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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / What have you heard

What have you heard Çeviri Fransızca

557 parallel translation
- What have you heard?
- Que sais-tu?
Jane, what have you heard from Bill?
Jane, tu as des nouvelles de Bill?
- What have you heard about that?
Que savez-vous?
- What have you heard other?
- Qu'avez-vous entendu d'autre?
What have you heard?
Qu'est-ce qu'on vous a raconté?
What have you heard and who from?
Qu'est-ce que tu as entendu dire?
What have you heard, Shane?
Que t'a-t-on dit?
What have you heard?
Qu'avez-vous entendu?
- What have you heard?
- Quelles nouvelles?
What have you heard about?
Qu'avez-vous entendu dire au juste?
And what have you heard from our Anna?
Comment va notre chère Anna?
What have you heard?
Qu'avez-vous entendu dire?
What have you heard generally?
Qu'avez-vous entendu en général?
What have you heard?
- Pourquoi? - Que sais-tu de lui?
But you've heard what Sir Gregory and Mr. Raglan have to say.
Tu as écouté Sir Gregory et M. Raglan.
I think you will have, Lord Dean, when you've heard what I've got to say.
Écoutez ce que j'ai à dire.
- Have you ever heard of the 39 Steps? - No, what's that?
- Avez-vous déjà entendu parler des 39 marches?
Have you ever heard what else that man said?
Sais-tu ce qu'il a dit, aussi?
You should have heard what she said a few minutes ago.
Vous auriez dû entendre ce qu'elle a dit.
You heard what he said. You gotta have a kid.
Il faut avoir un enfant.
What have you heard?
Que dit-on?
Oh, I know what you must have heard, Mr...
Je sais ce que vous avez dû entendre, M...
If your mouth can say what your eyes have seen before they turned blind, then you " ll have to be heard.
Si votre bouche peut dire ce que vos yeux ont vu avant de devenir aveugle, Alors vous devrez être entendu.
What you have heard is a girl caught hopelessly between two men... who have fought over her as dogs fight over a bone.
Vous avez entendu une fille désespérément coincée entre deux hommes qui se battaient pour elle comme des chiens pour un os.
- What have you heard?
- Quoi d'autre?
If only 10 percent of what we heard is true, you'll have nothing to kick about.
Arrêtez de râler, vous verrez : s'il y a du vrai là-dedans...
What, at any time, have you heard her say?
A tel ou tel moment, que lui avez-vous entendu dire?
You ought to have heard Mrs Burnside when we told her what you'd done.
Tu as eu peur des reproches de Mr et Mme Burnside
- What are you going to do with that? - Have you ever heard of Russian roulette?
Tu connais la roulette russe?
Comment t'as pu l'entendre?
You've heard me preaching it for years but you didn't have the wits to know what you were hearing.
Je tiens ce discours depuis des années, mais vous étiez trop sot pour comprendre ce que je disais.
Peut-être, mais...
Well, you might have heard what Mr. Quint said earlier?
Ah, n'avez-vous pas entendu, ce que monsieur Quint a dis?
You should have seen what we walked into. Yeah, I heard.
- Tu aurais dû voir dans quoi on est arrivés.
- You heard what Miss Inwood said. You can't have anything against Cooper now.
Il n'y a plus de charge contre Cooper.
You may not be aware of it, Kesa, but have you heard what happened at Rokuhara yesterday?
Je ne saurais trop vous conseiller la prudence. Ignorez-vous ce qui s'est passé à Rokuhara?
Hey, have you heard what that idiot from Rokuhara has done?
Connaissez-vous la dernière de ce guerrier stupide?
I have, when you have heard what I can say. And know it now. The senate have concluded to give this day a crown to mighty Caesar.
Il me reste à dire le plus important, que voici, le Sénat a décidé de couronner le grand César aujourd'hui.
Billy, have you heard what's happened?
- Vous savez la nouvelle?
What have you heard?
- Tu aimerais savoir?
What have you seen or heard here?
Qu'avez-vous entendu où vu ici?
If the Sergeant means what he says about giving anything, he might find the chance he's looking for. Because what you have heard is true.
Si le sergent est sérieux quand il dit être prêt à donner n'importe quoi, c'est peut-être son jour de chance, car ce que vous avez entendu est vrai.
- You should have heard what I did a little while ago...
T'aurais dû m'entendre sur "Perdido". C'était bien?
What I've heard about your mom, you may have a point there, Mr. Simmons.
D'après ce qu'on dit d'elle, vous avez raison.
Tell me, would you have believed what you heard without question, without hesitation, if you were not terrified of losing your girl to a younger man?
Auriez-vous cru ce qu'on vous a dit sans vous poser de question, sans hésitation, si vous n'aviez pas craint de la perdre pour un homme plus jeune?
What else have you heard?
Qu "as-tu appris d" autre?
- What's the matter, Mrs. Rosaria? - Have you heard the news?
M. Le Sénateur!
What qualifications do you have for a job that allows you to sit around all day and chat with the boss? I heard about your job.
Quelles qualités faut-il avoir pour rester tout le temps... à bavarder avec le patron?
Well, you know what I mean, drinking, heh. I can't say I've ever heard of it, sir. I shall have to check my records.
"Tout le personnel affecté au projet S7 doit passer une visite médicale complète toutes les 2 semaines."
You should have heard what she called me in there.
Vous auriez dû entendre ses insultes. Grandiose!
What have you heard?
Par exemple?

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