Did you know them Çeviri Portekizce
285 parallel translation
Did you know them?
- Did you know them?
- Você conhece-os?
- But did you know them?
- Mas, conhece-os?
Did you know them farmers was unpacking?
Sabias que os lavradores estão a desfazer as malas?
Did you know them?
Você conhecia-os?
Did you know them?
Did you know them well?
Conhecia-os bem?
How did you know them?
Como é que os conheceu?
Did you know them well?
Conhecia-as bem?
When did you first know of the true relationship between them.
- Quando soube da relação deles? - Quando apareceu a polícia.
My honoured lord, you know right well you did. And with them words of so sweet breath composed as made the things more rich.
Meu senhor, sabeis muito bem que sim, e com elas vinham palavras duma tão suave ternura que as enriqueciam ainda mais.
Did you know Peter owned every one of your gramophone recordings... and he hid them in the cupboard the moment you came home?
Sabia que Peter possui todos os discos que você gravou... e os escondeu no guarda-louça na altura do seu regresso?
Tell them you did it, but you don't know why you did it, and you'll never do it again.
Diz-lhes que foste tu, mas não sabes porque fizeste aquilo e não o voltarás a fazer.
You did? Although you don't know them?
Não os conheces, mas já o esperavas?
One of them is to know you did the right thing for a pal.
Uma delas é saber que tomou a atitude correcta para com um amigo.
You say that you did not know them in Washington.
Diz que não os conheceu em Washington.
Did you know that Ive written 42 of these little books, and in each one of them, theres about four or five good pages.
Sabes que já escrevi 42 desses livrinhos,... e em cada um, há quatro ou cinco paginas boas.
Because I can't bring myself like just to beat them up, You know, like being parent. You know, that kind of standard parent shit like my family did.
Porque não lhes consigo bater, percebem, essa merda que os pais normais fazem como a minha família fez.
How did you know those elephants were gonna cross in front of us? I didn't see them.
Como sabias que iam atravessar-se na nossa frente?
Well, some faces make an indelible impression, you know. Especially when you see them for the first time... over the barrel of a machine gun. How many men did he have with him?
Há rostos que deixam uma impressão marcante, especialmente se as vês pela primeira vez atrás de uma metralhadora.
These guys came into your house and we showed them down. I can't believe this. You know what we did?
Eles entraram cá e nós confrontámo-los.
what do they know and what did you tell them?
O que é que eles sabem e o que é que lhes contou?
Let me ask you this. If I did know somebody in Vancouver, don't you think I'd be living with them and not here?
Se conhecesse alguém em Vancouver, não achas que viveria lá e não aqui?
Did you tell them we know the Butterworths?
Disseste-lhes que conhecemos os Butterworth?
My honored lord, you know right well you did. And with them words of so sweet breath composed... as made the things more rich.
Sabeis perfeitamente que sim... e com elas, frases de doce alento que mais preciosas se tornavam.
But did you know that both of them were wearing nothing but cleats?
Mas sabiam que ambos não tinham roupa, senão sapatos com pitons?
The ancients believed that gods dwelled in them Did you know that?
Os antigos acreditavam que os deuses habitavam nelas.
I know who they are, son. Then why did you just give them Mom and Lidia's cotton candy?
Então para que lhes deu o algodão doce?
Did you know, when we leave them alone in our room, they come to life?
E sabias que quando as deixamos sós no quarto, elas adquirem vida?
Did you know there are over 600 critics on TV and Leonard Maltin is the best-looking of them all?
Sabias que há mais de 600 críticos na televisão e o Leonard Maltin é o mais bem-parecido de todos?
So you did know them?
- Então, conhecia-os?
My honour'lord, you know right well you did. And, with them, words of so sweet breath composed as made the things more rich.
Meu senhor, sabeis muito bem que sim, e com elas vinham palavras duma tão suave ternura que as enriqueciam ainda mais.
So when did you know you had them?
Então, quando percebeu que os tinha na sua mão?
[SIGHS] Did it ever occur to you that maybe you're juggling so many guys at one time that you don't know where you stand with any of them?
Já pensaste que tens tantos homens ao mesmo tempo que nem sabes como estás?
Did you know the ancient Egyptians worshiped the scarab beetle and maybe erected the pyramids to honor them, which may be symbolic dung heaps?
Sabias que os egípcios da antiguidade veneravam o escaravelho e erigiram pirâmides em honra deles, que podem ser montes de esterco simbólicos?
But you did know that a rival gang was going to be there... because you tipped them off... and that's why you wore a bulletproof vest.
Mas sabias que viria um gang rival. Tu chamaste-os É por isso que tinhas um colete à prova de bala.
Why did you not bury the Stargate, do you know that would stop them?
Porque não enterraram o Stargate, sabem que isso os impediria?
Did you talk to them about, you know....
Mas falaste com eles sobre... sabes...
They all know you did this to them.
Já todos sabem que lhes fizeste isto.
How did you know where the militia was holding them?
Como soube onde a milícia os tinha?
- Conhecias algum? - Não.
Do you know what she did with them?
Sabe o que lhes fez?
You know, I would have left them with a nanny, but they won't tell me what they did with her, and they're at that age.
Sabes, eu ia deixá-las com uma ama, mas não me vão dizer o que fizeram com ela, e elas estão naquela idade.
Did you know there are women who are actually having their vaginas re-stitched to make them like new again?
Há mulheres que restauram a vagina para ficarem como novas.
You know, Kelso... did you ever think about being honest with them?
Kelso... Já pensaste em ser honesto com elas?
Do you know what I did before I killed them?
Sabem o que eu fiz antes de os matar?
If I ever did answer the questions... you know, even to exonerate myself... that would mean that it was okay for them to have been asked in the first place... and it isn't.
Se tivesse respondido às perguntas a ponto de provar a minha inocência, isso significaria que eles tinham o direito de as ter feito, e não tinham.
Round this time there was a group of guys who came from the north side of London, who used to come into the shop probably for the same reasons we did, you know, on a Saturday, whatever... there was the group of them, apparently all called "John."
Por essa altura, havia um grupo de tipos vindos do norte de Londres, que costumava ir à loja, talvez pelas mesmas razões que nós, aos sábados, e, aparentemente, todos se chamavam John.
Did you know that in some cultures, If your children shame you, You're allowed to have them executed?
Sabes que, em algumas culturas, podes mandar executar os teus filhos, se eles te envergonharem?
- Did you know the Griffos? - The Griffos? Never seen them before the trip.
Comissário, acha que me levantei às 6 da manhã para vir divagar?
Did you know them?
O quê?
did you sleep well 186
did you 5422
did you miss me 258
did you like it 169
did you call me 65
did you have a good day 34
did you get it 332
did you know 464
did you hear that 1358
did you find it 130
did you 5422
did you miss me 258
did you like it 169
did you call me 65
did you have a good day 34
did you get it 332
did you know 464
did you hear that 1358
did you find it 130
did you see a doctor 19
did you know that 655
did you do it 192
did you say something 194
did you see that 1004
did you hear me 503
did you see it 273
did you see him 211
did you know him 151
did you hear 352
did you know that 655
did you do it 192
did you say something 194
did you see that 1004
did you hear me 503
did you see it 273
did you see him 211
did you know him 151
did you hear 352
did you just say 228
did you find anything 222
did you do that 119
did you kill him 147
did you see her 133
did you find him 128
did you say 465
did you see anything 115
did you see 272
did you see this 135
did you find anything 222
did you do that 119
did you kill him 147
did you see her 133
did you find him 128
did you say 465
did you see anything 115
did you see 272
did you see this 135