And louis Çeviri Portekizce
1,104 parallel translation
Where's the money that your husband and Louis Palo... scammed from the Prizzi's in Las Vegas?
Onde está o dinheiro que o teu marido e Louis Palo... roubaram aos Prizzi's em Las Vegas?
You're my and Louis'daughter now.
Agora és minha filha e do Louis.
And Louis, he had a wife.
E o Louis teve uma esposa.
National Geographics Reader's Digest condensed books and Louis L'Amour.
National Geographics Reader's Digest e Louis L'Amour.
The vampire Lestat. And Louis.
A vampira Lestat... e o Louis.
Every piece of paper is counter-signed, that's house rules... by Louis Paul, the acting manager... and the man in the cage, Marxie Heller.
Cada pedaço de papel é contra-assinado, são regras da casa, por Louis Palo, o gerente actual... e pelo homem da caixa, Marxie Heller.
So where's Louis and Heller?
Então, onde estão o Louis e o Heller?
I know you've been scamming us with Louis and your husband.
Sei que nos enganavas com o Louis e o teu marido.
Tom Baxter tried to leave the screen in St Louis, Chicago, Denver and Detroit.
- Tom Baxter... tentoc sair da tela, em cinemas, de qcatro cidades.
One of'em was your pal Silvio, and the other was a Mr. Luis Morales.
Um era o vosso amigo Silvio e o outro era um Sr. Louis Morales.
And then there was Louis.
E então lá estava o Louis.
At Meigs Field, I want the Lear Jet prepped and a plan filed with St. Louis.
Em Megs field quero o jacto pronto para partir para St. Louis.
The American Revolution lost your father the Colonies, the French Revolution murdered brave King Louis and there are tremendous rumblings in Prussia, although that might be something to do with the sausages.
A revolução americana perdeu o seu pai as colónias, a revolução francesa matou o bravo Rei Louis e há tremendas confusões na Prússia, apesar de poder ter a ver com as salsichas.
ladies and gentlemen, we are presently passing over america's gateway to the west st. louis, missouri, and the banks of the mighty mississippi river.
Senhoras e Senhores. Estamos a passar presentemente por cima da porta do Oeste Americano de San Louis, Missouri, e dos braços do poderoso rio, Mississippi. Esperamos que estejam desfrutando do vôo.
Tuesday, August 6. Dear Étienne-Louis Boullée... the pains are returning, and I can't eat without vomiting.
Terça-feira, 6 de Agosto Caro Etienne-Louis Boullée... as dores voltaram, e não consigo comer sem vomitar.
How about Louis Charles and Michael of the Avenue Foch gang?
Nem o Louis Charles e o Michael, do bando da Avenue Foch?
We expand our hubs to Atlanta, North Carolina and St Louis.
Expandimos os nossos eixos para Atlanta, Carolina do Norte e St. Louis.
Paradise Valley has produced two great fighters : Joe Louis and Kid Sable.
Paradise Valley criou dois grandes lutadores, o Joe Louis e o Kid Sable.
Uh-huh. And bottle of Louis XIII says you'll be working for me by St. Patrick's Day.
Apostamos uma garrafa de Louis XIII... como no dia de S. Patrício já trabalhas para mim.
You will tell them the name of Louis Mozart and they will know my work all over the world, huh?
Dizer-lhes que me chamo Louis Mozart e o meu trabalho será conhecido no mundo inteiro?
All I asked from him was to give up his lifestyle and stay in one place :
Fiz o check-in da bagagem em St. Louis. Nunca o faças.
And he's a nobleman. His name's Loïs de Montmajour.
E é nobre, chama-se Louis Montmajour.
Twin sisters from St. Louis and loaded with mazoola.
Duas gêmeas de St. Louis, podres de ricas.
Apparently, Louis had murdered a transient and done things with the skin.
Aparentemente, o Louis tinha morto um estranho e feito umas coisas com a pele dele.
Louis hits a left and a right to thejaw!
Louis bate um left e um direito de thejaw!
Hey, when's Rudy due back? * Louis Jordan : Beans and Cornbread had a fight
Eh, quando seja Rudy devido atrás? * Louis Jordan :
Louis and I got married last night, Cesar.
O Luis e eu casámo-nos a noite passada.
And I said I heard Louis Armstrong sing the- -
Eu disse que tinha ouvido Louis Armstrong cantar.
All I'm saying is, come Saturday why not drive up to East St. Louis, find this factory and take a look around?
Tudo o que estou a dizer é, venha no Sábado, vamos até East St. Louis, encontramos esta fábrica e damos uma olhadela!
E este, se me acompanharem, é o 2º primo da irmã de Louis XIV.
