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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ W ] / Wouldn't that be fun

Wouldn't that be fun Çeviri Fransızca

80 parallel translation
Wouldn't it be fun to know all that was going on inside those houses?
Ne serait-ce pas amusant de savoir tout ce qui se passe dans ces maisons?
That'd be fun, wouldn't it?
Ce serait amusant, non?
That wouldn't be half so much fun for me as to have you come here and beg.
Mais vous me priveriez de la joie que j'ai à vous voir me supplier.
Wouldn't that be fun?
Ça ne te plairait pas?
It wouldn't be any fun that way.
Ce ne serait pas drôle.
Wouldn't that be fun, Robert? - Then you could play together.
Vous pourriez jouer ensemble.
- Wouldn't that be tough? Have fun.
- Ça ne devrait pas être dur.
Yeah, that'd be fun, wouldn't it?
Ce serait chouette.
Good. Oh, that'd be fun, wouldn't it, Hank?
Très bien, entendu.
That wouldn't be fun, would it?
Ce ne serait pas amusant!
Wouldn't that be fun?
Arabe? Je ne sais pas.
Boy, wouldn't it be fun to do that sometime?
Tu ne crois pas qu'on devrait en faire un de ces jours?
Wouldn't that be fun?
Ce serait rigolo, non?
That would be fun for Monopoly, wouldn't it? Have a little pony.
Un petit poney serait pratique au Monopoly.
Wouldn't that be fun?
Ce serait bien, non?
Wouldn't that be fun.
Amusant non?
Everything is useless. I wouldn't do that to the mouse, but it might be fun to try it on...
Je ferais jamais ça à la souris.
Well, if I told you that, Miss Parker, it wouldn't be any fun.
Si je te le disais, ça ne serait pas drôle.
Well, if I told you that it wouldn't be any fun!
Mais, si je vous le disais, ce ne serait pas amusant!
- That wouldn't be any fun. Where's the thrill in that?
Mais alors, où serait le frisson?
- That wouldn't be such a fun party.
- Ce ne serait pas une fête réussie.
Well, it can be really nice just to stay at home... because you can do fun things that you normally wouldn't have time for.
Oui, ça peut être très agréable de rester à la maison parfois. On peut faire des choses qu'on n'a pas le temps de faire normalement.
Wouldn't that be fun?
Ce serait marrant non?
Now, wouldn't that be fun?
Ce serait sympa!
Ta grand-mère était... lesbienne.
Oh, but that wouldn't be much fun, since we all know that...
Oh, et ce serait si amusant puisque l'on sait tous que...
- That would be fun! Wouldn't it be fun?
- Et ce serai super cool, non?
Wouldn't that be fun?
Ce serait chouette, non?
That wouldn't be any fun.
Ce serait pas drôle.
- No, that wouldn't be fun.
- Non, pas du tout.
That'd be fun, wouldn't it?
Ce serait amusant, n'est-ce pas?
Well, that wouldn't be very fun, now, would it?
Ca ne serait pas vraiment très marrant, si?
It could be a rival candidate. Wouldn't that be fun?
Ou un candidat rival.
And it's nothing personal, I just think that if he were there, people wouldn't be able to relax and you know, have fun.
Ca n'a rien de personnel, si il était présent, les gens n'arriveraient pas à se détendre et à s'amuser.
Can you imagine how- - I mean, if we made a movie or something, wouldn't that be fun, how explosive that would be?
Ce ne serait pas du tonnerre?
- Wouldn't that be fun?
- - Ne serait-ce pas être amusant?
It wouldn't be fun for me to play that part.
J'aurais du mal à jouer ce genre de rôle.
Wouldn't that be fun?
Ça serait chouette, non?
Well, that wouldn't be as much fun.
Ça ne serait pas aussi marrant.
- Oh, God, that'd be fun, wouldn't it? - Yeah.
Ça serait amusant, non?
Wouldn't that be fun?
On s'amuserait, non?
that wouldn't be any fun.
- Ce serait trop rasoir.
That wouldn't be any fun.
Trop rasoir.
- Wouldn't that be fun?
- ça serait pas marrant?
Uh-huh. That wouldn't be fun.
Ce ne serait pas plaisant.
You say that as though it wouldn't be fun.
À t'entendre, ça craint.
That wouldn't be very much fun.
Ce ne serait pas très amusant.
Wouldn't that be fun?
Ce serait amusant, non?
That we could--we could watch all night long if we want. You know what? Wouldn't that be fun?
Ça va être super.
- Wouldn't that be fun?
- Ce serait bien.
Well, I was thinking wouldn't it be fun to have a foursome this weekend that includes your father-in-law, yourself and Mr. Marlowe?
Je m'étais dit... Ça serait pas amusant, une virée à quatre ce week-end avec M. Marlowe, ton beau-père et toi?

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