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A few hours later Çeviri Portekizce

137 parallel translation
A few hours later, your child was kidnapped.
Horas mais tarde a vossa filha foi sequestrada.
The car left and a few hours later I heard horses
O automóvel partiu. Horas depois escutei sons de cavalos.
A few hours later she's found dead - murdered.
Poucas horas depois, foi encontrada morta... assassinada.
But only a few hours later, I have to watch white men destroy an Indian village.
Os índios pouparam-nos as vidas. Mas umas horas depois tive que ver como bandidos brancos massacraram uma aldeia índia.
A few hours later, you leave with a rifle.
Horas depois, você saiu com um rifle.
And it's only a few hours later
Só faltam algumas horas.
Mr. Miller might have acted bravely in class but we just watched him crumble a few hours later, and why?
O Sr. Miller pode ter agido corajosamente em sala de aula mas acabamos de vê-lo desmoronar poucas horas depois, e por quê?
Because the brakes failed of Mademoiselle Dean a few hours later of having being inspected for Monsieur John Harrison?
Porque falharam os travões de Mademoiselle Dean poucas horas depois de terem sido inspeccionados por Monsieur John Harrison?
A few hours later, a little 12-year-old girl comes into my office... armed to the teeth, with the firm intention of sending me straight to the morgue.
Umas horas depois... uma miúda de 12 anos entra no meu escritório... armada até aos dentes, com a intenção firme de me mandar para a morgue.
A few hours later, Eng himself departed from this world.
Umas horas mais tarde, o próprio Eng partiu deste mundo.
Now, when the exact same sample of Teal'c's blood was tested only a few hours later, there was only one type of DNA strand present.
Agora, quando essa mesma amostra de sangue do Teal'c foi testada algumas horas depois só havia um tipo de DNA ainda presente.
Steve would order Bill to fly down there and then blow up at him but Bill, he would just wait it out, convince Steve that we were no threat that this Windows stuff was just that much more smoke and mirrors and a few hours later, everything was fine.
Steve chamava Bill e gritava com ele... e o Bill convencia-o de que não era uma ameaça para ele. Que o Windows era apenas propaganda. Algumas horas depois, estava tudo bem.
The core sends a graviton surge through the projectors which locks onto a ship and sends it hurtling into null space to emerge a few hours later, hundreds if not thousands of light-years away.
O centro emitiu um pico de graviton através dos projetores que se trava em uma nave e a atira no espaço nulo para emergir umas poucas horas depois, centenas se não milhares de anos-luz de distância.
A few hours later, there was the break-in.
Disse que o faríamos no dia seguinte. Depois, poucas horas depois, passou-se o que se passou.
A few hours later the rest of the band would turn up and that would become another track on Sandinista!
Umas horas mais demore aparecia o resto do grupo e se transformava em outro tema de'Sandinista!
Recognize those two same guys, a few hours later.
Reconheça estes dois caras, poucas horas depois.
The Captain reactivated me a few hours later and told me she'd been interrogated.
A Capitão me reativou horas depois. E disse-me que a haviam interrogado.
Hey, could we start a few hours later tomorrow?
Podemos começar umas horitas mais tarde?
We all go out, I sit there and... you know, a few hours later... I know I'm going to be the traveling salesman... and you're going to be the lonely housewife.
E daqui a horas volto a ser o caixeiro-viajante e tu, a dona-de-casa solitária.
The cranial surgery is a few hours later.
A cirurgia é umas horas mais tarde.
A few hours later, it showed up back here.
Umas horas mais tarde, apareceu novamente aqui.
And a few hours later, his skull was found... picked clean.
Poucas horas depois, seu crânio foi achado... todo descarnado.
A few hours later, Michael Fife drove in, and he planted the knife in his car.
Umas horas depois, o Michael Fife apareceu e ele colocou a faca no carro dele.
Or I could stay open a few hours later which means you're here'til ten. That's also called the end of a date.
Ou então fico aberto mais umas horas... e tens de ficar cá até às 10 : 00.
A few hours later... he was dead.
Poucas horas depois estava morto.
A few hours later, a voice woke me.
Algumas horas mais tarde, fui acordado por uma voz.
.And I'd been out all night drinking with people who were killed a few hours later.
Passei a noite bebendo com pessoas que foram mortas passado umas horas.
You call in Sherry to deal with Milliken and a few hours later he winds up dead.
Chamas a Sherry para lidar com o Milliken e umas horas depois ele aparece morto.
A few hours later, her husband called.
Umas horas mais tarde, o marido ligou.
They found him dead a few hours later.
Encontraram-no morto algumas horas depois.
I awoke a few hours later, hearing a voice calling out my name.
Acordei umas horas depois, ouvindo uma voz a chamar o meu nome.
A few hours later, everything's changed.
Poucas horas depois, tudo mudou.
A few hours later, she's just another freak.
Algumas horas mais tarde não passa de esterco.
Comes back a few hours later, uses packing tape to tie up the body to make it look like a contract killing.
Volta umas horas depois, usa fita adesiva para amarrar o corpo e parecer um assassínio a contrato.
She didn't feel shame or guilt, only a sense of profound disorientation, as if she had been kidnapped by aliens then released unharmed a few hours later.
Não sentia vergonha ou culpa, apenas uma sensação de profunda desorientação, como se tivesse sido raptada por extraterrestres, e libertada, ilesa, algumas horas depois.
A few hours later we heard shooting we didn " t know what it was
Horas depois ouvimos tiros. Não sabíamos o motivo.
But then, when it was over, he went to mirabella just a few hours later.
Mas depois, quando acabou, foi ter com a Mirabella horas depois.
The right dose, and you wake up a few hours later, the wrong dose, and you're dead for real.
Com a dose certa, acordas horas depois, com da dose errada, morres a sério.
A few hours later.
- Umas horas depois.
A few hours later, Sullivan's dead.
Horas depois, o Sullivan é morto.
Must have died a few hours later.
Deve ter morrido algumas horas depois.
When he came back a few hours later, - he said he'd made arrangements.
Quando voltou umas horas depois, disse que já tinha tratado de tudo.
so, you see the ship and then a few hours later, you pucker up and kiss your ass goodbye?
Então, vês o navio, e umas horas depois, engoles água e bates a bota?
A few hours later, we were in Hollywood.
Passada uma hora chegámos a Hollywood.
Well, just to hang around the suite for a few hours. And later, Mrs. Hayward and I are going out and vote.
Ficar pela suite umas horas e depois eu e a Sra. Hayward vamos votar.
Roterdã capitulated e, few hours later, Holland surrendered to save other cities of equal destination.
Roterdão capitulou e, poucas horas depois, a Holanda rendeu-se para poupar outras cidades a igual destino.
And she decides to let him stew in his own juices for a while. But a couple of hours, a few days later, she realizes :
E decide deixá-lo a provar do seu próprio veneno durante algumas horas.
A few hours and a couple of bottles later, vows of friendship renewed, we were almost out the door when...
Poucas horas e duas garrafas depois, votos de amizade renovados, estávamos quase a sair quando...
He died in the hospital a few hours later.
E morreu no hospital umas horas mais tarde.
Few hours later, some punk wanders over and swiped my wallet.
Algumas horas depois, uns punks cercaram-me e roubaram-me a carteira.
Well, maybe you should come by later and I'll remind you for a few hours.
Talvez seja melhor passares em minha casa logo e lembro-te durante algumas horas.

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