gone in for fun, as you call it.
Je n'y vais pas pour m'amuser, comme vous dites.
- He has a right to butt in, as you call it.
- C'est son droit.
It's just my defensive mechanism, as you call it.
C'est mon mécanisme de défense, comme tu dis.
Cathay, as you call it.
Cathay, comme vous dites.
I suppose I'm under arrest for being out of bounds, as you call it?
Je suppose que je suis aux arrêts pour être allée en zone interdite.
This carrot, as you call it, has constructed an aircraft capable of flying millions of miles propelled by a force as yet unknown to us.
Cette carotte, a construit un vaisseau pour traverser des millions de kilomètres grâce à une forme d'énergie tout à fait inconnue de nous.
This Bunburying, as you call it, has not been a great success for you.
Bunburiser ne t'aura pas réussi cette fois.
As for this "story" as you call it... I remember it well, I was seven.
Quant à cette histoire, je m'en souviens parfaitement.
As it happens, when this "monkey business"... as you call it... about the drapes first occurred to me yesterday, I stopped by your office to tell you.
Au sujet de ces fameux rideaux... je suis venue hier dans ton bureau pour t'en parler.
"Up in the blue," as you call it.
"Dans les airs" Comme vous l'appelez.
Suppose I guarantee your exit, as you call it.
Supposons que je garantisse la sortie?
Can you come out, as you call it, whenever you want to?
Vous "sortez" dès que vous le voulez?
That dragon place, as you call it was for men only.
C'est une maison réservée aux hommes.
But most of all, not to be buried in this farm, as you call it.
Mais plus que tout, ne pas être enfermé dans cette ferme, comme tu l'appelles.
But if you ever feel it's necessary to mention them, don't call them hooligans!
Mais si un jour tu as absolument besoin de le faire, ne les traite pas de voyous!
You might as well call it a Leg breaker.
Ça pourrait s'appeler le jeu de casse-guibolle.
Should trouble come, I shall call Russia to arms anew and if you stand idly by, I shall strike you mercilessly as long as I am alive, and after it will be the duty of my sons!
Si vous restez à l'écart vous serez battus sans merci. Si je suis vivant c'est moi qui vous battrai. Si je suis mort mes fils en auront l'ordre.
You'll get paid half as much as you need to live on, if you call it living.
Tu toucheras à peine de quoi vivre, si on peut appeler ça vivre.
It's the "well-meaning amateurs," as you call them... who do the fighting when the war comes, isn't it?
Ce sont les amateurs bien intentionnés qui se battent l'heure venue.
"It's lucky for the city that next Tuesday is Election Day as the citizens will thus be saved the expense of impeaching the mayor and the sheriff". That's all. Call you back.
" Les élections de mardi arrivent à point... car les citoyens ne pourront mettre en accusation... ni le maire, ni le shérif'.
I hear you come from up north in the woods, or down north, as we call it here.
Vous venez du Nord, des bois. Du grand Nord, comme on dit.
Get that straight. Everything happened exactly as it did but without the bundle, and I got the phone call, not you.
Raconte ce qui s'est passé, mais rien du colis!
Sergeant York, as Commander-in-Chief of the American Expeditionary Forces, it is my pleasure to confer upon you the United States Congressional Medal of Honor for heroism beyond the call of duty.
Sergent York, en tant que chef du corps expéditionnaire, je vous décerne la Médaille du Congrès pour conduite héroïque exceptionnelle.
You can call me anything you like, as long as you give me something with a cherry in it.
Le reste est affaire de palais. D'accord.
─ Don't you remember how stubborn I am? It's just as easy to call a cab.
- J'appelle un taxi à la place.
At the end of two days, if they have not been found you call your police, tell them as much of the truth it is safe for you to say.
Dans deux jours, s'il n'a pas été trouvé, appelez la police, et déclarez ce que vous pouvez, sans prendre de risque.
No, but I'll do it now and call you as soon as I have them.
Je vous téléphonerai dès que je les aurai.
Well, all right if you say so oh, there was a call for you who was it?
D'accord, puisque tu le dis. - Tu as eu un appel. - De qui?
Inspired me, or whatever you call it.
Tu as été mon inspiration, dirons-nous.
If you don't call, I wonder why, so it works out as an interruption either way.
Non, appelle. Sinon, je m'inquiète et je m'interromps.
Okay, call me as you get it.
Appelez-moi dès que vous l'avez.
It's impossible to explain now. I'll call you back as soon as I can.
Je ne peux pas vous expliquer maintenant, mais Je vous appellerai dès que possible.
Well call him back. If it's as important as he says it is, he'll talk to you..
Rappelle-le, si c'est important, il te parlera.
Yeah. But like you said, better call it quits.
Comme tu l'as dit, il vaut mieux ne plus se voir.
But don't call on me for help as I shall not give it to you.
Mais ne compte pas sur mon aide.
I'm sorry, we planned it... and you made the phone call.
- Pardon... Nous avons combiné. C'est toi qui as téléphoné.
Yes, I'll give you a call as soon as we get it.
Oui, je vous appellerai dès qu'on l'aura.
I don't know if you left a call with the desk,... but it's about that time. - It's morning?
Je sais pas si t'as laissé un appel au bureau, mais c'est l'heure.
You described the bomb as being 200 pounds of, let's call it American plastics, somehow used as an explosive.
Vous décrivez la bombe comme pesant 200 livres de- - disons de plastique américain- - utilisé comme explosif.
I'll call you just as soon as it's repaired.
Je vous appelle dès que la ligne est rétablie.
As you can see, it isn't exactly what you'd call new.
Elle n'est pas ce que vous, vous appelez du neuf.
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as your father 16
as your lawyer 31
as you do 33
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as you please 44
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as you 43
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as your father 16
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