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Einstein's was Çeviri Portekizce

67 parallel translation
Einstein's hobby was the fiddle, and Boden's hobby was drawing.
O passatempo de Einstein era o violino... e o de Boden é o desenho.
Einstein's bomb was crude. This is brilliant. It's crude to tie up women.
Todos os líderes mundiais serão assassinados e meus duplos tomarão os seus lugares.
That teenage dropout's name was Albert Einstein. And his ruminations changed the world.
O nome desse adolescente reprovado, era Albert Einstein, e as suas ruminações mudaram o mundo.
It was your granddad's wish... that an Einstein would carry on the work that he began.
Era o desejo do teu avô... que um Einstein continuasse o trabalho que ele começou.
In cosmology, on the other hand... there was a well-defined theory... Einstein's general theory of relativity.
Na Cosmologia, por outro lado, existia uma teoria bem definida, a Teoria Geral da Relatividade de Einstein.
Einstein's theory of general relativity... showed that the universe was expanding.
A Teoria Geral da Relatividade de Einstein, mostrava que o Universo se estava a expandir.
Einstein's letter to Roosevelt in 1944 saying the bomb was impossible.
A carta de Einstein para Roosevelt em 1944, a dizer que a bomba é impossível.
That Einstein's genius was in a particular area but there's nobody like Leonardo.
Que o génio de Einstein também numa matéria em particular, mas não há ninguém como o Leonardo.
Einstein was confident that if he could unify his new theory of gravity with Maxwell's electromagnetism, he'd be able to formulate a master equation that could describe everything, the entire universe.
Einstein estava confiante que se conseguisse unificar a sua nova teoria da gravidade com o electromagnetismo de Maxwell, conseguiria formular uma equação chave que poderia descrever tudo, todo o Universo.
Their vision of the universe was so strange, it makes science fiction look tame, and it turned Einstein's quest for unification on its head.
A sua visão do Universo era tão estranha, que faz com que a ficção científica parecesse banal e virou a busca de Einstein pela unificação, contra si próprio.
By the 1930s, Einstein's quest for unification was floundering, while quantum mechanics was unlocking the secrets of the atom.
Na década de 1930, a busca de Einstein pela unificação começava a falhar. Enquanto a Mecânica Quântica desvendava os segredos do átomo.
Albert Einstein, who was Newton's true successor, was able to seriously suggest that this vast ocean, all the laws of nature, might be reduced to a few fundamental ideas expressed by a handful of mathematical symbols.
Albert Einstein, que foi o verdadeiro sucessor de Newton, conseguiu sugerir que este vasto oceano, todas as leis da Natureza, pudessem ser reduzidas a algumas ideias fundamentais expressas por uma mão cheia de símbolos matemáticos.
And although Einstein was initially enthusiastic, he then seemed to waver, and for two years held up publication of Kaluza's paper.
E apesar de Einstein ter sido inicialmente um entusiasta, ele pareceu hesitar e durante 2 anos, atrasou a publicação do trabalho de Kaluza.
Eventually, Kaluza's paper was published after Einstein decided extra dimensions were his cup of tea.
O artigo de Kaluza acabou por ser publicado, depois de Einstein ter decido que as dimensões extras eram o seu assunto preferido.
The letter was about an application of Einstein's famous equation, e = mc ².
A carta era sobre a aplicação da famosa equação de Einstein :
The caller was Leo Szilard, another brilliant scientist and an old friend of Einstein's from Europe.
O visitante era Leo Szilard, outro cientista brilhante e velho amigo de Einstein da Europa.
Einstein's great insight was that energy, the thing that enables an object to move, and mass, essentially an objects weight, are not different, they are in fact the same thing.
A grande perspicácia de Einstein era que a energia, o que permite o movimento dum objecto, e a massa, essencialmente o peso de um objecto, não eram diferentes, eram, de facto, a mesma coisa.
But Einstein's equation explained what was powering the sun.
Mas a equação de Einstein explicava o que fornecia energia ao Sol.
Szilard's mission was to show Einstein that the formula he had thought up in 1905, e = mc ², had a new and terrible reality with the element uranium.
A missão de Szilard era mostrar a Einstein que a fórmula que ele descobrira em 1905, E = m.c ^ 2, tinha uma nova e terrível realidade com o elemento Urânio.
Eight weeks later Albert Einstein's letter was taken to the White House.
Oito semanas depois, a carta de Einstein foi levada para a Casa Branca.
Einstein's response to the news of Hiroshima was horror.
A resposta de Einstein à notícia de Hiroshima foi de horror.
Einstein's letter was critical because without it America would not have started working on the bomb in time to have a bomb before the end of World War 2.
A carta de Einstein era crítica porque sem ela a América não teria começado a trabalhar na bomba a tempo de ter uma bomba antes do final da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
But given what I was trying to explain, we can fold the space, bring the target closer to us, create what's known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge, otherwise known as a wormhole, suspend it via gravitational field.
Mas agora podemos dobrar o espaço, aproximar o alvo e criar aquilo que é conhecido por ponte Einstein-Rosen, ou "buraco de verme". Um campo gravitacional suspenso.
