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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ T ] / The very idea

The very idea Çeviri Fransızca

408 parallel translation
The very idea. Couldn't you find any other place to sleep on but my picture?
Désolé, chéri... tu es forcé de faire ta sieste sur ma photo?
- The very idea.
- Quelle honte.
The very idea that we could touch his armoire!
Rien qu'à l'idée qu'on pourrait toucher à son armoire!
The very idea!
Quelle idée!
The very idea. That's the only language those poor heathens understand, sir.
C'est le seul langage qu'ils comprennent.
- The very idea, imagine the nerve...
- Imaginez un peu...
Me? Insulting to a lumberman? Why, the very idea is preposterous.
Moi, insulter des bûcherons?
- The very idea of delivering a thing like this to the front door.
C'est ridicule d'amener une telle chose ici!
Well, the very idea!
Quelle idée!
Why, the very idea that I should have to spend my honeymoon watching her paint in watercolors just because she's like somebody from the buttercup family, I...
Quand je pense que je pourrais passer mon voyage de noces... à la regarder peindre des aquarelles... parce qu'elle me fait penser à un bouton d'or, je...
- Not me. - The very idea!
- Quelle idée!
Why, the very idea. My own husband talking about things like this with the printer.
Mais l'idée que mon mari parle de ces choses avec...
The very idea, just because it was Stanley's car.
Tout ça parce que c'était la voiture de Stanley.
The very idea of putting a Dauphin up a tree!
On n'a pas idée de mettre un Dauphin dans un arbre!
That's the very idea i had at the bar.
C'est exactement l'idée que j'ai eue au bar.
The very idea of having some assistant call me!
Il demande à un assistant de le faire!
- The very idea.
Je suis folle.
The very idea of asking me for money to gamble upon racehorses!
Comment osez-vous me demander de l'argent pour parier aux courses?
The very idea, leaving me sitting in that cafe like a nun. Alone.
Me laisser comme ça seule dans ce café, comme une nonne.
The very idea of entering a woman's boudoir without knocking!
Comment osez-vous entrer sans frapper?
- Me mind boggles at the very idea.
J'en reviens pas!
"The very idea that such a plot," "as he suggested, might even exist," "seems to me to be in the realms of fantasy."
L'idée même qu'un tel complot, comme il le suggérait, puisse exister, me paraît être le fruit d'une imagination débordante.
Thank you very much You have no idea what's going on with the television or who savagely killed our beloved blanche
Vous ne savez pas ce qui se passe avec la télévision ni qui a pu tuer sauvagement notre Blanche bien-aimée.
Well, sir, in view of your reputation on this side of the water... I had an idea that my body in its present condition... might be very interesting to you.
Compte tenu de votre réputation de ce côté de l'océan, j'ai pensé que l'état actuel de mon corps pourrait vous intéresser.
And the law doesn't know that a lot of things that were very important to me silly things, maybe, like a belief in justice and an idea that men were civilized and a feeling of pride that this country of mine was different from all others.
La loi ignore que nombre de choses qui m'étaient fondamentales, la foi en la justice, l'idée que les hommes sont civilisés, la fierté de savoir mon pays différent des autres, elle ignore que ces choses ont péri dans les flammes.
We can't just pop out of the building with no place to go. That's a very bad idea.
Ce serait une très mauvaise idée de sortir d'ici sans projet.
But I'm very anxious to know have you had any idea, in the connection with that note?
- Non. Je brûle d'impatience. Avez-vous eu des idées sur ce mot?
- Oh, yes, yes, but it might be a very good idea if you got into the habit of knocking when coming into a room.
- Oui, oui, mais il serait de bon ton de prendre l'habitude de frapper avant d'entrer dans une pièce.
- And a very good idea too. - Now I know who got the dog act drunk.
- La soûlerie s'éclaire.
You know, Inspector, I had the very same idea.
Vous savez Inspecteur, j'avais la même idée.
Oh, he thinks he's very clever, that Wilson. His idea was to horrify me into telling him about the little man.
Il se croit malin Wilson, il voulait que je parle du petit homme.
And if you'll allow me to say so, Mr Hanray.. I find the idea of my small son corrupting anyone rather absurd. If I didn't I should be very angry.
Sauf votre respect, je trouve vos propos plutôt absurdes, pour ne pas dire révoltants.
The idea originally was to bring you a piece of very tragic news.
Originellement, l'idée était de vous rapporter une très mauvaise nouvelle.
The truth is, he's very excited about the idea of having a new kind of show.
La vérité est, qu'il est très excité de l'idée d'avoir un nouveau genre de spectacle.
What do you think I should do? The idea of getting married is very strange for me.
Je ne me vois pas mariée.
That's a very good idea about the research endowment.
Très bien, l'idée d'un don à un centre d'études. Et ensuite?
And for which the sentence has already been carried out upon a very young man, with, as you put it, an idea.
Et pour laquelle la condamnation a déjà été prononcée? Sur un très jeune homme, qui avait, comme vous le dites, une idée.
Well, not in so many words... but the idea is very appealing, and the money is a strong temptation.
Pas avec autant de mots... mais l'idée est très attrayante, et l'argent le tente fortement.
It's a very good idea to put the counter there.
C'est une très bonne idée de mettre le comptoir ici.
The men gave me a very good idea.
Les autres m'ont donné une idée.
Mm-hmm, yes, yes, that's a very good idea and iwilltake that up with the producer.
J'ai jamais vu un comédien qui gagnait aussi souvent.
You haven't any idea? I'm no wiser than the day our John sat at this very table and read it out.
Ils me sourient tous, mais dès que je tourne le dos :
I mean, of course, the whole idea is in a very preliminary stage.
Nous n'en sommes qu'au stade préliminaire.
I can't imagine what put the idea into my head, for, to give this fellow his due, he was very well dressed.
Pour lui rendre justice, il était fort bien mis.
Particularly as my own minister was so enthusiastic, but the very exhaustive tests that I have made show that DN6 is totally destructive. Well that was the idea wasn't it?
D'autant que mon propre ministre se montrait si enthousiaste, mais la batterie très exhaustive de tests que j'ai pu faire montre que le DN6 est totalement destructeur.
I have a very good idea, I hope, I pray, of what the recall code is.
Je crois et j'espère avoir trouvé, Dieu merci, le code de rappel.
To me, the idea of killing someone... for publicity always seemed to be a very amusing idea.
L'idée de tuer pour de la publicité m'a toujours enthousiasmé.
Ah, that's a very good idea, I've not eaten since the...
Bonne idée, - je n'ai pas mangé depuis... PRIAM :
The Egyptians thought that it was a very good idea otherwise they wouldn't have brought it in here.
Les Égyptiens pensaient que c'était une très bonne idée, sinon ils ne l'auraient pas amenée ici.
You any idea what caused the collapse, gentlemen? Oh yes, this is all very simple.
Savez-vous pourquoi elle s'est arrêtée?
The nightgown's a very good idea, but I don't think it's necessary.
La chemise de nuit est charmante, mais elle ne sera pas nécessaire.

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