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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Why wouldn't she

Why wouldn't she Çeviri Fransızca

342 parallel translation
But why are you curious about that person? Well, it seems like my Go Eun is interested in him, but she wouldn't tell me anything.
Mais pourquoi me demandez-vous ça? Mais elle ne veut rien me dire.
That's why she wouldn't tell you where I went.
C'est pour ça qu'elle n'a pas voulu te dire où j'étais.
Why, he wouldn't let her fire me lots of times, and he stood up for me when she beat me, and made her stop it, like he did tonight.
Il l'a empêchée de me congédier à maintes reprises, quand elle me frappait, il lui disait d'arrêter, comme ce soir.
And today Joyce had to go into New York on business for me... and she made me promise I wouldn't go out while she was away-why, I don't know.
Elle ne veut pas que je sorte seule. Je ne sais pas pourquoi!
And if she has money of her own and the Ralston name why, the Halseys wouldn't dare find her a bad match for their son.
Et si elle a de l'argent et le nom des Ralston, les Halsey n'oseraient la trouver indésirable pour leur fils.
No, he said this girl was really a good girl. That's why he feels he owes her. She wouldn't take nothing for months.
Elle n'a rien dit, et il s'est mis à défendre cette Allen.
Did she tell you why she wouldn't pour the wine for you?
S'est-elle expliquée pour le vin?
- Why wouldn't she?
Et pourquoi pas.
Your mother said she wouldn't need me. Why?
Votre mère n'a pas besoin de moi.
Why wouldn't she be?
C'est une évidence.
But if she were alive, why wouldn't she have come home?
Mais si elle était en vie, pourquoi ne serait-elle pas rentrée?
Why wouldn't she...?
Et pourquoi pas...
Why, it would break my heart. - Why, of course she wouldn't.
- Elle ne ferait pas ça.
Why wouldn't she be?
Pourquoi ne l'aurait-elle pas été?
Why wouldn't she tell me the reason?
Pourquoi n'a-t-elle pas voulu me dire pourquoi?
That's why. Listen, I don't want to be here and I wouldn't be, except she said the treatment wouldn't be complete until I confronted you.
Je ne serais pas venu ici... si cette vieille toquée... ne m'avait ordonné cette confrontation.
- Why wouldn't she tell her daughter?
- Pourquoi elle ne lui en a rien dit?
I left Margot out. I take it for granted Margot won't eat. - Why wouldn't she?
Je ne pense pas que Margot va en manger.
They'll see and they'll know, and they'll say, "Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly."
"Elle ne ferait même pas de mal à une mouche!"
But why wouldn't she like it?
Mais pourquoi elle ne voudrait pas?
I asked her why, but she wouldn't say.
Je lui ai demandé pourquoi et elle n'a pas répondu.
- Nah, but hell. Why wouldn't she get on behind me?
Non, mais monte derrière moi!
If she wants to run, I'll let her go, Why wouldn't I let her go?
Si elle a envie de courir, je la laisse faire, pourquoi je la laisserais pas faire?
- Why, she'd just rake in the money, wouldn't she?
Elle roulerait sur l'or, non?
No matter how many times I asked, she wouldn't tell me why she did it.
Peu importe combien de fois je lui ai demandé, Elle n'a pas voulu me dire pourquoi elle a fait ça.
- But why wouldn't she see a doctor?
- Mais pourquoi ne vouIait-eIIe pas voir un médecin?
You wouldn't have any idea why she has changed her mind about me?
Tu ne saurais pas pourquoi elle a changé d'avis à mon sujet?
I don't know why. She wouldn't say.
Elle ne m'a pas dit pourquoi.
Now I see why she wouldn't wear a swimsuit.
Je vois pourquoi elle a pas voulu tourner en maillot de bain.
The poor little thing. Once she did two left sides and wondered why it wouldn't button up.
La pauvre, elle a cousu 2 côtés gauches ensemble!
Ask him why he wouldn't see her yesterday when she came here.
Demande-lui pourquoi il n'a pas voulu la voir, hier.
Anyway, the minute I got in I went to see where they're being held. She wouldn't see me. - Why not?
Des mon arrivee, j'ai voulu Ia retrouver, mais elle refuse de me voir.
- Why didn't she go with you? - She wouldn't go without the others.
Pour ne pas laisser les autres.
But if she was so keen on getting him in here... why wouldn't she sign the contract?
Mais si elle tenait tant à le faire entrer ici... pourquoi n'a-t-elle pas signé le contrat?
I don't know why she wouldn't answer the phone, unless she was in the shower.
Elle devrait répondre, à moins d'être dans la douche.
- Why wouldn't she?
Il n'y a pas de raison.
Say, you wouldn't happen to know why she left me, would you?
Tu ne saurais pas pourquoi elle m'a quitté, par hasard?
What are you talking about? Why wouldn't she want me to know?
Pourquoi refuserait-elle de me dire ou elle est?
If I didn't know who Juliet was or why she was on that balcony, the image alone wouldn't have any meaning.
Si j'ignorais qui était Juliette et ce qu'elle faisait sur ce balcon, cette image n'aurait pas de sens pour moi.
Damn you! The long haired girl must thought I was you, that's why she wouldn't believe I'll give a concert.
Trop, c'est trop! Celle au cheveux longs ne veut pas croire que j'ai un concert.
Of course, why wouldn't she?
Bien sûr, pourquoi pas?
I can't see why she wouldn't want to help us.
Elle était contrariée par la mort du président. Je ne vois pas pourquoi elle ne nous aiderait pas.
Why wouldn't she want to come home?
Pourquoi n'a-t-elle pas voulu rentrer?
Why wouldn't she marry me, Sally?
Pourquoi ne s'est-elle pas mariée avec moi, Sally?
She can't do without the ring, why wouldn't she want it?
Si elle y tient, pourquoi la jeter?
I don't know why, but she wouldn't press charges.
Pour une raison qui m'échappe, elle n'a pas porté plainte
Well, then, why wouldn't she say something?
Pourquoi n'a-t-elle rien dit?
Why wouldn't she tell us?
Pourquoi elle ne le dirait pas?
Why wouldn't she?
Pourquoi ne le voudrait-elle pas?
Why wouldn't the bomber take out every man, woman and child when she could?
Pourquoi ne pas s'en être pris aux hommes, femmes et enfants quand elle le pouvait?
And why wouldn't she just explain it all to me?
Et pourquoi ne m'expliquerait-elle pas tout?

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