For any reason Çeviri Fransızca
792 parallel translation
Father. Do you mean to say for any reason, and I don't care how you reason that. For any reason, you go through with your testimony.
Papa, veux-tu vraiment dire, et tu peux tempêter tant que tu veux, que tu confirmeras ton témoignage?
If for any reason I don't return to England, I want you to see my parents.
Si je ne rentre pas en Angleterre... allez voir mes parents.
Don't bother me for any reason.
- Tu ne me dérangeras sous aucun prétexte, aucun.
But never, for any reason, must you brew more than nine leaves at one time.
Mais jamais, pour aucune raison... tu ne dois faire infuser plus de neuf feuilles à la fois.
If for any reason the trance must be broken, strike the gong three times.
Si l'état de transe devait être interrompu, donnez trois coups de gong.
If it were for any reason less than our Boy, I'd make you turn back.
S'il ne s'agissait pas de Boy, je te ferais rebrousser chemin.
Edith, we don't want to be disturbed for the next hour or so for any reason whatsoever.
Edith! Nous ne voulons plus être dérangés.
If for any reason I can't be found, she's to be detained, no matter on what pretext.
Si vous ne me trouvez pas retenez-la par tous les moyens.
- Don't kid Susan for any reason.
- Ne plaisantez pas avec Susan.
You understand that if Sam Wild is turned over to the police for any reason your life is over.
Si Sam Wild est dénoncé d'une façon ou d'une autre, vous mourrez!
By the way, if you should have to fire Miss Wales for any reason whatever, at any time remember I'd like to review the case myself first.
Si vous vouliez renvoyer Mlle Wales, quel qu'en soit le motif, je veux auparavant examiner son cas.
For any reason you care to imagine.
Pensez ce que vous voulez.
I don't think there is any reason for you to do that much...
Je ne pense pas qu'il y a une quelconque raison pour vous d'en faire autant...
Once we start again, there won't be any reason for us to break up ever again.
il n'y aura pas de raison pour que nous nous séparions.
You know, we discovered, for some strange reason that Nick seems to irritate me less than any of the other servants.
On a découvert que pour une raison étrange, Nick m'irritait moins que les autres serviteurs
Do you know of any reason that could account for..?
Savez-vous ce qu ¡ a pu...?
And I don't see any reason for any man to get nervous... because someone checks over the figures of his report.
Le fait de vérifier votre rapport vous gêne-t-il?
I was supposed to take one in algebra this morning, but I would have flunked it anyway, so I didn't see any reason for staying.
Il y en avait un d'algèbre ce matin. Mais j'aurais été collée, alors je ne voyais pas de raison de rester.
I don't think that as yet there is any reason for alarm.
Il n'y a pas encore de raison de s'inquiéter.
- I doubt there'll be reason for any.
- Je doute que cela arrive.
Listen, you gave Wally plenty of reason for any crack he could think of.
Écoute, tu as donné à Wally les raisons... de tes soupçons.
There wasn't any reason for cutting it out.
Je n'avais pas de raison particulière.
I suppose there isn't any reason for keeping it hidden in that book, either.
Pas plus que pour la cacher dans ce livre?
And he fought for them for the only reason any man ever fights for them.
Et il s'est battu pour elles, pour les seules raisons qui existent.
I don't think that you have any reason for that assumption.
Vous n'avez aucune raison de le supposer.
- I don't see any reason for sarcasm.
- Ce sarcasme est déplacé.
Now, come, sir, we've all failed and there's no reason for expecting any of us to bear the whole brunt.
Nous avons tous échoué et en subirons tous les conséquences.
Not for any measly $ 13 a month, but just because they've got pride in their regiment. Go take the salute. You've good reason to.
Vous allez voir, M. Le Commissaire, vous et tous les civils!
I see no reason for pretending any other.
Je ne vois pas l'intérêt de prétendre le contraire.
Was there any particular reason for your filing suit on this exact date?
Pourquoi cette date?
If you love Albéric, and you do love him, there can't be any reason for you to hate Hervé!
Si vous aimez Albéric - et vous l'aimez - vous n'avez aucune raison de détester Hervé.