I think there's something to be learnt here, we've got to think about how we defend our science, how we project ourselves to the public. In all the clamour, the science seems to have been left behind. In the end, the integrity of climate science was not faulted, but somehow a leak of some 10 year old emails did real damage to its reputation.
A única maneira de Paczynski estar correto era se Einstein estivesse errado e se E = MC ² estivesse errada.
But why do we think Einstein's was capable of such brilliance and innovation when his peers must have worked just as hard?
Mas porque é que achas que o Einstein era capaz de tanta inteligência e inovação, quando os colegas dele devem ter trabalhado tanto quanto ele?
Einstein's paper ended the debate about whether the atom was real or not.
O artigo de Einstein acabou com o debate sobre se o átomo era ou não verdadeiro.
Bohr had brushed aside all of Einstein's criticisms and Bohr was regarded as having been victorious.
Bohr tinha posto de lado todas as críticas de Einstein e foi reconhecido como o vencedor do duelo.
walter bishop, dubbed by his contemporaries as a successor to albert einstein, worked for the defense advanced research projects agency from the late'70s... until he was committed to the st. clair's mental institution for manslaughter.
Walter Bishop, apelidado pelos seus contemporâneos como o sucessor de Albert Einstein. Trabalhou para a Agência de Estudos de Defesa Avançada. Desde o final dos anos 70...
An attempt was made to render a warship, the USS Eldridge, invisible, using Einstein's theories.
Foi feita uma tentativa para tornar um navio de guerra, o USS Eldridge, invisível, usando as teorias de Einstein.
That man's name was, surprise, surprise, Albert Einstein.
Esse homem chamava-se - surpresa, surpresa - Albert Einstein.
Yeah, but research into dark energy proved Einstein's cosmological constant was actually right all along. So you're still, surprise, surprise, a loser.
Sim, mas a investigação da energia negra provou que a constante cosmológica de Einstein estava certa, por isso, continuas a ser - surpresa, surpresa - um fracassado.
It was a description that finally managed to unite Einstein's special theory of relativity and the weird world of quantum mechanics.
Descrição que finalmente conseguiu unir a Teoria Especial da Relatividade de Einstein e o estranho mundo da mecânica quântica.
- That was Einstein's big idea.
Foi a grande conclusão do Einstein.
Understanding what makes my intelligence different from that of someone like Einstein's could be a question of my genes, or the way I was brought up.
Entender o que faz com que minha inteligência seja diferente da de alguém, como Einstein, poderia ser uma questão de meus genes, ou a forma de como me criaram.
I was just rocking out to Einstein's biography this morning. Fall of the Roman Empire.
A Queda do Império Romano.
During the late years of the 19th century, physicists, and in particular Albert Einstein, were forced to re-examine our intuitive picture of space and time, and halfway through the 20th century, Einstein's colleague and tutor Hermann Minkowski was compelled to write
Durante os últimos anos do século 19, físicos, e em particular Albert Einstein, foram forçados a reexaminar a nossa imagem intuitiva do espaço e do tempo, e a meio do século 20, o colega e tutor
But Cecelia Payne had attended a lecture in London by the astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington, the first scientist to provide evidence that Einstein's revolutionary General Theory of Relativity was correct.
Mas Cecilia Payne assistira a uma palestra em Londres pelo astrónomo Sir Arthur Eddington, o primeiro cientista a apresentar provas de que a revolucionária Teoria da Relatividade Geral de Einstein estava certa.
The size and the organization of Einstein's brain allowed him to achieve greatness in the fields of physics and quantum mechanics, but the question is was Al born with a special brain that predisposed him to elevated visuospatial and mathematical abilities,
O tamanho e a organização do cérebro do Einstein, permitiu-lhe alcançar grandes feitos no campo da Física e da Mecânica Quântica. Mas, a pergunta é : Será que Al nasceu com um cérebro especial que o predispôs às suas capacidades matemáticas e visuo-espaciais, ou será que o seu cérebro cresceu como resultado de milhares de horas de longos e contínuos esforços?
Einstein's was 160.
Einstein tinha 160.
According to reports, right before Tesla's death, he was working with Albert Einstein and the United States
Desenhos das paredes de pedra e Esculturas maravilhar turistas. Mas ao contrário de outras grandes
I don't know, maybe it was me the day I knocked on Einstein's door.
Não sei, talvez tenha sido eu no dia em que bati à porta do Einstein.
I solved Einstein's riddle when I was ten.
Resolvi o enigma do Einstein aos 10 anos.
- I'm sorry, but while you were all saving Einstein, Sara was off on her own secret side mission to kill Laurel's killer in the past.
- Sinto muito, mas enquanto estavam todos a tentar salvar o Einstein, a Sara tinha uma missão pessoal secreta paralela, a de matar o assassino da Laurel no passado.
Even Einstein's theory of relativity was later applied to the development of nuclear weapons.
Até a Teoria da Relatividade de Einstein foi aplicada para desenvolver as armas nucleares.
Yeah, this is exciting, though. It's like meeting Norbert before he was Einstein.
É como encontrar Norbert antes de tornar-se Einstein.

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