They didn't care Çeviri Fransızca
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Bluffing as though death doesn't mean anything. Trying to live for the moment as if they didn't care a hang about going up tomorrow- - And never coming back.
Essayant de vivre l'instant... comme s'ils ne devaient pas voler demain... pour ne pas revenir.
Maybe they didn't care about my threats.
Peut-etre se fichaient-ils de mes menaces?
I was determined to prevent her marrying you. Nobody else would do a thing! They didn't care.
J'étais la seule prête à tout pour l'empêcher de t'épouser!
Maybe they didn't care about my threats.
Peut-être se fichaient-ils de mes menaces?
Of course, at first, they didn't get on too good, her thinking he'd traded her for a profit and him making out like he don't care this way or that.
Bien sûr, au début, ils ne s'entendaient pas bien. Elle pensait qu'il l'avait échangée pour s'enrichir. Lui, il faisait semblant de ne pas s'intéresser à elle.
Before they didn't want the war, but now they're in the mood for it. I don't care about anyone anymore, you know?
La guerre, ça ne vous disait rien et maintenant vous voulez vous battre!
They didn't care that you saw them?
Ça ne les gênait pas d'être vus?
If that fancy training of yours didn't cover the care in handling of millionaires... what is it they were teaching you, then?
Si vous ne savez pas comment on apprivoise les millionnaires, que vous a-t-on enseigné à Rome?
I said I didn't care as long as they didn't call me Piggy.
Je t'avais dit que je m'en fichais pourvu qu'on ne m'appelle pas Piggy.
And I didn't care what they'd do because I'd come to the end of me.
Sans me soucier des conséquences... parce que pour moi, c'était fini.
They started on algebra. I didn't care what X stood for, so I quit.
J'ai jamais rien compris à leur algèbre ni à ce qu'était X.
They didn't care.
Ils s'en moquaient.
They were just sitting... like they didn't care. About whatever was happening.
Ils étaient assis, comme ça, comme s'ils se moquaient de mourir.
My folks, they didn't care too much.
Seize ans. Mes parents étaient contents de me voir partir.
Sorry I didn't make my move any quicker... but I had to be sure they Was in no mood to care.
Je ne suis pas venu aussi vite que J'aurais dé... mais iI fallait être sêr que Ie champ serait libre.
He didn't say what exactly it was... those rebellious boatmen are not civilians... he said that they should be taken care of with force as mobs.
Il ne l'a pas expliqué clairement. Il pense qu'ils sont indignes de notre peuple et qu'ils ne comprendront que la manière forte.
They didn't even ask that. They didn't care about the Father.
Ils demandent même pas, ils s'en foutent.
I knew I was making them sick and that they didn't care about me.
J'ai compris qu'ils me méprisent, que je ne suis rien pour eux.
Why do you care? They didn't get you.
Ils vous ont raté, c'est le principal.
I even lied to them, but they didn't seem to care.
J'ai même menti, mais ils semblaient s'en moquer.
They didn't care.
Ils s'en foutaient.
They didn't care about dangers of the forest they faced to the fierce and the unknown and kept the civilization away in order to find legendaries King Solomon's Mines or Elephant's Cemetery that guarded a fortune in ivory.
Ils n'attachent aucune importance aux dangers de la forêt, ils doivent faire face à la férocité de ce monde inconnu, loin de toute civilisation. Ils sont à la recherche des légendaires Mines du roi Salomon, ou du cimetière des éléphants qui recèle une fortune en ivoire.
Martin's voice : for a long time, I didn't care if they'd kill me.
À une époque, je n'avais pas peur de mourir.
You didn't care how flammable or unsafe they were.
Peu importe qu'elles soient dangereuses.
I didn't ask you who yet. I don't care. They ain't here.
Mais il s'agissait de cinq petites filles du Vermont qui avaient perdu leur maîtresse.
My girls, sir they didn't care for the Overlook at first.
Mes gamines... ne se plaisaient pas à l'Overlook, au début.
Look, I don't care what they say. I didn't steal a thing.
Je sais pas ce qu'on raconte, j'ai rien volé.
And what's more they didn't take good care of it.
Ils m'ont soigné comme des manches.
