As you may know Çeviri Fransızca
693 parallel translation
As you may know, there is a bit of a problem between Director Goo and Representative Kim.
il y a un petit problème entre le Directeur Goo et le Directeur Kim.
As you may know, my brother is a prisoner of Leopold of Austria. And from Leopold, I have received a ransom demand of 150,000 gold marks.
Mon frère est prisonnier de Léopold d'Autriche, de qui j'ai reçu une demande de rançon de 150 000 marks.
As you may know, Miss Trellis and Trippy have no father or mother.
Vous le savez, Miss Trellis et Trippy n'ont ni père ni mère.
That's as you may know.
En sens, vous dites vrai.
Roy Stuart and I detest each other, as you may know.
Roy Stuart et moi on se déteste, comme vous le savez sans doute.
This is, as you may know, the last time I shall see you as a class.
Comme vous le savez, ceci était notre dernier cours.
I'm not a very emotional person, as you may know... but there was something so very unexpected... and, uh, touching about his action... coming as it did so soon after...
Vous le savez, je montre rarement mes émotions. Mais son geste était si inatendu... si touchant... Alors que je viens de le...
As you may know, we're opening a political battle with the present administration.
Vous devez savoir que nous allons défier Ie gouvernement actuel,
Comme vous savez, le colonel Travis a ordonné... la saisie de la poudre et des balles des marchands de Bexar.
As you may already know by now, there is a plagiarism controversy about "Morning in Kyeongseong."
il y a un procès pour plagiat pour "Un matin de Kyeongseong".
You may as well know it, if you don't.
Voici les faits, si vous ne les saviez pas déjà.
We may as well discuss this frankly, now that you know the facts.
Ce serait bien d'aborder franchement la question
- You may as well know... Peter's going to marry me when the old bat dies... and as soon as he gets rid of his present wife!
Sachez que Pierre m'épousera dès qu'il sera débarrassé de sa femme actuelle!
He doesn't want me to speak of it to you, but you may as well know.
II ne veut pas que j'en parle, mais autant que tu le saches.
And yet, how well also I know that you may, in the difficulties of your daily life find that the qualities of charity are not always so easy, so ready to observe as one may fancy...
Pourtant, je sais aussi que vous pourriez, dans les difficultés de la vie quotidienne, trouver que les qualités de la charité ne sont pas toujours faciles à pratiquer comme on le souhaiterait.
And as some of you who are new to India may not know, a wounded pig is a dangerous animal, so a word of advice to, uh, the younger officers.
Certains d'entre vous, peu familiers avec l'lnde, ignorent qu'un sanglier blessé peut être très dangereux. Voici donc un conseil pour nos novices :
You know, our dear Aunt Ettie may not have mixed her drinks as badly as we thought.
Notre chère tante Ettie n'a peut-être pas autant mélangé ses alcools que ça.
You may not know it as well as me.
Je la connais bien.
And we know how to deal with it in our part of the world, strange as it may seem to you.
Nous savons y faire face dans ce pays.
- Well, you may as well know.
- Autant vous le dire.
You may as well know, Miss Brown, I'm vitally interested.
Sachez que mon intérêt est vital.
- You may as well know I'm not married.
- Et vous, sachez que je ne suis pas mariée.
You know where Edwina Brown is. You may as well say because you're going to die.
Dîtes-le moi, car vous allez mourir.
I never thought he'd get her. Well, what do you know? Well, Wilbur may not be any Apollo as it were but he's a steady young businessman.
Il n'est pas un canon de la beauté, mais il est très sérieux
I require and charge ye both... as ye will answer at the dreadful day of judgment... when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed... that if either of you know any impediment... why you may not lawfully be joined in matrimony... ye do now confess it.
Je vous adjure tous les deux, car vous en répondrez au jour du jugement dernier, quand les secrets de tous les cœurs seront révélés, si vous connaissez un empêchement à votre union légale par le mariage, de le révéler maintenant.
I am as you may not know a soldier of some distinction.
Vous ignorez sans doute que je suis un soldat de haut rang.
You may as well know what I know, some of it, at any rate.
À moi de vous dire ce que je sais. À moi de vous dire ce que je sais.
Mr. Skeffington, you may as well know that Miss Trellis and Trippy are stone broke.
