A few drinks Çeviri Portekizce
457 parallel translation
We're having a few drinks to celebrate my daughter Hilary's birthday.
Estamos a comemorar o aniversário da minha filha Hilary.
I wish I could figure out what it is about you, Simon. You get a few drinks under your belt and you got to start playing Good Samarytan.
Gostava de compreender o que se passa contigo, Simon, quando emborcas uns copos, e armas-te em bom samaritano.
A joint where you could have a sandwich and a few drinks and run interference for your girl on the dance floor.
Uma tasca onde bebes um copo e dás um pé de dança com a miúda.
And he wouldn't have said it, only he's had a few drinks.
Nem ele tinha dito isso, mas já bebeu um pouco.
I guess I had a few drinks too many.
Acho que devo ter bebido uns copos a mais.
I shouldn't have thought it worth your while just for a few drinks.
Pensei que não valeria a pena apenas para o preço de uma cerveja.
Now Mr. Bannister's going to buy us all a few drinks while I entertain myself by refusing to go to work for him.
Agora o Sr. Bannister vai pagar-nos uns copos a todos, enquanto eu me entretenho a recusar o convite para trabalhar.
Particularly after a few drinks.
Em especial, depois de umas bebidas.
He likes a few drinks after we finish, so he sent it up.
Ele bebe depois do espectáculo, por isso as mandou vir.
- I stopped along the way for a few drinks.
- Parei no caminho para tomar uns copos.
I realize this is sudden, but there'll be dancing, a few drinks, and laughs.
Sei que é em cima da hora, mas haverá dança, bebidas e divertimento.
We just did a day's work, we came in here for a few drinks and a little cards, like we do every Friday, isn't that so, Vienna?
Acabámos agora um dia de trabalho, viemos cá para umas bebidas e jogar às cartas, como todas as sextas. Não é assim, Vienna?
Order up some booze so I can pour a few drinks for the crew.
Pede bebidas para a equipe de filmagem.
Have you ever seen anyone with a few drinks?
Nunca viu a ninguém com umas taças de mais?
You know, having a few drinks.
Você sabe, tomar umas bebidas, dançar.
A few drinks under his belt, he'll change his mind.
precisa de uns goles.
Well, with a few drinks I get a lot of fancy ideas.
Com poucos goles, fico cheia de idéias fantasiosas.
Now, don't you think that'd drive a man to taking'a few drinks?
Não achas que isto leva uma pessoa a beber?
I thought a few drinks, a little dancing, maybe a late supper.
Pensei em irmos beber alguma coisa,.. ... dançar e talvez jantar mais tarde.
I used to see you four or five times a week. A few drinks, a hamburger.
Contava consigo três, quatro vezes por semana, para um copo :
We went up to her place, had a few drinks.
Fomos para casa dela, bebemos uns copos.
You had a few drinks...
Beberam uns copos...
I had a few drinks, couldn't sleep
Tomei uns tragos, não pude dormir
Mind you, I'd had a few drinks.
Imagine, tomei umas bebidas.
Quite a few drinks.
Umas poucas bebidas.
You got there, you had a few drinks. Next thing, you're back in LA?
Tomaram uns copos, conversaram, e voltou para Los Angeles?
God knows what you can see when you've had a few drinks.
Depois de ter bebido um bocado, pelo que vi.
Come in for a few drinks.
Venha e beba alguma coisa.
Let's have a few drinks and listen to some jukebox music.
Vamos tomar umas bebidas e ouvir uma música na jukebox.
I had a few drinks because i was happy to see everybody.
Bebi uns copos ontem à noite porque estava feliz por vos ver.
She'd had a few drinks.
Já tinha bebido um bocado.
You were there and you saw me have a few drinks.
Estava lá e viu-me beber.
After work, you're so charged, you have a few drinks.
Depois do trabalho, está-se tão excitado que se toma uns copos.
Maybe you'd have fed me a few drinks and tried to get me into the sack. End of story.
Talvez me tivesses levado a beber um copo e tentado ir para a cama comigo.
Nothing much, he had a few drinks, dropped 200 at the crap table, made a phone call and left.
Pouca coisa. Bebeu uns copos, perdeu 200 aos dados, fez um telefonema e foi-se embora.
maybe we could go have coff... dinner and a few drinks.
Ouça, talvez poderiamos tomar um café- - Um jantar. E uns drinks.
Did you have a few drinks this morning?
E bebeu uns copos esta manhã?
- I had a few drinks with him at Brighton.
- Tomámos uns copos em Brighton.
We had asked a few drinks for the interval, but when there we arrived there were other persons to drink them.
Tínhamos pedido umas bebidas para o intervalo, mas quando lá chegámos estavam outras pessoas a bebê-las.
Only I took a few drinks with the friend on the boat of Hong Kong.
Só tomei umas bebidas com o amigo no barco de Hong Kong.
She spills a few drinks, but she's learning.
Ela deixa cair uma bebida ou outra, mas está a aprender.
We can have a few drinks, maybe dance off dinner.
Podemos tomar um copo e depois ir dançar.
They set up this hotel room, and Marty decided to have a few drinks.
Eles montaram este quarto de hotel e o Martin decidiu beber umas bebidas.
So he has a few drinks to calm down, then takes a bus home.
Então, bebe umas cervejas para se refazer e apanha o autocarro para casa.
I just like to have a few drinks and then just let the guy do whatever he wants.
Gosto de tomar uns copos e de deixar o homem fazer o que lhe apetece.
In a few moments, I shall order three drinks in the dining car.
Dentro de uns minutos vou pedir três bebidas no restaurante.
We'll cool off at the ranch with a few drinks. Hyah.!
Refrescamos-nos no rancho com uns drinques.
I bought a few rounds of drinks while I was waitin'.
Paguei umas rodadas de bebidas enquanto esperava.
We had dinner a few times, drinks.
Jantámos e bebemos juntos umas vezes.
He made me so damn mad, I went out and I had a few social drinks.
Ele irritou-me tanto, que fui tomar umas bebidas sociais.
Have a few drinks.
Vamos beber um copo?
a few good men 16
a few minutes later 20
a few hours later 28
a few years ago 208
a few years later 32
a few days later 90
a few months ago 226
a few days ago 217
a few days 147
a few months later 40
a few minutes later 20
a few hours later 28
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a few years later 32
a few days later 90
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a few days ago 217
a few days 147
a few months later 40