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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ I ] / I got it covered

I got it covered Çeviri Fransızca

323 parallel translation
I got it covered, though.
Mais je m'en tire. Je suis magicien.
If this is about the facts of life, I got it covered.
S'il s'agit des choses de la vie, je suis déjà au courant.
I got it covered.
Je l'ai couvert.
I got it covered.
Je m'occupe de tout.
I got it covered.
J'ai tout prévu.
- Yeah, I got it covered.
- Je m'en occupe.
I'm telling you, I got it covered.
Je te le dis, j'ai tout prévu.
Stanley, relax. I got it covered.
Relax, Stanley, j'ai tout en main.
Relax, Curly, I got it covered.
Relax, Curly, je m'en occupe.
- I got it covered, Officer!
- Je la couvre, monsieur l'agent!
Yeah, I got it covered. - Yeah.
I got it covered.
C'est bon.
- I know. I got it covered.
- Je sais, j'ai tout prévu.
Hey, I got it covered.
Hé, je prends.
Don't worry. I got it covered. Make sure of it.
Ici, je m'en charge, mais le fric... c'est ta partie.
- I got it covered.
- Je maîtrise.
I got it covered, Logan.
J'ai la situation en main.
I got it covered.
Je gère.
That's OK, I got it covered.
Pas la peine, je m'en charge.
I got it covered. I'll go right down the middle like a bunny rabbit.
Je vais me débrouiller avec les dents de devant, comme un lapin.
If you get anything, call me. I've got it covered, sir!
.S'il y a quelque chose, prévenez moi.
I don't know. The way he's covered himself, it's got to be Fort Knox.
De la manière dont il en parle on dirait qu'il veut se faire Fort Knox.
Thanks for your advice, comrade, but I think I got it covered.
Merci, camarade, je sais ce que je fais.
- I got it covered.
Qui est-ce?
Trust me, all right? I got it all covered.
J'ai tout prévu.
Don't worry. I've got it covered.
T'inquiète, j'ai la situation en main.
Suck it up! I got you covered!
Je vous couvre.
- I-l got it covered. - Can we talk to you for a second, man?
- On peut vous parler?
I got it all covered.
Je m'en charge.
I've got it covered.
- Je m'en occupe.
I've got every contingency covered. Let's just do it.
J'ai tout prévu.
I've got it all covered this time.
Cette fois, j'ai tout prévu.
- I think you've pretty much got it covered.
- je crois que tu as fait le tour.
I've got it covered.
Je m'en occupe.
I hope you've got a new angle because it's all pretty much been covered.
J'espère que vous avez une autre approche, parce que tout a été dit.
- I've got it covered.
- Je fais ce qu'il faut.
- I think we got it covered, Dave.
- Ca ira, Dave.
I got it covered.
Laissez, je m'en charge.
I've got it covered.
C'est fait.
If this guy wants to fight with weapons, I've got it covered from A to Z. From axe to... zee other axe.
Je connais le maniement de toutes les armes sur le bout des doigts. Façon de parler.
I've got it covered.
Je vais le couvrir.
- I got it covered.
- Pas de problème.
Thanks for the offer, but I think we've got it covered.
Merci, mais on a la situation en main.
I think we got it pretty well covered from here.
Je pense qu'on a pas mal d'éléments.
- I've got it covered.
- On s'en occupe.
I got covered in it.
J'en étais couvert.
No, it's all right, I've got it covered.
C'est pas bien grave. Je vais vous passer de l'auto-bronzant.
But don't worry about it, I got it covered.
Mais t'inquiète, j'assure.
I've got it covered, but thanks.
Je m'en suis occupée, mais merci.
I've been watching him and I imagine you've been watching her, so between us we've got it covered.
Je le sais, je l'ai observé. Et toi, t'as dû l'observer elle. On est sûrs de notre coup.
Hey, as long as he's got it all covered, I'm gonna go check on something.
Vu qu'il s'occupe de tout, je vais vérifier un truc.

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