M. Skeffington, vous devez savoir que mes cousins sont ruinés.
I know it may seem screwy to you, but it seems to me as if I can smell some of that coal smoke right off the old Monongahela River. That sound crazy?
Ça peut vous paraître étrange, mais je crois pouvoir sentir la fumée de charbon venant des bords de la rivière Monongahela.
You know, if it ever gets out why they shot you, you may end up as a heroine.
Si jamais ça sort pendant votre exécution, vous pourriez finir en héroïne.
It may interest you, too, to know that the man we have depicted for you as State's Attorney Harvey was actually a Connecticut lawyer named Homer Cummings.
Le personnage du procureur Henry Harvey s'inspire d'un avocat du nom d'Homer Cummings.
For your desire to know what is between us, oermaster it as you may.
Quant à ce qu'il m'a dit, résignez-vous à l'ignorer.
As soon as you've checked into a hotel.. Let me know and I'll tell my lawyers where they may serve you.
Dès que tu seras à l'hôtel, je t'enverrai mes avocats
- That's all right. Before Mr. Lockwood refreshes your memory, you may as well know...
Comme on vous le dira, autant prendre les devants.
We shall find in him a shrewd contriver, and, you know, his means, if he improve them, may well stretch so far as to annoy us all, which to prevent, let Antony and Caesar fall together.
Ce sera un fin stratège et s'il prospère, il peut nous gêner tous! Pour empêcher cela, qu'Antoine suive César!
But you may as well know tonight what a famous husband you have.
Mais autant que vous sachiez ce soir quel célèbre mari vous avez.
You may as well know at once what your father has decided.
Autant te dire tout de suite sa décision.
Rhett, you may as well know something now as later.
Rhett, autant que je vous prévienne tout de suite.
You know, Jed, I may not be as pretty as the Colonel's wife... but you carry me gently and I'll give you the kiss she didn't.
Jed, je suis peut-etre moins joli que la femme du colonel, mais tu m'as porté gentiment et moi, je te ferai un bisou.
That you may know these things are done of God... you shall see hail fall from a clear sky and burn as fire upon the ground.
Afin que tu comprennes que ces choses sont l'action de Dieu... d'un ciel sans nuages, tu verras tomber des grêlons qui se changeront en feu en touchant le sol.
Miss Shannon I'd like to know, and please answer very frankly if I may feel free to call on you at your apartment and take you to dinner as often as the spirit moves us both?
Dites-moi, en toute franchise... si je puis vous rendre visite, chez vous... et vous emmener dîner, aussi souvent que nous en aurons envie.
You may as well know Vitajex is the sixth sister in the international drug family.
Vitajex est malade commercialement.
Just tired. I know this may sound strange after the way I acted, but when you're liable to be sleeping for a long while, you try to crowd in as much living as you can in the time that's left. I...
Juste un peu de fatigue.
I want you to know that you may feel free to regard my home as your own.
Je veux que vous sachiez que ma maison est la vôtre.
Look, from the way you're going on, anyone might think we just won a war, but you may as well know it.
A vous voir, on croirait qu'on vient de gagner une guerre. Autant que vous le sachiez :
You may as well know it now.
Autant que je vous le dise maintenant,
Oh, you may as well know, before you decide on a plea... Dr. Ball and Dr. Stauffer have been observing them.
Avant d'arrêter votre plaidoirie, sachez que les médecins les ont examinés.
I require and charge you both... as ye will answer at the dreadful day of judgment when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed that if either of you know any impediments why ye may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony... ye do now confess it.
Je vous demande à tous deux de répondre comme au jour du Jugement dernier lorsque les secrets des cœurs seront révélés. Si l'un de vous connaît un obstacle empêchant votre union par les liens du mariage, qu'il le confesse maintenant.
You may as well know.
Autant que tu le saches :
I know this may come as a great big shock to the both of you... but underneath all this hair and skin is a human girl.
Mais sous cette chevelure se cache une femme, avec toutes ses habitudes. Et croyez-le ou non.
Why, you know, my grandpa always said that the voice of the devil may be sweet as butter, but there's deceit in his heart.
Mon grand-père disait toujours que la voix du diable était douce comme le beurre, mais que son coeur était faux.
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as your attorney 28
as you want 26
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as your attorney 28
as you want 26