You just got back Çeviri Fransızca
606 parallel translation
Sure, but you head for these lights, and before you know it... you look and feel like you just got back from Palm Beach.
Mais, grâce à ces lampes, on donne l'impression de revenir de Palm Beach.
You just got back.
Tu viens de retourner.
Have you just got back?
Tu viens de rentrer?
I'll tell the court you just got back from the Americas.
Je fais croire à la toute cour que tu reviens des Amériques.
You just got back this morning.
Tu viens d'arriver.
So, James, you just got back from Rome.
Donc, James, tu reviens tout juste de Rome.
You've got to beat the chains, the bloodhounds... and a bunch of guards who'd just as soon bring you back dead.
Tu dois briser tes chaînes, il y a la meute de chiens, et tout un tas de gardes qui te ramèneraient les pieds devant.
Look, I just got enough to go down to the office myself... but I'll bring it to you when I come back.
Mais je te les apporte en revenant.
You here? I got back today and just had to see you.
Toi, ici?
I just heard you got back.
Tu es de retour.
I told you I'd be back when I got ready. I just got ready.
J'ai dit que je rentrerais dès que possible.
And no back talk! ● I've got just two words to say to you.
- Je n'ai que deux mots à te dire.
Dude took a shot at Lengthy, tried to get him in the back of the head... just when he thought he'd got you.
Dis-lui de venir ici.
If you really think that, Del you'd be a poor friend to go back on him when he just got home starting the biggest and hardest job he's ever had.
Si vous le pensez vraiment, vous seriez bien mauvais ami de le lâcher maintenant au début du poste le plus difficile qu'il ait jamais eu.
You got back just in time.
Vous rentrez juste à temps.
He never thought of looking for me there but when I got back I got it plenty, just like you, I'm telling you.
Il n'a jamais eu l'idée de venir là. Mais quand je rentrais, qu'est-ce que je prenais!
You got bucked off just after that was taken. And I boosted you right back up again.
Le cheval t'avait jeté bas, mais je t'avais remis en selle.
Just shoot him in the back of the head like you got my brother.
Tirez-lui une balle dans la tete, comme a mon frere.
I found out just after I got back to Philadelphia. The news of you was in all the papers.
Toute la presse a parlé de ton histoire.
I just got back from San Bernardino. Did you get my flowers? I didn't wait for that.
Je rentre à peine de San Bernardino.
- She just got back from Reno. - Then you must be loaded.
Tu dois rouler sur l'or.
You know, I should bounce you around a little bit... just in case you've got any ideas of trying to take it back.
Je devrais vous arranger un peu au cas où vous chercheriez à le récupérer.
If you can take what he just gave you and still back him, I don't guess I got any complaints.
Qui d'autre? Si toi, tu le soutiens malgré tout, pourquoi pas moi.
- You just got back? - Yesterday.
Quand es-tu rentrée?
My friends and I just got back from the most incredible journey you can imagine.
Ce sont nos plus belles vacances
If you ever do, I hope you've got a son just like mine to come back to.
Mais dans un tel cas, on a besoin d'affection.
- When did you get back? - Just got off the plane.
- Quand es-tu revenu?
Well, it's just that my mother thought that if you've got nothing to do, you'd like to come back and have supper with us.
Eh bien, ma mère a pensé que si vous n'aviez rien de prévu, vous pourriez venir souper chez nous.
It Must've followed us back to the ship, after we picked you up, climbed one of the fins just before takeoff and got in through the open emergency hatch in c compartment.
Elle a dû nous suivre jusqu'au vaisseau quand on t'a trouvé, elle a escaladé un aileron juste avant le décollage et est entrée par le sas de secours ouvert du caisson C. Ça paraît logique.
If your folks would just dig up some of the cash they got buried in that back yard, you could equip a whole fleet! Wait!
Si tu allais déterrer ton trésor, tu pourrais t'acheter toute une flotte.
Listen, Mom, I just got back but I wanted to call and thank you for the faith you had in me.
Je viens de rentrer. Je voulais vous remercier d'avoir toujours cru en moi.
Figure you got somethin', you're just holdin'back.
Faut se faire prier, quoi...
- I just got back. I've been meaning to call you.
- Je voulais justement vous appeler.
Oh, you've just got to help me get it back, Mr. Steed.
Votre goût est exquis. Un gâteau?
I just got to worrying about that family of skunks... you smelled back there and want me to clean out.
Mais je m'inquiète pour cette famille de mouffettes que vous avez sentie et que vous voulez que je tue.
You were so tired when you got back from school sailing trips, you just slept.
Après les stages, tu mangeais, puis tu dormais comme un loir.
Just a moment, sir. Since you got your wallet back, perhaps you could let it go.
Vous avez récupéré votre bien.
Darling, I just got back from Nassau yesterday and I've been trying to reach you.
Je suis rentrée hier de Nassau. J'ai essayé de te joindre.
You see I just got back...
Vois-tu, je viens de rentrer...
Well, if I'm going back next term, then you've just got to come to Charter Sunday.
Si je retourne là-bas, il faut absolument que tu viennes à la fête de dimanche.
You got here a little late. We just got back from the funeral.
Tu arrives un peu tard, on revient juste de l'enterrement.
Tell him we got a general with them. Tell him any damn thing you want. But just get that West Point bum off of my back!
Dites qu'il y a un général avec nous mais débarrassez-moi de cette ganache empaillée!
- Put your tie back on. You look like you just got out of prison.
Remet ta cravate, tu as l'air de sortir de prison.
- But you've just got back.
- Vous rentrez à peine!
He's just waiting. I've, uh, still got to take you back with me.
Je dois quand même vous ramener avec moi.
I've just got back from Cannes, you know.
J'arrive de Cannes.
You only just got back in time.
Tu l'as échappé belle!
- We've got to get Bernardo back. - Go on! Oh, you can just go home!
- On doit ramener Bernardo.
You keep on talking. He's in here somewhere... and just remember, I got your back.
Continue. ll est ici quelque part et rappelle-toi que je te couvre.
- Now you just got through doin'time for stuff, and now here you are, right back at it again.
Tu viens de faire de la taule à cause de ça, et voilà que tu remets ça.
Just got a report back on that blood you got at Slade's place.
J'ai le rapport sur le sang trouvé chez Slade.
you just got home 17
you just wait 46
you just don't get it 121
you just do it 28
you just don't know it yet 34
you just let me know 45
you just left 30
you just watch 30
you just don't 25
you just don't understand 39
you just wait 46
you just don't get it 121
you just do it 28
you just don't know it yet 34
you just let me know 45
you just left 30
you just watch 30
you just don't 25
you just don't understand 39