As you command Çeviri Fransızca
386 parallel translation
Captain York you may have commanded your own regiment in the late war but so long as you command a troop in mine, you will obey my orders.
Vous avez commandé votre régiment pendant la guerre mais tant que vous êtes sous mes ordres, vous m'obéirez!
As you command.
Á vos ordres.
Lord, as you command.
- Seigneur, à vos ordres.
We will do as you command.
- Nous allons vous obéir.
As you command.
A vos ordres.
- As you command.
- A vos ordres.
I command you as your superior officer!
C'est un ordre, je suis votre supérieur! Vous voulez passer en cour martiale?
You will do as I command.
Vous obéirez à mes ordres.
You will think as I think, see as I see, and do as I command.
Vous penserez ce que je pense, vous verrez à travers mes yeux et obéirez à mes ordres.
It is she's command. She sends you as an offering to the flame.
Elle ordonne qu'on te donne en offrande à la Flamme.
It's a privilege to command such men as you.
C'est un honneur de vous commander.
I gave orders to close the bar as soon as I heard you took command again.
Ça va, Sharp.
And I let you sell me that stuff about a "command of my own."
Tu m'en as raconté, des blagues! Commander un navire...
But as an officer you surely had to act in an executive capacity, you had to command men, be responsible for the morale?
En tant qu'officier, vous deviez avoir des responsabilités, commander des hommes, veiller à leur moral?
Do as you're told. I'm in command here.
Obéis, c'est moi qui commande!
But as you are a representative of the United States government I pledge you the protection and cooperation of my command.
Mais, puisque vous êtes un envoyé du gouvernement, je vous accorde notre protection.
But sir, such answer as I can make, you shall command. Or rather, as you say, my mother.
Mais j'obéirai à ma mère.
As air exec you were in command here... the moment Colonel Davenport left.
Vous êtes devenu le chef ici... dès que le Colonel Davenport est parti.
I command you not to give away your habit again!
Tu nous as dit qu'on devait secourir les pauvres. Ne donne plus ta robe sans permission.
You're in command as long as you're alive.
Tu commandes tant que t'es en vie.
Denno, you got the command now whether you want it or not. - It's all yours.
Tu as le commandement, que tu le veuilles ou pas.
If you're half as good a man as your brother I'll be proud to have you in my command, lieutenant.
Si vous lui ressemblez... je suis fier de vous avoir sous mes ordres.
Since I am taking command here, you'll act as gun bearer.
Puisque je donne les ordres, vous porterez les armes.
You have but to give the word, the command. The small, empty command. Yes, I own you.
Tu as dû donner l'ordre, ce petit ordre misérable.
As you can see, I'm being relieved of command.
Comme vous pouvez le voir, je suis relevé de mes fonctions.
Col. Marston... as first officer under your command, I request you reconsider your plan... for taking the troops out of this fort.
Le colonel Marston étant premier officier sous vos ordres, je vous demande de reconsidérer votre plan qui consiste a faire sortir les troupes de ce fort.
He still refuses to fight so long as you're in command...
- Où est-elle? - Elle n'est plus ici, Pâris.
Command what YOU have conquered.
Ordonne à ceux que tu as conquis.
Know, then, O esteemed Volka ibn Alyosha, that from now on I will obey your every command, for you have released me from an imprisonment of a thousand years.
Sache donc, ô estimé Volka ibn Aliocha, que désormais j'obéirai à chacun de tes ordres, tu m'as libéré d'un emprisonnement d'un millier d'années.
And yet, what if as of this night, I do become Lord of North Garrison, and you command First Fortress...
Cependant... si dés ce soir... je devenais seigneur de la Citadelle, et toi, commandant du fort Un...
And the first command you give as a captain is to order a retreat!
Et le premier ordre que vous donnez c'est de battre en retraite!
During the Command Tournament, you did what ever you could to destroy all of us!
Pendant le tournoi, tu as tout fait pour que ça tourne mal.
I slapped you when you refused to carry out my command.
Je t'ai frappé quand tu as refusé d'exécuter mon ordre.
ln spite of your youth, you have the habit of command, but habit is not always enough.
Malgré ton jeune âge, tu as l'habitude d'ordonner. Mais ça ne suffit pas.
You will assume command of this battalion as of now, 1900 hours.
Vous assurerez le commandement de ce bataillon dès à présent, 19 h.
Taking the situation you're in now, as you send messages to Command and they reply : "Hold still, do nothing."
Dans la situation actuelle où l'État-Major... vous ordonne d'attendre...
From you I'll accept one man with some experience of command... as an acting lieutenant.
J'accepterai un homme parmi vous ayant l'expérience du commandement, comme sous-lieutenant.
Unfortunately, Standard Leader, I must urge you to do as he says. He is in command until Bordeaux.
Je dois malheureusement vous encourager à faire ce qu'il dit, il est aux commandes jusqu'à Bordeaux.
- If you don't mind, Captain, I'm assuming command as senior officer of the camp.
- Si vous permettez, capitaine, je prends le commandement en tant qu'officier supérieur.
Only one born to command would have charged as you did.
Seul un grand chef pouvait s'en tirer.
Humbly, Highness, I accept this command... as Governor General of the Sudan... and I swear to you my devoted service.
J'accepte par ce firman le poste de gouverneur général du Soudan et je jure d'être votre loyal serviteur.
They actually grow as part of you, and separate on command, don't they?
En fait, ils poussent en vous, et se détachent à votre commandement, n'est-ce pas?
If your command continues to weaken, you'll be unable to function as captain.
Si cela continue ainsi, vous ne pourrez plus assumer vos fonctions de capitaine.
only if you command me as king.
Si vous me l'ordonnez comme roi.
You will remember what I, the King, tell you and do as I command.
Vous vous souviendrez de ce que moi, le roi, vous dit... et faites ce que je vous dis.
As you king I command that whoever knows who killed Laius speak, even if he knows he'd accuse himself.
Celui qui sait qui a tué Laïus doit parler. Même si les mots servent à l'accuser.
As strange as it may seem, Mr. Spock, you're in command now.
Aussi étrange que cela puisse paraître, c'est vous le capitaine, à présent.
As second-in-command of the Enterprise, you must convene an extraordinary competency hearing.
Vous êtes l'officier en second et c'est à vous d'ordonner une audience extraordinaire.
Mr Spock, I am officially notifying you that I'm exercising my option under regulations as a Starfleet commodore and assuming command of the Enterprise.
M. Spock, je vous informe officiellement de mon intention d'exercer mon droit en tant que commodore de Starfleet et en vertu du règlement de prendre le commandement de l'Enterprise.
Mr Spock, I order you to assume command on my personal authority as captain of the Enterprise.
M. Spock, je vous ordonne de prendre le commandement sur ordre personnel du capitaine de l'Enterprise.
I'm also curious as to how you propose to explain to Starfleet Command that a starship will be sent each year to collect our cut.
Je suis aussi curieux de savoir comment vous expliquerez à Starfleet Command qu'un vaisseau devra chaque année passer prendre notre part.
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you are aware 22
as you say 390
as your attorney 28
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you are aware 22
as you say 390
as your attorney 28