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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ D ] / Did i hurt you

Did i hurt you Çeviri Portekizce

352 parallel translation
I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?
- O sinto, lhe fiz dano?
- Did I hurt you, sir?
- Magoei-o, senhor?
Did I hurt you much?
Magoei-a muito?
Did I hurt you?
Machuquei você?
- Did I hurt you?
- Doeu?
- Did I hurt you?
Mas que é, magoei-te?
Did I hurt you?
- Did I hurt you?
- Magoei-te?
Oh, did I hurt you?
( bell rings, groaning ) I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?
Você caiu no velho truque da maçaneta giratória com controle remoto e auto-propulsionada.
Did I hurt you?
Não queria magoá-lo, senhor motorista.
Did I hurt you?
Did I hurt you?
- Magoei-a?
Did I hurt you?
Petruzzo? Petruzzo, magoei-te?
Did I hurt you?
Eu magoei-te?
Did I hurt you, dad?
- Estás triste, Papá?
Did I hurt you?
Estás ferido?
Did I hurt you? - No.
- Magoaste-te?
Did I hurt you?
Fiz-lhe mal?
What did I say to hurt you?
Que disse eu para te magoar?
IfTed knew you were behind the shooting, I reckon it would hurt him more than the bullet did.
Se o Ted soubesse que está por trás disto isso o machucaria mais do que aquela bala.
- I didn't hurt you, did I?
- Nao te magoei, pois nao?
I don't vvant to hurt you, Chico, but I did not say that.
Não quero magoar-te, Chico, mas eu não disse bem isso.
I don't wanna hurt you, Mama but if he did have a lot of women, maybe he had a reason.
Não quero magoar-te, mamã... mas se ele tinha muitas mulheres, talvez tivesse uma razão.
I was scared when he clipped you. Did it hurt?
Assustei-me imenso quando te deu aquele esquerdo...
Bialy, darling, did I hurt you?
You're darn right I did. That hurt.
Gritei mesmo, essa doeu.
I did not know you would be hurt so badly.
Não sabia que ficaria tão magoado.
I think I did things to myself, to hurt myself, so that you'd know that I could hurt you.
Acho que fiz coisas a mim própria para me magoar, para que soubesses que podia magoar-te.
Did I do anything to hurt you?
Fiz algo pra machucar vocês?
Didn't hurt you there, did I?
Não a magoei aí, pois não?
I didn't want them hurt any more than you did, Buck :
- Também não queria que se magoassem, Buck.
I'm the only staff here It wouldn't hurt to hire one more helper What did you say?
Sabe é que o restaurante é tão grande que acho que é melhor arranjar mais um ajudante.
Did your mother ever say that to you? That I would hurt you?
Alguma vez a tua mãe te disse que eu te faria mal?
Did I hurt you?
- Não.
Didn't hurt you, did I?
- Não te aleijei, pois não?
I did not hurt to you, did I?
Não te machuquei?
Look, I never hurt you, did I?
Escuta, nunca te machuquei, certo?
I hurt my family, you lost your job anyway- - I did it for nothing!
Magoei a minha família e perdeste o teu emprego... fi-lo em vão!
I hope I have not hurt you, but I probably did.
Espero não te ter magoado, mas se calhar magoei.
I did not mean to hurt you.
Não te queria magoar.
You said that if I told what Mommy did the judge and the nice people will protect me and Mommy wouldn't hurt me anymore.
Disse que, se eu falasse sobre o que a mamã fez, o juiz e as pessoas boas me protegeriam, e a mamã não me faria mais mal.
So did I. Just get out of my way. I don't wanna hurt you.
Trabalhei muito para a trazer aqui.
- I didn't hurt you, did I?
- Não o magoei, pois não?
Jesus, I did hurt you.
Credo, magoei-o mesmo.
- He hurt you like this? - I told you, we never did anything.
Disse-te que nunca fizemos nada.
How did I hurt you?
E como é que eu te magoei?
I did not mean to hurt you.
Eu não queria magoar-te.
I want you to show me what these guys did after they hurt Father Jim.
Quero que me mostres o que estes tipos fizeram, depois de ferirem o Padre Jim.
Did I hurt you?
Did you think I was gonna hurt you?
Achaste que eu te ia magoar? Diabos, não.

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