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The very next day Çeviri Fransızca

165 parallel translation
The very next day she trotted a mile in two minutes flat.
Le jour d'après, elle a parcouru un kilomètre en deux minutes pile.
The very next day, someone tried to kill her.
Le jour suivant, on a tenté de la tuer.
The very next day I received a note from him. An invitation to come to his apartment.
Le lendemain, j'ai reçu un mot, une invitation à me rendre chez lui.
But I swam the very next day.
J'ai renagé le lendemain.
- And that night, she was dead. - Yes. - And the very next day, her body was cremated.
Le lendemain... son corps a été incinéré.
The very next day, he made good.
Avec succès.
I spoke to your father, and he promised me he'll send you to me the very next day.
J'ai parlé à votre père. Il m'a promis que vous viendriez le lendemain.
But he's putting all that behind him. He is getting married the very next day.
Mais il s'apprête à changer de vie, car il se marie le lendemain.
He turns around and, the very next day, sells it to Schofield Instrument for 300,000 shares of Schofield stock.
Le lendemain, il la vend à Schofield Instrument pour 300 000 actions Schofield.
Suppose I off the three clowns that you met, just to get us some air, three others would enter the stage on the very next day.
Si je flinguais les 3 clowns, histoire d'aérer... y en aurait vite 3 autres.
I would have come the very next day!
Je voulais revenir le lendemain...
George seemed so recovered from his attack of malaria that we left for Kiunga the very next day wondering how Elsa would react to the sight of her first ocean.
George semblait avoir si bien récupéré depuis sa malaria, que nous partîmes pour Kiunga le lendemain, curieux de voir la réaction d'Elsa pour son premier contact avec l'océan.
The very next day some whities had both jobs.
Le lendemain, c'est des Blancs qui ont été pris.
And the very next day, your friend and humble narrator was a free man.
Et le lendemain, votre ami et humble narrateur... était un homme libre.
There will be whole days when you won't sell a bean but you will go out the very next day and hit the jackpot.
Pendant de longues journées, vous ne vendrez pas un seul grain, mais le lendemain même, vous décrocherez le gros lot.
But the very next day, in a river or Tokyo Bay.
Mais c'est risqué en même temps.
So he ran up on the lion the very next day.
II alla à la rencontre du lion le lendemain même.
I got the money the very next day of your arrest! Since that day, the money has been lying in an envelope in my pocket! Check it out...
Je les ai reçues dès votre arrestation, et depuis ce jour, je les porte sur moi dans une enveloppe scellée.
And the very next day, a slave who was washing the floor noticed a loose tile.
Et le lendemain même, un esclave qui nettoyait le sol a remarqué une dalle descellée.
Shit fire, Carl! Why down there? In California, you just plop a seed in the ground and it sprouts the very next day.
Et merde Carl, en Californie... tu colles une graine dans le sol, et tu trouves une pousse le lendemain.
Died the very next day.
Le lendemain.
Then, the very next day, when they were getting ready to go away on the honeymoon one of the horses went wild rearing out of control, and it killed her, his bride.
Mais quand le lendemain la préparation de la lune de miel l'un des chevaux est devenu fou, tuer sa femme.
Yeah, and because I fought with the coach... the very next day, you and Rodney slug it out.
Comme je me suis battu, le lendemain, tu as affronté Rodney.
Two is Peggy'll win the lottery the very next day.
Peggy gagnera au loto le lendemain de mon enterrement. Et trois :
The very next day I get a call from the lab.
Le lendemain, le labo m'appelle.
The very next day, she reported me to the American Embassy.
Le lendemain, elle m'a signalé à l'ambassade américaine.
She's pouring cream. The very next day I happened to hear the two people closest to her say... she never takes cream.
Le lendemain, j'entends 2 personnes de son entourage dire qu'elle ne prend jamais de crème!
I wrote the letter on September 1st, so we'll send you back the very next day,
La lettre date du 1 er septembre. On t'envoie le jour suivant le 2 septembre.
After chasing the other humans off, new faces appeared the very next day.
Après avoir chassé les humains, d'autres arrivaient dès le lendemain.
And they found their bodies The very next day
On retrouva leurs cadavres Le lendemain
And then the very next day I got my first period.
Et le lendemain, j'ai eu mes premières règles.
It was the very next day that he arrived.
Il est apparu le jour d'après.
And he killed himself the very next day.
Et il s'est tué dès le lendemain.
And then you showed up the very next day.
Mais tu es revenu le lendemain.
The very next day, I'd be willing to go.
Je le suivrai le jour suivant.
But the very next day, it was all his big idea.
Mais dès le lendemain, l'idée était de lui
The very next day, I got my best friend, Sally, to cover the shift for me.
Le lendemain, mon amie Sally m'a remplacée à l'hôpital.
The very next day the very next day I get a note, the blackmail note, Asking me for the same amout of money he asked me for.
Le lendemain même, je reçois une lettre pour exiger la même somme
The very next day. Ten thousand dollars.
Le lendemain. 10 000 $
This was the latest issue we found, which most likely indicates the paper shut down or was shut down the very next day.
C'est le dernier numéro qu'on a trouvé, ce qui indiquerait que le journal a fermé ou a été fermé dès le lendemain.
But when I said I was taking the train back to Seattle the next day,... she got serious again and very quiet.
Mais en apprenant que je partais à Seattle le lendemain, elle est redevenue grave et s'est tue.
Well, you see, I'm a very moody person and one day I'll feel great and the next day I'll feel so low I can't stand myself.
Pas du tout. Tu sais, je suis très lunatique. Un jour, je me sens bien, le lendemain, je suis au plus bas, je me déteste.
felt very well the next day.
Je... je me suis senti très bien le lendemain.
The very next damn day, after we was working...
Pile le jour suivant, après la fin du boulot...
That doesn't make any sense because the next day that very same car ran down Mr. Merrill.
Ça n'a aucun sens... parce que le lendemain, la même voiture a renversé M. Merrill.
Riding the rapids in the Pyrenees Mountains one day, and the next, crossing half the world to help out a friend with a very weird problem in a very strange part of the Amazon.
Un jour, je descends les rapides des pyrénées, le lendemain, je traverse la planète pour aider un ami qui a un drôle de problème dans une zone étrange d'Amazonie.
I can't very well do that if I'm gonna be in the next county all day, can I?
Je ne peux pas faire ça si je suis dans un autre comté toute la journée, hein? - Je suppose que non.
All I know is, the next day they had high fevers... and their faces got very fat.
Je ne suis pas docteur, mais ils ont eu beaucoup de fievre... et le visage tout gonflé.
No, it's... it's just that I have so many tasks and... one day is very like the next. Brother Cadfael told Brother Porter that you were headed for the horse-fair stables.
C'est dur d'y croire, très dur.
One day the girl from the next room came in. A very young hooker who'd become my friend.
Un après-midi ma voisine est venue me voir, une pute très jeune qui était une amie.
[Honeyman] The next day, the infantry was moving into the city, and we got some very good street fighting.
Le lendemain, l'infanterie pénétrait dans la ville, et on a pu bien filmer les combats dans les rues.

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