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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ D ] / Did you hear it

Did you hear it Çeviri Portekizce

322 parallel translation
- How did you hear it?
- Como soube?
Colonel, did you hear it?
- Coronel. Ouviu isso?
Jim, did you hear it?
Jim, ouviste isto?
Well, where did you hear it?
E onde é que a ouviu?
- Did you hear it? They called us by name.
Chamaram-nos pelo nome.
Did you hear it from far away?
Tu ouves ao longe?
We were fantastic. Did you hear it?
- Fomos fantásticos!
- Well, did you hear it?
- Ouviu-o você?
Did you hear it?
Did you hear it, Basil?
- Ouviste, Basil?
Where did you hear it?
Onde ouviu isso?
Did you hear it?
Ouviste aquilo?
- Did you hear it?
- Ouviste?
And then, did you hear it on the radio that Columbus left?
Como é que você sabe que partiu?
How on earth did you hear it?
- Como conseguiu ouvir aquilo?
It's what told me to find you. Did you hear it?
Foi ela que me disse para o encontrar.
Did you hear it snap?
- Ouviste-o quebrar?
Did you hear it?
Está a ouvir?
Now, did you really decide to call it off... or did you just tell me that because you knew I wanted to hear it?
Agora, decidiu realmente cancelar... ou apenas me disse isso porque sabe que era o que eu queria ouvir?
- Pygmalion and all that. - Yes, i was surprised to hear you did it.
É extraordinário interpretar a Pigmalión....
Did you ever hear it rumble for hunger?
Já o ouviram fazer barulho com fome?
How did you hear he turned it down?
Como soube que ele o tinha rejeitado?
- Yeah, did you ever hear of it?
Já ouviu falar?
- How did you hear about it?
- Como sabe disso?
Did you ever hear the story of the old woman who shook her head at the family so much that it fell off, right on the table?
Você já ouviu a história de uma mulher quem balançou a cabeça na família tanto que ele caiu em cima da mesa?
Did you ever hear the like of it?
Já ouviu coisa igual?
Did you hear him say it or did you already know it?
Ouviste-o ou já sabias?
Did you hear about it?
Ouviste falar nisso?
Did you hear anything on the radio? It's all right.
- Ouviste alguma coisa na rádio?
Did you ever hear anything like it?
Pensem! Já ouviram algo semelhante?
Take it, did you hear me?
Pegue-a, você me ouviu?
Did you hear? Did you hear? It's my first case!
Ouviste isto?
- The question was : Did you hear about it?
- Perguntei se jà ouviu falar.
Did you ever hear it?
Já o ouviu?
Did you hear, stop it!
Ouviram, parem!
How the hell did you hear Abbey was dead and I was the cat that did it?
Como diabo soubeste que o Abbey estava morto e que tinha sido eu?
- Did you hear about it?
Ouviste falar?
Did you hear that noise it made?
Ouviste o barulho que fez?
Did you also hear me say, "Take it to the lab and get it analysed!"?
Pois também me deves ter ouvido dizer... " Leva-o ao laboratório para que o analisem,
Did you ever hear it?
Jà a sabes?
I'll give it a shot. - Devon, did you hear that?
- Devon, ouviste aquilo?
Let me hear it, Jill. What did you think?
- O que achou, Jilly?
- Why did you not tell me? - One cannot tell anyone anything unless they are ready to hear it.
Só se diz algo a quem está pronto para ouvir.
This car of yours... did you ever hear it... talk?
Este teu carro... alguma vez o ouviste... falar?
If it isn't funny, then why did I hear you laughing when you typed it?
Se não é engraçado, por que ria enquanto datilografava?
Stop the presses You did not hear it from this mouth.
Pare de me pressionar. Não ouviu nada desta boca.
And it was that that he did when we it hear with you. Clapperton.
E foi isso que ele fez quando o ouvimos falar com a Sra. Clapperton.
- How did you hear about it?
- Como souberam?
Where did you hear about it?
Onde ficaste a saber disso?
Where did you hear of it?
Onde ouviu falar disso?
You could hear him for blocks, screaming at it to shut up, beating at it with his fists and sticking candles up it, but... nothing did any good, and the asshole said to him,
E batia-lhe com o punho, e enfiava-lhe velas para dentro, mas nada resultava e o cu disse-lhe :

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