A few hours Çeviri Portekizce
4,297 parallel translation
But just a few hours and then you got to wake me up, okay? Okay.
Mas só algumas horas e depois tens de me acordar, certo?
Hey, do you think you could drive for a few hours?
Ei, achas que podes conduzir por algumas horas?
No matter how many times we get new, they burn out in a few hours.
Não importa quantas vezes trocamos elas queimam em poucas horas.
Only a few hours to go.
Faltam algumas horas.
No, you're not going to want to come pick me up and then drive me to your place, and then back to mine a few hours later.
Não, tu não vais buscar-me nem levar-me para a tua casa, e voltar para a minha algumas horas mais tarde.
Although I was only gone for a few hours, I found myself missing you.
Apesar de só ter estado fora por algumas horas, dei por mim a sentir a sua falta.
You have the press in your dressing room in a few hours.
Tens a imprensa no teu camarim dentro de poucas horas.
Oh, my gosh, we probably still have a few hours, right?
Céus, ainda devemos ter algumas horas, não?
- A few hours on the train.
- São poucas horas de comboio.
Paris is only a few hours away.
Paris está apenas a poucas horas daqui.
I just want to watch you and forget for a few hours.
Simplesmente, quero observá-la e esquecer-me de tudo durante algumas horas.
They need you for a few hours.
Precisam de ti por algumas horas.
I got to get a few hours sleep or I'll be useless tomorrow.
Tenho de dormir um pouco, senão amanhã não me aguento.
You're telling me that Mr. Noonan, who just a few hours ago had the intent of seeing your captain beaten to a pulp, that Mr. Noonan decided instead to sell you his life's work?
Estás me dizendo que o Sr. Noonan, que à poucas horas atrás tinha intenção de ver o teu capitão desfeito ao murro, decidiu em vez disso vender-te o trabalho da sua vida?
In a few hours, things are gonna get awfully interesting.
Dentro de poucas horas, as coisas vão se tornar terrivelmente interessantes.
By your own account, he had you down there for a few hours.
Ele manteve-o lá em baixo durante umas horas.
A few hours, the video went viral across social networks.
Há poucas horas, um vídeo tornou-se viral em todas as redes sociais.
What I believe Captain Lawrence meant to say is that as long as it takes for Miss Guthrie to emerge from behind that door and lift the ban on Captain Vane- - a decision which, a few hours ago,
O que eu acho que o Capitão Lawrence quis dizer é que quanto mais tempo a Menina Guthrie demorar a sair por aquela porta e a retirar a suspensão do Capitão Vane...
I'm sure Brice Catledge can live without drooling all over you for a few hours.
Decerto o Brice Catledge sobrevive umas horas sem a encher de baba.
Come, I've got to drive back to Provence, and you have some journalists to see in a few hours.
Anda. Tenho de voltar para a Provença e tu tens de falar com os jornalistas dentro de horas.
'In a few hours'time,'the King will be dead!
Daqui a algumas horas, o Rei estará morto!
It only takes a few hours exposed like that.
Basta algumas horas de exposição..
You were with roman a few hours ago.
Estavas com o Roman, há algumas horas atrás.
Do you think you could babysit for a few hours while Kelly goes out to brunch with some friends? Yeah, no problem.
Achas que podes ficar com ele umas horas enquanto a Kelly vai sair com uns amigos?
Might I suggest that we stop at a hotel for a few hours?
Posso sugerir paramos num hotel por algumas horas?
There? S, I would love to rest for a few hours.
Já agora, gostaria de descansar uma ou duas horas.
So, um, can you take my van and watch my kids for a few hours?
Podes levar a minha carrinha e cuidar dos meus filhos por umas horas?
We just popped in a movie and that did it for a few hours.
Pusemos um filme e isso manteve-os ocupados por umas horas.
You may have to wait a few hours.
Você vai ter que esperar algumas horas.
Uh, a small town a few hours away.
De uma pequena cidade a algumas horas de distância.
I should know more in a few hours.
Espero conseguir alguma coisa, nas próximas horas.
I'm happy to stay with her after school, and a few hours every week could really help.
Tenho todo o gosto em ficar com ela depois das aulas e umas horas todas as semanas podem fazer a diferença.
I am going to thoroughly enjoy killing you in a few hours.
Ficarei imensamente satisfeito por a poder matar, daqui a algumas horas.
And a few hours before that, they were out for your blood.
E umas horas antes queriam a tua cabeça.
Once he's out of surgery, It's still gonna take him a few hours to wake up.
Assim que sair da cirurgia, ainda vai demorar umas horas a acordar.
They'll call us as soon as there is any change. Get a few hours'sleep.
Eles ligam-nos assim que tenham alguma oportunidade.Durma algumas horas.
We were only here a few hours ago.
Estivemos aqui apenas há algumas horas atrás.
They'll have it back to normal in a few hours.
Vão pô-la como estava antes, em, apenas, algumas horas.
In a few hours, Kiera's going to arrest Lucas and recover the rest of the time travel device.
Dentro de algumas horas, a Kiera vai prender o Lucas e vai recuperar o resto do dispositivo.
The wedding is in a few hours!
O casamento é daqui a poucas horas!
Well, it'll be good to get out of this place for a few hours.
É bom sair daqui por algumas horas.
Swing back in a few hours so we can catch up, okay?
Volta daqui a algumas horas para pôrmos a conversa em dia.
We're working a theory. I need a few hours.
Preciso de algumas horas.
- A few hours and I was home.
Umas horitas e estava em casa.
You'll be back on your feet in a few hours. Okay?
Vais ficar bem dentro de umas horas.
Human but only for a few hours and won't be again until the next full moon.
Humanos, mas só durante algumas horas e não o serão outra vez, até à próxima lua cheia, então...
Now it's quite possible that if I'd stayed away a few more hours I'd have just completely got over that, but now we'll never know.
Agora, é bastante possível que se estivesse fora mais algumas horas tivesse ultrapassado isso mas agora nunca saberemos.
Only a few more days now, hours.
Faltam poucos dias horas
Captain De Noli, my employer, Leonardo Da Vinci, Lorenzo Medici's war engineer, has sent me to humbly request you delay your voyage a few short hours.
Capitão De Noli, o meu empregador, Leonardo Da Vinci, engenheiro de guerra de Lorenzo Medici, enviou-me para humildemente lhe pedir que atrase a sua viagem por poucas horas.
We just have to wait it out a few more hours.
Só temos de esperar mais umas horas.
- A few hours?
Umas horitas?
a few hours later 28
a few hours ago 97
a few good men 16
a few minutes later 20
a few years ago 208
a few years later 32
a few days later 90
a few months ago 226
a few days ago 217
a few days 147
a few hours ago 97
a few good men 16
a few minutes later 20
a few years ago 208
a few years later 32
a few days later 90
a few months ago 226
a few days ago 217
a few days 147