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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / What have you learned

What have you learned Çeviri Fransızca

216 parallel translation
- What have you learned since you've been here?
- Depuis que vous êtes ici, vous avez appris quoi?
What have you learned, Dorothy?
Qu'as-tu appris, Dorothy?
What have you learned?
Qu'avez-vous appris?
What have you learned gentlemen to say?
Qu'avez-vous à ajouter?
What have you learned, Sellers.
Qu'avez-vous appris, Sellers?
What have you learned?
Enfermez-les pendant une heure.
- What have you learned to live with?
Et toi, que sais-tu?
What have you learned?
Tu connais quoi?
Spock, what have you learned about the wave bombarding us?
Spock, que savez-vous de ce bombardement d'ondes?
I'll check her out. Maybe I can help. What have you learned about the aliens?
C'est tout ce que méritent nos ennemis.
But what have you learned from all of this?
Mais tu as appris quoi de tout ça?
- What have you learned? Tanya and her buddies are about to rip off Comtron.
- Tanya est en train d'arnaquer ComTron.
- What have you learned so far?
- Qu'avez-vous appris?
What have you learned of the weapon?
Qu'as-tu appris sur l'arme?
What have you learned from your fancy Long Island friends?
Qu'as-tu appris de tes amis huppés du Long Island?
What have you learned?
Et qu'as-tu appris?
- What have you learned?
- Qu'avez-vous découvert?
- What have you learned?
Well gentlemen, let's see what else you have learned.
Eh bien, Messieurs, voyons un peu ce que vous avez appris.
Now that you have learned what you have learned, it would be well for you to return to your own country.
Maintenant que vous savez ce que vous savez, il serait préférable que vous retourniez dans votre pays.
Ever since I learned you were captured, I have tried to reach you, but nobody would admit knowing anything about you - where you were or what had happened to you.
Depuis votre capture, j'ai tout fait pour vous trouver, mais impossible de savoir quoi que ce soit, où vous étiez ou ce que vous étiez devenu.
What you have learned, I can learn. But I will save time if we become partners.
Je peux trouver sans toi mais nous associer ferait gagner du temps.
I learned a long time ago you can't keep people from doing what they have to do.
Les gens finissent toujours par faire ce qu'ils veulent. Ta mère décidera...
No, what you have learned, is discretion.
Non, ce que vous avez appris, c'est la discrétion.
But you will understand, that what we have learned tonight, must be kept secret
Mais vous comprenez que ce que nous avons appris ce soir doit rester secret.
Now, Dr Wieck, in view of what you have just learned, can you still say that sexual sterilisation was a "novel National Socialist measure"?
Maintenant, Pr Wieck, au regard de ce que vous venez d'apprendre, maintenez-vous que la stérilisation forcée était une mesure nazie?
You learned too much of what you didn't have to.
Tu sais trop de choses.
Mrs Savage again I don't want to appear rude or ungrateful but what you've just told us, you could have learned by accident or by half a dozen ways.
Je ne voudrais pas paraitre grossier ou ingrat, mais vos informations peuvent provenir de biens d'autres sources.
What is the most important lesson you have learned here?
Qu'avez-vous appris de plus important ici?
Have you learned what your protégée did? No.
- Sais-tu ce que ton protégé a fait?
What you have learned in 20 years of confinement.
Qu'avez-vous appris en 20 ans de réclusion.
But I have learned never to predict whether you're going to win or lose or what the point spread is going to be.
Mais j'ai appris... qu'il valait mieux ne jamais prédire.
Don't you remember what you learned last spring that you could never have?
Qu'as-tu appris, ce printemps-là?
Do you know what a scholastic learned man would have replied to me in your place?
Savez-vous ce qu'aurait répondu un scolastique à votre place?
So what you are claiming is to replace the teachings of philosophy and the sciences, we have from such a long tradition of learned men, with the mathematical teaching of our times.
Vous voudriez remplacer l'enseignement de la philosophie, qui nous vient d'une longue tradition de doctes, par l'enseignement des mathématiques de notre époque?
He wants to see how well you can think and what you have learned in these two years and whether you can think logically.
Juger ton aptitude à penser et ce que tu as appris en ces deux années.
And, of course, then we would never find out what you have learned about our..... little business.
Dans ce cas, on ne saura jamais ce que vous avez découvert sur notre affaire.
If there's one thing I have learned from this trip... it's that you play the game and take what you get.
Ce voyage m'a appris qu'on fait avec ce qu'on a.
What else have you learned?
Qu'avez-vous appris d'autre?
What else have you learned?
Qu'as-tu appris à part ça?
But not wise enough to return to Holland at once, now that you have learned what you have learned.
Mais pas assez sage pour retourner en Hollande immédiatement... maintenant que vous avez appris ce que vous savez.
And that is what you have learned Is it not?
Et c'est ce que vous avez appris. N'est-ce pas?
Tell me, bold warrior, have you learned what fear is now?
Dis-moi... mas-tu appris la peur?
You must unlearn what you have learned.
Tu dois désapprendre ce que tu as appris.
Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.
Souviens-toi de ce que je t'ai enseigné.
What's the matter with you all? Have you forgotten everything you've learned?
Vous avez oublié ce que vous avez appris?
Pass on what you have learned.
Transmets ce que tu as appris.
But what you have not yet learned... is the way we Dracs express the truth.
Mais tu ne sais pas encore comment les Dracs expriment la vérité.
From you, I have learned to strive for excellence no matter what the personal cost.
De vous, j'ai appris qu'il fallait viser l'excellence,..... quel qu'en soit le prix à payer.
You have to practice what he's learned.
Il faut que vous l'entraîniez.
I should have gotten rid of you, as soon as I learned what it could do.
C'est de toi que j'aurai du me débarrasser, dés que j'ai su ce qu'il pouvait faire.

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