Would i Çeviri Fransızca
188,448 parallel translation
Why would I want to be with a bunch of skinny virgins who lie about showering?
Que veux-tu que je fasse avec une bande de puceaux crados?
The first thing that I think would be interesting to talk about is to get everybody's reactions, to the most recent decision we have regarding Backpage.
La première chose que je trouverais intéressante, c'est d'avoir vos réactions sur la plus récente des décisions concernant Backpage.
I hope that every American would get angry as well and the next time a federal judge or a state judge alleges that somehow this practice is acceptable in America, then speak up.
J'espère que tous les Américains sont aussi en colère et que la prochaine fois qu'un juge fédéral ou d'état dira que c'est acceptable en Amérique, ils s'exprimeront.
During our November 19th hearing, I promised that while the subcommittee would move forward carefully and cautiously, we would not go quietly into the night.
Pendant notre audience du 19 novembre, j'ai promis que tant que le sous-comité continuerait doucement et en faisant attention, on n'abandonnerait pas.
I think you would see a lot of opposition to the idea of amending Section 230.
Je crois qu'il y aura beaucoup de gens contre la modification de la Section 230.
I would say to my 12-year-old self, " Don't settle for less because you're a whole lot more than that.
Si je pouvais parler à mon alter ego de douze ans, je lui dirais : " N'accepte pas moins, car tu mérites bien plus.
If I can talk to the other Jane Does in this case, I would tell them, don't give up the fight.
Si je pouvais parler aux autres Inconnues dans cette affaire, je leur dirais de ne pas abandonner.
I would say to the Jane Does, you are giving voice to literally...
Je dirais aux Inconnues :
Why would you care what I think?
Vous vous intéressez à ce que je pense?
And I was hoping I would end up working for someone like my father... someone inspiring, a mentor... yet I ended up with you.
J'espérais travailler pour quelqu'un comme mon père... quelqu'un d'inspirant, un mentor... mais j'ai fini avec vous.
I mean, my heat gloves would kill it, fo'sho, but I got a lot on my plate, so...
Mes gants de chaleur feraient leur effet, mais j'ai du pain sur la planche, donc...
How would you feel if I told you you're in the finals?
Que ressens-tu si je te dis que tu es en finale?
Do you think I would have stopped having sex in Susan's car if she hadn't started hiding her keys?
Tu penses que j'aurai arrêté de faire l'amour dans la voiture de Suzanne si elle n'avait pas commencé à cacher ses clés?
I would love to take a look at it.
J'adorerai jeter un coup d'oeil.
I was hoping someone would disagree.
J'espérais que quelqu'un ne soit pas d'accord.
Okay, the last thing I'll say is, I think it would be a shame if a misunderstanding that was born out of love had a negative effect on a blossoming friendship that could be great for the both of us.
Ok, la dernière chose que je vais dire, je pense que ça serait une hone Si un malentendu qui est né de l'amour A un effet négatif sur une amitié florissante
If I'm being honest, it would probably be good for me to be friends with someone like you.
Si je suis honnête, ça serait probablement bon pour moi D'être ami avec quelqu'un comme toi.
And I like having a friend who would probably notice if I was dead in my apartment.
Et j'aime avoir une amie qui serait capable de s'apercevoir Si je morte dans mon appartement.
I would like to hear out the young lady who just shut down our entire meeting.
J'aimerais entendre la jeune dame qui vient d'interrompre notre réunion.
I would remind you, you are allowed up to two slices of pizza, but I have been known to lose count, okay?
Je vous rappelle que vous n'avez droit qu'à deux parts de pizza mais je suis nul pour tenir les comptes.
Looks like the kind of thing someone I don't like would wear.
On dirait le genre de choses que quelqu'un que je n'aime pas porterait.
I would.
Je voudrais bien.
I didn't tell you because I thought it would hurt your feelings.
Je ne te l'ai pas dit parce que j'ai cru que ça te ferait de la peine.
I didn't believe in UFOs until London control called us in the winter of 1962 and asked us would we chase one.
Je ne croyais pas aux ovnis jusqu'à ce que Londres contrôle nous a appelés à l'hiver 1962 et nous a demandé que nous allions chasser un.
If one percent of the people who I've talked with, met with, or briefed, had that courage, this would have all been fixed long ago.
Si un pour cent des personnes que j'ai parlé avec, rencontré ou mis au courant, a eu le courage, cela aurait tous été fixé il y a longtemps.
Now I'm one of those what you would call the high government officials in the FAA.
Maintenant, je suis l'un de ceux que vous appelez la hauts fonctionnaires du gouvernement de la FAA.