I I can't see any reason for it. If a woman like Martha runs away from her husband, there must be a reason.
Si une femme comme Martha part, il y a une raison.
Do you know if she had any reason for calling Miss Hayden on the telephone last night?
Savez-vous pourquoi elle a appelé madame Hayden hier soir?
For business or any other reason.
Je ne ferai aucune exception.
Now, now, I know you're not doing this for any mercenary reason.
Je sais, c'est par bonté.
If there's any reason for these two arms to be in existence, it's to protect you.
La seule raison d'être de ces bras est de vous protéger.
Is that any reason for philip to dislike me?
C'est pour ça qu'il me déteste?
You are to arrest any person, man or woman... who cannot give a satisfactory reason for being in the park.
Arrêtez toute personne, homme ou femme... qui ne peut justifier de manière satisfaisante sa présence dans le parc.
Mother, Helen wouldn't have any reason for refusing to give it to you.
Mère, Helen n'a aucune raison de refuser de te le donner.
By the way, I don't see that this need be any reason for canceling... tonight's little gathering.
Bien entendu, cela ne doit pas influer sur notre petite soirée.
In view of Mr. Nugent's reputation I see no reason for exposing him to any unnecessary publicity.
Vu la réputation de M. Nugent... je ne vois aucune raison de le soumettre à de la publicité inutile.
There wasn't any reason for you to say that unless you liked me.
Il n'y avait aucune raison de dire ça si vous ne m'aimez pas bien.
I was sent here today for one reason... to tell you that if there's any more trouble... if this prison isn't brought under the strictest control... - Mr. McCallum... - There will be an immediate change in practically all personnel.
On m'envoie vous dire que s'il y a encore des troubles, si un ordre strict n'est pas assuré, il y aura un changement immédiat dans tout le personnel.
Not for any real reason, but mistakenly and ignorantly.
Sans véritable raison, mais par erreur, par ignorance.
Is there any reason why we can not leave for the settlement at once instead of tomorrow?
Partons sans attendre demain.
And if my humble opinion is of any value to you... the little lady may have sent that wire for just that reason.
Et, si vous voulez mon humble avis, si cette petite dame a envoyé ce télégramme
You wouldn't have handled her that way in the box for any other reason.
Vous n'auriez pas agi comme ça autrement.
But the prices! I couldn't see any reason for throwing away our good money.
Je ne voyais pas pourquoi on gaspillerait notre argent.
And personally, I think a chicken is as good a reason for murder as a blonde, a mattress full of dollar bills, or any of the customary, unimaginative reasons.
Je trouve qu'un poulet justifie autant un meurtre qu'une blonde, un matelas rempli de billets de banque, ou n'importe quelle raison ennuyeuse habituelle.
For any particular reason?
Pour une raison en particulier?
Is there any.. reason for this?
Y a-t-il une explication?
for anyone 32
for anything 45
for any of us 20
for anybody 17
reason 73
reasons 43
reasonable 43
reasonable doubt 18
reasonably 25
for as long as i can remember 39
for anything 45
for any of us 20
for anybody 17
reason 73
reasons 43
reasonable 43
reasonable doubt 18
reasonably 25
for as long as i can remember 39
for all intents and purposes 51
for all i care 74
for a while 430
for all i knew 20
for a few days 45
for all you know 82
for all we know 381
for all i know 267
for all of us 271
for all our sakes 38
for all i care 74
for a while 430
for all i knew 20
for a few days 45
for all you know 82
for all we know 381
for all i know 267
for all of us 271
for all our sakes 38
for all of it 31
for all eternity 28
for a while now 24
for a while there 37
for a walk 37
for all of you 34
for a change 108
for a year 68
for a second there 70
for an hour 41
for all eternity 28
for a while now 24
for a while there 37
for a walk 37
for all of you 34
for a change 108
for a year 68
for a second there 70
for an hour 41
for about 65
for a moment 206
for a week 61
for a very long time 38
for a drink 22
for a minute 130
for another 41
for a price 83
for a moment 206
for a week 61
for a very long time 38
for a drink 22
for a minute 130
for another 41
for a price 83