You think Louis Pasteur and his wife had anything in common?
Achas que Louis Pasteur e a mulher tinham alguma coisa em comum?
Louis Kahn died in a mers room in Penn Station... and for days no one claimed the body.
Louis Kahn morreu na casa de banho da Penn Station. Só deram falta dele dias depois.
By joint edict of His Majesty the King, Louis Xlll... and His Eminence Cardinal Richelieu... the Musketeers are officially disbanded.
Pelo edital conjunto de Sua Majestade, Luís XIII... e a Sua Eminência, o Cardeal Richelieu... os Mosqueteiros estão oficialmente extintos.
And now, from St. Louis, Ike and Tina Turner... singin'their new song, "Fool in Love".
E agora, de St. Louis, Ike e Tina Turner... cantando a sua nova música, "Fool in Love".
Our experiment failed, Louis, and so did our love affair.
A nossa experiência falhou, Louis, assim como o nosso caso amoroso.
And Jean-Louis had made up an urgent prescription for Gaston Beaujeu two days before the murder.
O Jean-Louis passou uma receita ao Gaston, dois dias antes do crime.
- Tomorrow I have an appointment with a minister of justice, and... he cannot argue with the scientific analysis of Jean-Louis Ferraud.
Amanhã tenho um encontro com o Ministro da Justiça. Ele não pode contestar a análise científica do Jean-Louis Ferraud.
That was how I met Louis... and how the world learned of his deafness.
Foi como conheci Louis... e como o mundo soube de sua surdez.
Since the bankers control all the money... I think it right and proper that Louis De Fountaine... introduce his teams first.
Já que os banqueiros controlam todo o dinheiro, acho que seria mais apropriado se o Louis De Fontaine... apresentasse primeiro a sua equipa.
We believe he's headed for St. Louis next, and from there, who knows?
Pensamos que se dirija para St. Louis e, daí, quem sabe para onde?
Past des moines and up over St. Louis. Then on into the Boston area.
Louis e, depois, voaremos para a região de Boston.
And I informed Miss Wade that in my country... a guest at the palace of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette... would soon find their head in a guillotine... if they made the impertinent gesture of dancing... without so much as a by-your-Ieave from the king and the queen.
Disse a Miss Wade que, no meu pais, um convidado de Luis XVI e de Maria Antonieta, iria para a guilhotina, se se permitisse dançar, sem pedir autorização ao Rei e à Rainha.
On behalf of the president of the United States and a grateful nation... I present this flag in recognition of your son, Corporal Louis Russ... for his long and faithful service to his country.
Em nome do Presidente e da nação, entrego-lhe isto... em reconhecimento aos serviços prestados à nação pelo seu filho.
The cheers I heard across this country when Joe Louis and Jesse Owens humiliated Hitler's "Master Race" didn't just come from proud colored folks.
as maravilhas que ouvi deste país quando Joe Louis e Jesse Owens humilharam Hitler e a sua raça superior Não venho só de irmãos negros vencedores e orgulhosos.
When the history of boxing is written Mike Tyson's name will be mentioned with Dempsey, Marciano and Joe Louis.
Quando a história do boxe for escrita o nome de Mike vai estar ao lado de Dempsey, Marciano e Joe Louis.
Louis outweighed him by 25 and three-quarter pounds.
O Louis tem menos 11 KG do que ele.
Listen, you know... if you want to have lunch or something... we can talk about Louie and, you know, just kind of shoot the breeze.
Oiça, se quiser almoçar ou outra coisa, podíamos falar do Louis e conversar um pouco.
- And you are? - Louis Durante.
Sou a sra. Powell.
Let's just go. - And you're a loser! - Oh, yeah?
Foi o Louis que lhe ensinou isso?
Hey, can Jack come out and play? I'm sorry, Louis. He can't.
O Jack pode vir brincar?
Actually, I was an habitué of this bistro, called "L'Ami Louis," and there was...
Sou cliente habitual do "L'Ami Louis", e havia...
louis 2665
louise 1154
louisiana 72
louisa 225
louis litt 23
and later 123
and listen 231
and look 537
and last but not least 51
and lead us not into temptation 55
louise 1154
louisiana 72
louisa 225
louis litt 23
and later 123
and listen 231
and look 537
and last but not least 51
and lead us not into temptation 55
and leave 42
and look at this 104
and look at you 67
and look at me now 26
and let me guess 93
and look what happened 61
and lo and behold 35
and leave me alone 23
and look at you now 29
and let me tell you something 54
and look at this 104
and look at you 67
and look at me now 26
and let me guess 93
and look what happened 61
and lo and behold 35
and leave me alone 23
and look at you now 29
and let me tell you something 54