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Different things Çeviri Portekizce

2,310 parallel translation
The New World Order means different things to different people, but to those who expect to be in control of it, it means the same thing.
A Nova Ordem Mundial significa coisas diferentes para pessoas diferentes, mas para aqueles que esperam estar no controle dela, isso significa a mesma coisa.
Neuroanatomy and psyche are two very different things.
Neuro-anatomia e psicologia são duas coisas muito diferentes.
But they're not different things. - All right?
Mas não são coisas diferentes.
Well, being alive and living, two very different things.
- Bem, sobreviver e viver são duas coisas muito diferentes.
You have to use different things, you know, experiment.
Tens de usar coisas diferentes, experimentar.
We switch out jobs each day so we all know how to do different things.
Mudamos de tarefa todos os dias por isso sabemos fazer coisas diferentes.
It can mean a lot of different things.
Pode significar um monte de coisas diferentes.
A lot of different things?
Um monte de coisas diferentes?
I think we'd want different things, and I don't think I'm ready, you know.
Acho que queremos coisas diferentes, e não estou pronto.
- Yeah but prejudice can mean different things to people.
- Sim mas preconceitos podem ter vários significados para as pessoas.
He was an old man dying of, like, six different things.
- Sim. Era um idoso a morrer de várias doenças.
Fear and respect are two different things, brother.
Medo e respeito são duas coisas diferentes, irmão.
You and I want different things.
Eu e tu queremos coisas diferentes.
Son, these are two very different things.
Filho, isso são duas coisas completamente diferentes.
I promise you that when I am king things will be different.
Prometo-te que quando for rei as coisas serão diferentes.
Sometimes... things feel different between us.
Às vezes... sinto que as coisas estão diferentes entre nós.
I wish things were different.
Quem me dera que as coisas fossem diferentes.
If you want things to be different, you got to do that, make that happen yourself.
Se queres as coisas diferentes, tens que correr atrás, fazer com que aconteça.
This is different. People who we've bought stuff from are sending in friends, or lawyers to find out how much we're selling these things for.
Pessoas de quem compramos coisas estão a mandar amigos ou advogados para descobrir por quanto estamos a vender estas coisas.
Well, I wish I could tell you that things are gonna be different and that I'm gonna be different,
Gostava de te poder dizer que as coisas iam mudar e que eu ia mudar,
Things are going to be different around here now that Rango's in town.
Neste momento tudo vai mudar, agora que o Rango chegou à vila.
Mater, things are different over here.
Mater, as coisas são diferentes por aqui.
You know, you almost had me convinced things could be different. That I could actually trust someone again.
Quase me convenceste que as coisas podiam ser diferentes, que eu podia voltar a confiar em alguém.
Things are going to be different, I promise you. Dad...
- As coisas vão ser diferentes, prometo.
There was a couple of things but I moved them into a different one'cause it made more sense that way.
Tinha lá umas coisas, mas mudei-as de sítio. - Faz mais sentido.
You know, if you wanted things different, you should've become alpha.
Se querias que tudo fosse diferente, devias ter-te tornado Alfa.
Well, things always look different on the way back.
As coisas parecem sempre diferentes no regresso.
You find it in different forms in almost all cultures, but there are three things you find in every vampire story :
Você encontrá-lo em formas diferentes em quase todas as culturas, mas há três coisas que você encontra em cada história de vampiros :
But now when I go back, things are gonna be different.
Mas agora, quando voltar, tudo será diferente.
And things were different here.
E as coisas eram diferentes aqui.
I'm doing all different kinds of things now, with all the nice people, thank you.
Estou a fazer, todo o tipo de coisas agora, com todas as pessoas fixes, obrigado.
Nowthe way I figure it, things would have turned out pretty different if I'd pulled out that shotgun instead of this here Bible.
O que entendo, é que as coisas teriam sido muito diferentes se tivesse tirado a caçadeira em vez desta Bíblia aqui.
Things are different now.
Hora de amamentar.
Things are gonna be different now, Macy.
As coisas vão ser diferentes agora Macey.
- Things are gonna be different now, Mom.
As coisas vão ser diferentes mãe.
And things are gonna be different.
Se as coisas forem diferentes.
And in that place, things are different!
E nesse local as coisas são diferentes!
Of course things were different back then.
Uma coisa era diferente naquela época.
We practice for these things all the time, but every fire is different.
Praticamos muito para estas coisas, mas todos os incêndios são diferentes.
Next year, maybe things will be different and I can transfer.
No ano que vem, as coisas podem mudar e posso pedir transferência.
I can't say that I don't think about it that I don't wish things were different.
Não posso dizer que não penso nisso, que não desejo que as coisas fossem diferentes.
Now if you still had Blair, things might be different.
Mas se ainda tivesses a Blair, as coisas seriam diferentes.
Things are different now.
Agora, é diferente.
I want you to see other things - - different, new things.
Quero que conheças outras coisas, coisas novas, coisas diferentes.
We keep thinking things are different and that we've changed, but you're still getting out in traffic and trying to stop people...
Achamos que as coisas estão diferentes e que mudámos, mas continuas a sair do carro e...
Johnny, I know you think that you are a broken man, but from where I sit, I see things different.
Johnny, sei que achas que és um homem inválido, mas, do meu ponto de vista, isso não é assim.
Now, if they hadn't have pulled that switch on me when I was down there in that hole, things would have gone down different.
Se não tivessem tentado detonar enquanto estava no "buraco", as coisas teriam sido diferentes.
From now on out, things is gonna be different.
A partir de agora, as coisas vão ser diferentes.
The people are different, the land is different, and the things that happen are different, too.
As pessoas são diferentes, as terras são diferentes, e as coisas que acontecem aqui também são diferentes.
Things are different, stuff just moves so much faster.
As coisas estão diferentes, anda tudo mais depressa.
I mean, come on, it's not like things aren't different now.
Por favor! Não é que as coisas não estejam diferentes agora.

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