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Did you see them Çeviri Portekizce

287 parallel translation
Where did you see them hide the treasure?
Onde é que os viste esconderem o tesouro?
Rascals and pirates. Did you see them growl at the flogging?
Viu-os rezingar com as chicotadas?
Did you see them at any time between 5 and 9 p.
Viu-os, em algum momento entre as 5 e as 9 horas da noite...
- Did you see them?
Você o viu?
- Did you see them real good?
- E gostaste? - Sim, claro.
Did you see them?
Você viu-os?
Did you see them?
When did you see them?
Quando as viste?
Where did you see them?
- Onde os viu?
Did you see them?
- Estou. - Viste-os?
- Did you see them?
- Você as viu?
And did you see them rush to see Peter burn?
E viu como correram para ver o Peter pegando fogo?
- Did you see them?
- Viu-os?
Did you see them guys?
- Você viu aqueles dois?
- Did you see them?
- Did you see them, Lundborg?
- Vi-os, Lundborg?
Did you see them?
Você viu eles?
Tell me M. Pivert ; the Wogs, did you see them? I sure I did!
Mas diga-me senhor Pivert, esses homens, você viu-os?
Did you see them bank robbers jump out of their pants... when that old owl hooted?
Viste aqueles assaltantes de bancos a saltarem... quando aquele mocho velho piou?
Did you see them?
Você vê?
- Where did you see them?
Onde os viu?
Where did you see them? I'd been in the library with our mother's husband.
Tinha estado com o homem casado com mãe.
When did you see them?
Quando os viu?
That's her. Where did you see them?
É ela. onde é que os viu?
Fenton, the two gentlemen you showed in less than 15 minutes ago, did you see them leave?
Viu sair os cavalheiros a quem abriu a porta há instantes? Sair?
Did you see all them wreaths?
Viste aquelas coroas de flores todas?
You see, Laury, there's all those other kids... ... hundreds of them, in the streets and bad environment... ... whom I don't want to see grow up like Rocky did.
É que há todos os outros miúdos, Laury, centenas deles, nas ruas e em maus ambientes, os quais não quero ver a crescer como o Rocky.
Did you ever see them fellas before?
Já alguma vez viste aqueles fulanos?
Did you see the them, the police?
E viste a polícia?
- You did not see them at all in the café?
- Não os viu de todo no café?
Did you see them?
- But you did see them put cattle into my corral!
- Mas viu-os a meterem o gado no meu curral!
Did you see the two of them?
Meu Deus, os dois!
Did you see much of them after they were married?
Você via-os com frequência, depois de terem casado?
- Did you see them?
- Viste-os?
Did you see who's out there? Si, both of them.
- Viste quem estava ali?
Did you see the way them people are looking at us?
Já viste a forma como esta gente olha para nós?
Flesh-and-blood men can't see them, except obliquely, as you did, mark.
Já vou, Mark. Antes quero retirar a placa com o nome do Burt.
I looked right at them. Who did you see, tiona?
Todos mutilados e cheios de sangue.
You see what sending out them negative waves did, Moriarty?
Vês no que dá andares para aí a espalhar ondas negativas, Moriarty?
So you did see them?
Por Tanto os viu?
You just didn't see them like we did.
Você não vê-los.
Right, them mountain lions and shit, did you see the smile on that mother fucker man?
Os pumas e assim. "Vês um sorriso naquele sacana, meu?"
How did you know those elephants were gonna cross in front of us? I didn't see them.
Como sabias que iam atravessar-se na nossa frente?
Did you see them?
Did you come here to see me, or to play with them?
Vieste para me veres ou para brincares com eles?
Well, some faces make an indelible impression, you know. Especially when you see them for the first time... over the barrel of a machine gun. How many men did he have with him?
Há rostos que deixam uma impressão marcante, especialmente se as vês pela primeira vez atrás de uma metralhadora.
If you did see them, you'd tell me, wouldn't you?
Se tu os tivesses visto dirias-me, não dirias?
Did you see that? I can describe them all.
Posso descrevê-los a todos.
Did you see which way they went? - Well, I didn't even see them check out.
- Viste para que lado foram?
- Did you see the size of them knockers?
- Viste o tamano daquele pàra-choques?

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