How was the Çeviri Fransızca
10,222 parallel translation
How was the tasting, by the way?
À propos, comment était la dégustation?
- How was the victim posed?
- Dans quelle position était la victime?
How was the Grand Canyon?
C'était comment le Grand Canyon?
How was the funeral?
Comment était l'enterrement?
How was the rest of the meeting this morning?
Comment s'est passé le reste de la réunion ce matin?
How was the snack machine?
C'était comment au distributeur de nourriture?
And... and when I was a kid, in 4th grade, I had this teacher who talked about how pesticides killed the birds and make the grass scream.
Et quand j'étais gamine, en CM1, j'avais ce professeur qui parlait de la manière dont les pesticides tuent les oiseaux et font crier l'herbe.
Their youngest kid posted on Facebook how he was gonna hang with the whole family that weekend.
Le plus jeune des garçons a mis un message sur Facebook expliquant que toute la famille se réunirait ce week-end là.
When the judge heard how deep I was undercover with the Vagos, he agreed to help keep my cover safe by throwing out all the charges against everyone, except Schizo.
Quand le juge a compris l'importance de ma couverture chez les Vagos, il a accepté de garder ma couverture en sécurité en enlevant les charges de tout le monde, sauf Schizo.
Not sure how you figured out which one of you was gonna hit the other with the wrench, but since he's the one in the hospital, I'm guessing he's not quite as sharp as you.
Je ne sais pas comment vous avez décidé lequel d'entre vous allait frapper l'autre, mais comme lui est à l'hôpital, vous devez être le plus malin.
So, you know what I thought was weird about Florida is that there were no drugs found in any of the victims'systems. Which is strange,'cause I figured that's how he was controlling them.
Ce qui était bizarre en Floride, c'est qu'il n'y avait aucune drogue dans leur sang, étrange, car je pensais qu'il les maîtrisait comme ça.
You have no clue how hard it was for me to raise you and the sacrifices that I made.
Tu n'as pas idée à quel point c'était dur pour moi de t'élever et les sacrifices que j'ai fait.
No word on how the man's blood was drained, or if this might be related to a series of similar murders that have taken place in the city over the past few weeks.
On ignore comment il a pu être vidé de son sang, et si cette affaire est liée à la série de meurtres qui se sont déroulés en ville ces dernières semaines.
I mean, I heard what you did to those hipsters a couple weeks ago, about how you were ready to off The Countess's kids, but I thought it was just tall tales.
J'avais entendu parler de ce que tu avais fait à ces hipsters il y a quelques semaines, que tu étais prête à tuer les enfants de La Comtesse, mais j'ai pensé c'était juste de grandes histoires.
But at the moment, I'm more interested in how Tracy was able to get across the mountain ash.
Mais pour le moment, ce qui m'intéresse est comment elle a pu traverser le sorbier.
So all I have to do is post on this fan board how I found my childhood Ookla the Mok lunch box while I was cleaning my parents place out.
Je vais poster sur ce forum que j'ai trouvé ma vieille boîte Ookla chez mes parents.
How long was it from the time that he was arrested until he got out of jail on bail?
Combien de temps y a-t-il eu entre le moment de son arrestation et celui de sa mise en liberté sous caution?
But what was the debt, whom did he kill, and how did it cost him his life?
mais quelle était la dette, qui a-t-il tué, et comment ça lui a coûté la vie?
The physician was asking how the king seemed before he collapsed.
Le médecin a demandé comment il était avant de s'effondrer.
You know, a little heads-up that the girl I'm dating was gonna retract a statement she made in a case that I closed would have been nice, seeing how it could affect my job.
Tu sais, me mettre au courant que la fille avec qui je sors allait retirer une déclaration qu'elle a faite dans une enquête que j'ai close ça aurait été sympa, de voir comment cela aurait pu affecter mon boulot.
How about the fight you had the day he was killed?
Et qu'en est-il de la dispute que vous avez eue le jour de sa mort?
I know how excited he was about his job, and the first day he gets there he didn't come back after his dinner.
Il était excité par son nouveau boulot. Et le premier jour, il revient pas après le déjeuner.
breathing down my neck... trying to sign me up for team witch... oh, oh, and moaning how the one good year for music was 1723...
Elle essaie de me convertir à la sorcellerie. Et de me convaincre que 1723 était le top en matière de musique.
If the gas tank didn't rupture and nothing electrical was burned, then how did the fire start?
Si le réservoir n'est pas cassé et que rien d'électrique n'a grillé, alors comment le feu a commencé?
See, that's how I got into soapmaking...'cause daddy always said it was important to use all parts of the animal.
C'est comme ça que je me suis mise à la fabrication de savon... car papa a toujours dit que c'était important d'utiliser toutes les parties de l'animal.
