She called him Çeviri Fransızca
342 parallel translation
And she called him, "Darling." I heard her asking him if he liked twin beds.
Elle l'a appelé "chéri" et lui a demandé s'il aimait les lits jumeaux.
She called him John Vincey.
elle l'a appelé John Vincey.
And she called him something.
Elle a employé un mot que j'ignorais!
She called him Harvey.
Oui, elle l'appelle Harvey.
Well, after she called him and broke a date, he went to bed.
Après qu'elle a annulé le rendez-vous, il est allé au lit.
She called him a name.
Elle l'a insulté.
She called him twice?
Elle l'a appelé deux fois?
- Hidaka, she called him.
- Hidaka. - Willy Hidaka?
I happened to know that Miss Number 63 wanted to mate her female Siamese cat. And I also knew that Mr. Number 78 had a male Siamese cat. So I told her, and she called him...
Je savais que mademoiselle 63 voulait accoupler sa chatte siamoise et que monsieur 78 avait un chat siamois, alors je lui ai dit et ils se sont tous mis ensemble.
That's what she called him.
- C'est ainsi qu'elle l'appelait.
That's why she called him a'mutter söhnchen'.
Cest pour ça quelle la traité de mutter soehnchen.
And she called him over and said... "...
Elle dit à son fils :
She called him George.
Elle l'a appelé George.
Your father used to call her Kate... and she called him Willie.
Votre père l'appelait Kate... et elle l'appelait Willie.
- Cut it out, okay? She called him Teddy.
Elle l'a appelé Teddy.
- She called him a chicken...
- Elle l'a appelée poule mouillée...
She called him Bogie.
Elle l'appelait Bogie.
She had known Stolz for a long time, she called him her friend, she liked him because he amused her, but she was a little afraid of him.
Elle connaissait Stolz depuis longtemps, elle lui donnait de l'ami, l'aimait pour ce qu'avec lui on ne s'ennuyait pas, mais le craignait aussi un peu.
Fifty-three times she called him.
Elle l'a appelé 53 fois.
- She called him. He'll be here.
- Elle l'a appelé, il va venir.
And when I called him at 2 : 00 in the morning, she answered the phone.
Et quand je l'ai appelé à 2 h du matin, c'est elle qui a répondu.
Miss Scarlett called him a murderer for teaching that child to jump. She said, "You give me my baby what you killed."
Scarlett le traitait d'assassin... pour avoir laissé la petite sauter.
Miss Stanley called up and said she was gonna use the car and for him not to bother.
Non, madame. Mlle Stanley a appelé pour dire qu'elle prenait la voiture et qu'il n'avait pas à venir.
She says you called Parry and told him you didn't want the car washed.
Tu as appelé Parry. Tu ne voulais pas laver la voiture parce que tu la prenais.
She called me first. Last week. She was worried about him.
Elle m'avait appelé la semaine dernière.
I called her and told her what I thought : She ought to hop a plane and come down here and cheer him up.
Je l'ai appelée pour lui dire de sauter dans un avion pour venir le réconforter.
He called me up one night, about 1 : 30, to find out if Barbara was here because she'd told him that she was...
Il cherchait Barbara. Il la croyait ici mais elle n'y était pas.
I'm trying to tell you August called me here to find out if Barbara was with me because she told him she was...
Mais elle n'était pas là.
The only time Momma ever called Poppa "Father" was when she was mad at him.
Les seules fois que maman appelait papa "père", c'était quand elle était fâchée contre lui.
Now, if he called his wife long distance on the day she left, after she arrived in Merritsville, why did she write a card to him saying that she'd arrived in Merritsville?
S'il avait appelé sa femme longue distance le jour de son départ, après son arrivée à Merritsville, pourquoi lui envoyer une carte pour lui dire qu'elle était bien arrivée?
Suppose that woman who called him Harry. Suppose she decides she loves him after all.
Supposons que cette femme qui l'a appelé Harry... décide qu'elle l'aime après tout.
- Doing what? She's teaching him an American dance called a fox trot.
Elle lui enseigne une danse :
She's living across him and she's called Valeria.
Elle habite en face et s'appelle Valeria mais pas de pot, elle l'a surpris en plein...
I already called him, but she's very sick.
Elle est très mal. Elle ne parle plus.
So she followed him back to Cocoa Beach a mythical town in a mythical state called Florida.
Alors, elle le suivit à Cocoa Beach, ville mythique de l'Etat mythique de Floride.
So she followed him back to Cocoa Beach a mythical town in a mythical state called Florida.
Elle le suivit donc à Cocoa Beach, une ville mythique de l'Etat mythique de Floride.
So she followed him back to Cocoa Beach a mythical town in a mythical state called Florida.
Alors, elle le suivit à Cocoa Beach, ville mythique dans l'Etat mythique de Floride.
The moment you let her know I was double-crossing them, she called Yussef to warn him.
Dés qu'elle a su par vous que je les doublais, elle a prévenu Yussef.
How once when she was visiting england she met an attractive young lad called Arthur invited him to her room so on.
Lors d'un voyage en Angleterre, elle a rencontré le jeune Arthur qu'elle a invité dans sa chambre... et ainsi de suite.
The cook called me, he'd found Miss Watkins in the kitchen. She'd told him. What was she doing in the kitchen?
Peu aprés 5 h par le cuisinier, qui avait trouvé l'infirmiére dans la cuisine.
She remembers your voice. So you often called him.
La standardiste l'a sûrement entendue souvent.
So she's called him.
Ainsi elle l'a invité.
He never said please, always called the operator a deaf cow and belched every time she asked him to repeat a number.
Il ne disait jamais s'il vous plaît, la traitait de sourdingue et rotait quand elle lui demandait de répéter un numéro.
Kay told me that Tom called from time to time, but she hadrt seen him.
Kay m'a dit que Tom appelait parfois, mais elle ne le voyait pas.
At the first blow, she cried out, She no longer called him a dirty pimp, but said, "Oh, God!"
Au premier coup, la fille cria "aïe", en le nommant "créature", et non plus "sale mec".
She's called him because she's been getting bad vibes all night.
Elle l'a appelé parce qu'elle recevait de mauvaises vibrations.
Afterwards, she called him a sneaking tradesman.
Ensuite, elle l'a traité de vulgaire commerçant.
She called and asked if it was ok for him to come over.
Elle a appelée et a demandé si on était ok pour qu'il vienne ici.
Maybe she called so you could talk her out of marrying him.
Peut-être qu'elle voulait que tu lui fasses changer d'avis.
She... She kneed you in the nuts and called him faggot in front of everybody.
Elle t'a frappé dans les couilles et traité de pédale devant les autres.
Well, Mr MacGyver said Amy called him last night and said she thought somebody was trying to kill her.
M. MacGyver dit qu'Amy l'a appelé hier soir parce qu'elle pensait qu'on essayait de la tuer.
she called you 54
she called me 136
she called 104
she called it 18
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
she called me 136
she called 104
she called it 18
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
she comes 18
she can't 238
she chose me 21
she came back 47
she can 125
she couldn't 58
she came 41
she came to me 61
she can't do that 47
she comes 18
she can't 238
she chose me 21
she came back 47
she can 125
she couldn't 58
she came 41
she came to me 61
she can't do that 47