I've probably set hearts aflame. But they belonged to people I didn't care about, so I never noticed.
J'ai sans doute allumé des feux en des gens, des gens qui ne me plaisaient pas, alors, je ne l'ai même pas remarqué.
I didn't want to, but I didn't care if they did so I watched.
Je ne voulais pas, mais je m'en fichais s'ils le faisaient, je regardais.
They didn't much care for anything else. Cus all they wanted to do was be with each other.
Ils se moquaient du reste, parce qu'ils ne voulaient qu'une chose, être ensemble.
I thought you said you didn't care whether they chaperoned or not.
Je croyais que tu t'en fichais qu'ils supervisent ou pas.
By october, they didn't care if you wore pants.
Dès octobre, tu venais en caleçon.
They said they didn't need the money, just take care of it.
Ils m'ont dit de m'en occuper, ils se fichent du pognon.
You think, " "They wouldn't be doing this if they didn't care about me, right?" "
Je me dis, "Elles ne feraient pas ca si je leur étais indifférent, pas vrai?"
"Them was hand loading'days, they paid you by the ton and they didn't care no more for a man than they done for a draft mule."
On chargeait à la main, à l'époque. On vous payait à la tonne, et on ne se préoccupait pas plus d'un homme que d'une foutue mule.
And as I was very good with martingale, I won the bank every night. So they banned me, but I didn't care, because by that time,
Et comme j'étais très fort en martingale, je faisais sauter la banque chaque soir, donc j'ai été interdit de jeu, mais ça m'a été indifférent puisque, à ce moment-là, j'ai eu les moyens de m'offrir les services d'une baby-sitter.
But we could not bring out the fact... that they had said that they were gonna get that reward money... and that they didn't care whether they saw anything or not... but their car was too steamed up.
Mais on n'a pas réussi à leur faire dire qu'ils voulaient l'argent de la récompense et qu'ils se fichaient d'avoir vu quelque chose ou pas, et que leur voiture était trop embuée.
They pretend they didn't care but they did, like Miss Hayes and Mr. Addison.
Ils disent en vain ne pas s'aimer, comme Mlle Hayes et M. Addison.
They were oblivious to everything. They didn't care.
Ils se fichent éperdument des autres.
They didn't care where I was.
Ils se fichaient d'où j'étais.
They didn't care.
Ils s'en fichaient.
They didn't care about you.
Ils l'ont pas fait pour vous.
I didn't care that they loved, cheered, and adored Babe Ruth... I did care that they respected his ball playing.
Je me foutais qu'ils adorent, acclament et idolâtrent Babe Ruth, mais pas qu'ils respectent son jeu.
I thought they didn't care about the mission.
La mission ne les intéressait pas.
Everybody loved them and they didn't care.
On les adorait.
They didn't care how many people were here.
Ils ne voulaient pas connaître les chiffres.
They didn't care it was him.
Lui ou un autre!
And it ain't got no consideration or no feeling who it's aiming'at, just like they didn't care about killing my baby.
Il se moque de savoir sur qui il tire, tout comme ils se moquaient de tuer mon bébé.
They found people they knew didn't have Ne the boys have been in a little bit of trouble, they thought we didn't care, they were wrong.
Ils ont trouvé des gens pauvres, des garçons qui avaient eu des ennuis, ils pensaient qu'on s'en fichait.
The prosecution didn't have any evidence, but they don't care.
- Oui. L'accusation n'avait aucune preuve, mais ils s'en fichent.
they didn't 372
they didn't find anything 25
they didn't say anything 21
they didn't believe me 20
they didn't say 45
they didn't tell me 30
they didn't make it 32
they didn't do it 18
they didn't tell you 30
they didn't know 28
they didn't find anything 25
they didn't say anything 21
they didn't believe me 20
they didn't say 45
they didn't tell me 30
they didn't make it 32
they didn't do it 18
they didn't tell you 30
they didn't know 28
they didn't do anything 22
care 163
careful 3883
carey 38
career 87
carefully 201
careless 29
carefree 22
caretaker 29
careful what you wish for 32
care 163
careful 3883
carey 38
career 87
carefully 201
careless 29
carefree 22
caretaker 29
careful what you wish for 32