I think every single person would say something this sensitive, they would know about, and if they didn't have knowledge about it...
Je pense que chaque personne dirait quelque chose ce sensible, ils se connaître, et si elles ne connaissaient pas à ce sujet...
I believe, is because governments fear that if they did disclose those facts people would panic.
Je crois, parce que les gouvernements craignent que s'ils l'ont fait de déclarer les faits les gens de panique.
And he says, " I would not
Et il dit : " Je ne voudrais pas
I mean 5 % of the US population have seen these objects, but you create an environment where the subject is so pilloried and ridiculed, that no respectable scientist or doctor would want to be identified with it.
Je veux dire 5 % de la population des États-Unis ont vu ces objets, mais vous créez un environnement où le sujet est mis au pilori et ridiculisé, qu'aucun scientifique respectable médecin ou veulent être identifiés avec elle.
I mean, in fact I pulled out all this dis-positive evidence that Carl Sagan would want to see.
Je veux dire, en fait, je tirai toutes ces preuves de dis positifs que Carl Sagan voudrait voir.
I say that would be like saying, we should have never come out with the automobile because the horse and buggy manufactures would have gone out of business.
Je dis que ce serait comme dire, nous aurions dû ne jamais sortir avec l'automobile parce que le cheval et le buggy fabrique aurait fait faillite.
I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.
I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.
I think that people would stop looking at each other with a certain level of hostility, like, we do now.
I think that people would stop looking at each other with a certain level of hostility, like, we do now.
I said I'd do anything to make your family happy, and giving them the recipe could earn us some goodwill that we can use later on, but that would mean betraying you.
Je suis prête à tout pour satisfaire ta famille. Si je leur donnais la recette, ça pourrait nous être utile plus tard. Mais ça voudrait dire te trahir.
I wish that fancy grocery store would open already.
Si seulement le magasin bio était ouvert.
- I am. What did you think would happen when you came in here, Francis?
Qu'espériez-vous en venant ici, Francis?
But I would ask you to rethink this.
Mais réfléchissez bien.
I did. So, contrary to your assurances that Macallan would behave, we're now dealing with a leak.
Vous m'aviez promis qu'il n'y aurait pas de fuite.
A second to catch our breath would be really helpful, I think.
Nous devrions souffler pendant une seconde.
I, for one, would like to hear how the president feels about all this.
Qu'en pense le Président?
Sounds like I would be helping you, hmm?
C'est plutôt moi qui vous aiderais.
I wonder how your citizens would feel about what you've done.
Je me demande ce que vos citoyens vont penser.
I would be willing to allow the Chinese sailors that are stationed on King George Island to board our icebreaker.
Je pourrais autoriser les marins chinois de l'île du Roi-George à monter à bord de notre brise-glace.
I imagine that would be acceptable.
J'imagine que ce serait acceptable.
But Will... I would very much like to show the country that our two parties can work together. So I was hoping that you might consider becoming my transportation secretary.
Mais, Will... j'aimerais beaucoup montrer que nos partis peuvent collaborer, et j'espérais que vous envisageriez de devenir mon ministre des Transports.
I think it would send a powerful message if you agreed to join my cabinet.
On enverrait un message fort si vous intégriez mon cabinet.
I would like to make my first 100 days as the duly elected president as productive as possible.
J'aimerais que mes 100 premiers jours de mandat soient productifs.
If you could find him, talk to him, he would tell you that I had nothing to do with this.
Si vous pouviez lui parler, il vous dirait que je n'y suis pour rien.
I don't think Aidan would reveal anything that would endanger me... or anyone else.
Aidan ne me mettrait pas en danger. Ni personne d'autre.
I didn't think anyone would care.
Je ne pensais pas que ça compterait.
would i lie to you 18
would it 428
would it matter 17
would it not 28
i don't care how long it takes 27
ines 33
i mean 97485
i know 63170
i lost my mind 16
i love my sister 16
would it 428
would it matter 17
would it not 28
i don't care how long it takes 27
ines 33
i mean 97485
i know 63170
i lost my mind 16
i love my sister 16
it's fine 7136
i love you 17750
irene 487
i don 542
i'm fine 13072
i am 12154
i do 17590
i don't think so 6892
i just 13298
ivan 848
i love you 17750
irene 487
i don 542
i'm fine 13072
i am 12154
i do 17590
i don't think so 6892
i just 13298
ivan 848
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
iris 595
irma 94
imbecile 102
i'm too old for this shit 16
in fact 10253
idea 68
internet 115
india 252
it's not fair 795
iris 595
irma 94
imbecile 102
i'm too old for this shit 16
in fact 10253
idea 68
internet 115
india 252