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I got your money Çeviri Fransızca

246 parallel translation
I got your money for you.
J'ai ton argent.
And I got your money.
Et j'ai ton fric.
- I got your money from him.
Je lui ai extirpé votre fric.
I got your money. It's just not here.
J'ai votre argent, mais pas sur moi.
Yo, yo, I got your money.
Voilà ton fric.
I got your money, boys. I just need to retrieve it.
J'ai votre fric, j'ai juste besoin d'aller le chercher.
Yeah, I got your money.
Ouais, je suis votre argent.
Yeah, hey, I got your money anyway.
Ouais, bon, je suis votre argent de toute façon.
- I hope you got your money. - You bet I did.
- J'espère que vous avez eu votre argent.
No, we don't want your money, but I'm sorry you've got this disease.
- Gardez votre argent. Je suis navré pour vous.
Well, you ain't got your hands on the Putnam money now, and I'm still asking you to marry me.
Vous n'avez plus l'argent de Putnam, et je vous demande en mariage.
I've got as much right to your money as you have.
J'ai autant le droit à ton argent que toi.
I'd have been brushed off just as soon as you got your hands on the money.
Et quand tu aurais encaissé, adieu.
I'll see your five... and I'll raise you... all the chips you've got, plus... all the money I owe you.
Que vous paraîtront ces 5000 dollars plus tout l'argent que vous avez déjà?
I've got your money for you.
J'ai votre argent.
Probably got that load for a buck, a buck and a half a box. I'm giving you more money than you've ever seen in your life.
Je vais te donner plus d'argent que t'as jamais vu de ta vie.
I've got bad news for you. I lost all your money.
Mauvaise nouvelle, j'ai perdu tout votre argent!
- I got your Texas money for you. - Hannah!
J'ai réuni l'argent.
I got a contract with you. You'll get your money every week as long as you stay in Arkansas.
Tu as un contrat, tu recevras ton argent chaque semaine tant que tu resteras dans l'Arkansas.
Mr Dennis, I've got a warrant for your arrest on the charge of demanding money with menaces from Wilfred Aintree.
- Du vent, oui. M. Dennis, je vous arrête pour avoir exigé de l'argent et menacé un certain Wilford Aintree.
I think he got himself a hot lead as to where your sister was going, probably from Norman Bates, and called you to keep you still while he took off after her and the money.
Il a dû apprendre où votre sœur était allée... en interrogeant Norman Bates... et il s'est empressé de courir après elle... et après l'argent!
- You've forgotten something. - Have I? In order to use all this money and go somewhere where your beauty and talents will be appreciated, you've got to be alive.
Pour utiliser cet argent là où votre beauté et votre talent seront appréciés, il faut être en vie!
If you don't want the money, that's your affair. But you've got no choice in this. You're gonna do as I say.
Libre à vous de refuser l'argent... mais vous ferez comme je vous dis.
Edwin, I've got your money.
Edwin, j'ai votre argent.
I said, "Alex, any man who takes your money and tells you he's got 138 pages in front of him and doesn't is nothing but a liar and a thief!"
Je lui ai dit : "Alex, un homme qui prendrait ton argent et jurerait avoir 138 pages de script alors que c'est faux, n'est autre qu'un escroc et un voleur!"
If you've got money, I used to say, you can have beautiful birds, handsome suits, a car of your own.
Des nanas de luxe, des beaux complets, des bagnoles sport.
You would have got your money and I would have got nothing.
Vous auriez eu l'argent et je n'aurais rien eu.
I don't need your money. I've got money of my own, 65 cents.
Je n'ai pas besoin de ton argent.
You have got your money and will run off shortly, I'll come back home. Ah! I care about one thing, Fabrizio!
Vous avez votre argent et allez vous enfuir d'ici peu, et je vais rentrer à la maison.
I ain't got your money.
Je n'ai pas ton fric!
Your daddy's got a lot of money and I haven't...
Ton paternel est plein aux as, moi pas.
I got the money the very next day of your arrest! Since that day, the money has been lying in an envelope in my pocket! Check it out...
Je les ai reçues dès votre arrestation, et depuis ce jour, je les porte sur moi dans une enveloppe scellée.
I've got the money for our journey to St. Petersburg and your salary.
J'ai l'argent de la route jusqu'à Petersbourg etj'ai vos gages.
I've got your money
J'ai votre argent.
I've got your money.
J'ai ton argent.
I'll bet that I can tell, within a buck either way how much money you've got in your pocket.
Je parie que je peux dire à un dollar près... combien d'argent vous avez sur vous.
Is that all you got to say is, "I'll get your money to you later."
C'est tout ce que tu as à dire?
- Called putting up your money. Herbert? - I got it, Alex.
Reprends tes 40 dollars!
No, I got it. I don't want to take your money.
J'en ai, garde ton fric.
Now, Mr. Escandero, I want you to know I've got something serious working on a couple of fronts, and you're gonna get your money.
M. Escondero, je veux que vous sachiez que je suis sur plusieurs gros coups.
Haven't I got enough money for your Karaoke Get the hell out of here
J'ai pas assez de thunes pour ton karaoké?
You've got my money. That's why I was worried how your luck was running.
Je demande pour la chance car vous avez mon argent.
I don't care if you are the mayor. I told you I'll give you your money when I got it to give you.
Maire ou pas... je vous donnerai l'argent quand je l'aurai.
But we've got doors to... Be careful with all that. If you ruin any more I'm gettin'it out of your bloody money, lad.
S'il y a de la casse, je retiens ça sur votre paie.
I need your help. I need you to find out how much money Gillors really got.
Aidez-moi à découvrir combien d'argent a vraiment Gillon.
I've got your money.
J'ai ton blé.
Well, I got to trust you. There's the payment of the money, and then there's your friends keeping their mouths shut.
Faut que je te fasse confiance, y a le fric... et y a tes amis qui doivent se la fermer.
I told you, motherfucker, I ain't got your money yet, man.
Je t'ai dit que je l'ai pas.
It was a good thing, and you should thank your lucky stars that I got that money out before that scumbag did.
J'ai bien fait, et tu devrais remercier ta bonne étoile que j'aie retiré cet argent avant cette ordure.
I got your money.
J'ai ton argent.
Well, I have got your money And you'll never see it
Je t'ai saigné à blanc, Tu reverras pas ton argent

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