And his answer was "I don't have any knowledge of how the Westchester D.A. operates"
Il m'a répondu : "Je n'ai aucune idée des intentions de la procureure de Westchester", ou quelque chose du genre.
How monstrous. In truth, the imp was nothing but a carrion crow caught by the leg in a griddle.
En vérité, il s'agissait d'une corneille avec la patte coincée dans la grille.
- How much was the mortgage?
- Combien était l'hypothèque?
Okay, but how did you know it was the right place for you?
Mais comment avez-vous su que c'était la bonne voix pour vous?
How about the fact that when this guy was working for Reiden, somehow Leo Butler created a bacteria that caused those wolves
Et le fait que quand il travaillait pour Reiden, Leo Butler a créé une bactérie qui pousse les loups
Man, she was really into this- - each jar had its own entry with a photo, description, the date she bought it, how much she paid.
Elle était vraiment à fonds dedans - - chaque pot a sa propre entrée avec une photo, une description, la date à laquelle elle l'a acheté, combien elle a payé.
You wanna tell me how your new band of brothers got tipped off the raid was coming?
Tu va me dire comment ta nouvelle bande de potes ont été avertis de la venue du raid?
I remember the moment that we met, the moment that we fell in love, how much I didn't want to love you, but it was like- - it was like I was being swept up into a current.
Je me souviens du moment où on s'est rencontré, du moment où on est tombés amoureux, combien je ne voulais pas t'aimer, mais c'était comme... comme si j'étais emportée par un courant.
How quickly I was thrown out of the castle when it was politically expedient.
Comment j'ai été jetée du château rapidement, quand c'était politiquement opportun.
In the alternate reality we spoke about how grief was weighing you down.
Dans la réalité alternative nous avons discuté du fait que tes griefs pèsent sur toi.
How the hell did you know I was coming?
Comment savais-tu que j'allais venir.
Julia... How was it, being back with the kinship?
C'était comment, de revenir à la parenté?
You know, I was just thinking about how great it'll be to do this in the middle of winter.
Je pensais à comment ça serait génial de faire ça en milieu d'hiver.
So as he was walking me home, we passed by the swing set, and I'm like, "How about you push me on those swings?"
Tandis qu'on marchait jusque chez moi, on est passés devant les balançoires. et je sors "Si tu me poussais dessus?"
Jenna told me that nobody in the house was even allowed to talk about how Lance was gay.
Jenna m'a dit que personne à la maison n'était autorisée à parler sur le fait que Lance était gay.
An explanation as to how someone was aware of the transgressions of a sex offender and the dalliance of a cougar and her cub reporter.
Qui explique comment quelqu'un savait pour les transgressions d'un délinquant sexuel et la mésalliance d'une couguar et de son lionceau-reporter.
Maybe she got the idea from seeing how easy it was for these people to frame her husband.
Peut-être qu'elle a cette idée en voyant combien il était facile pour ces gens de leurrer son mari.
So, I thought it was interesting how you just happened to spot the suspect, took a whole stash house down.
Intéressant, la façon dont vous êtes tombée sur le suspect et avez trouvé le stock.
- How did you know the gun was empty?
- Comment saviez-vous que l'arme était vide?
Now this is an example of how powerful by 1941 the American Mafia was.
C'est un exemple de la puissance de la Mafia américaine, en 1941.
I think it's very difficult for people in our time really to understand how widespread the corruption in New York City at that time was.
Il est très difficile à notre époque d'évaluer l'étendue de la corruption qui sévissait à New York, en ce temps-là.
How was that letter not intercepted before the internal handout?
Pourquoi ça n'a pas été interceptée avant la distribution interne?
The next day, I was approached by a Soviet operative who described how the Soviet Union welcomed "Men like me".
Le lendemain, j'ai été approché par un agent russe, qui m'a dit que l'URSS aimait "les hommes comme moi".
Well, how clever was it to take the child there in the first place?
Ce n'était pas malin de lui amener l'enfant.
How was it coming into town? The visitor center's something, huh?
Pas trop d'ennuis avec le centre des visiteurs?
How long ago was the accident?
Depuis combien de temps a eu lieu l'accident?
how was the party 44
how was the meeting 32
how was the trip 59
how was the game 25
how was the funeral 19
how was the flight 35
how was the movie 19
how was the wedding 21
how was the drive 16
how was your weekend 70
how was the meeting 32
how was the trip 59
how was the game 25
how was the funeral 19
how was the flight 35
how was the movie 19
how was the wedding 21
how was the drive 16
how was your weekend 70
how was your night 86
how was your day 546
how was your flight 94
how was work today 21
how was your evening 28
how was your week 21
how was your vacation 16
how was it 649
how was your trip 166
how was your first day 31
how was your day 546
how was your flight 94
how was work today 21
how was your evening 28
how was your week 21
how was your vacation 16
how was it 649
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how was your first day 31