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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ G ] / Get ahold of yourself

Get ahold of yourself Çeviri Portekizce

88 parallel translation
Get ahold of yourself Jack.
- Agora ouça, Jack.
You've got to get ahold of yourself.
Procura conter-te.
Get ahold of yourself.
Vamos, apoie-se em mim.
Get ahold of yourself!
Max, Max, you've got to get ahold of yourself.
- Max! - 99, não está a perceber?
Get ahold of yourself, man.
Controle-se, homem!
You got to get ahold of yourself so you can talk to him, and see if he'll come out.
Precisa se controlar para falar com ele e convencê-lo a sair do banco.
Get ahold of yourself.
Get ahold of yourself.
Get ahold of yourself, okay?
Veja se se recompõe, sim?
Get ahold of yourself.
Get ahold of yourself, Jack.
Controla-te, Jack.
I love you, but you're gonna have to get ahold of yourself.
Eu amo-te, mas vais ter encarar a verdade.
Get ahold of yourself.
Vê é se te dominas.
Get ahold of yourself, Pinky You don't believe in ghosts.
Acalma-te, Pinky, tu não acreditas em fantasmas.
Get ahold of yourself.
Procure se controlar.
- Get ahold of yourself!
- ControIa-te, homem!
Get ahold of yourself, for god's sake!
- Mm-hmm. Now, listen, I want you to pay attention... to your Uncle George and your Aunt Nina now, all right? Get ahold of yourself.
São totalmente inofensivos.
- George, get ahold of yourself!
Controle-se, George!
- George! Get ahold of yourself.
- George, tente controlar-se!
Get ahold of yourself. lt's okay.
Controla-te. Está tudo bem.
Get ahold of yourself!
Bob, get ahold of yourself!
Get ahold of yourself.
Confie em si próprio.
Get ahold of yourself, Garak.
Controla-te, Garak.
Hilda, get ahold of yourself.
Obrigada. Precisava disso.
Get ahold of yourself, Ok? Look.
Controla-te, está bem.
Get ahold of yourself.
Este homem está morto.
You've got to get ahold of yourself.
Tens que ter calma.
I need you to get ahold of yourself.
Preciso que te controles.
Get ahold of yourself, Eugene.
Recomponha-se, Eugene.
Relax, get ahold of yourself.
Descontrai-te. Controla-te.
Get ahold of yourself.
Tenha calma.
Get ahold of yourself!
Veja lá se tem calma!
Get ahold of yourself, wooldoor.
Se controle, Wooldoor.
Get ahold of yourself.
Controla as emoções.
Get ahold of yourself.
Vê se te controlas.
Get ahold of yourself.
Vê lá se te controlas.
Get ahold of yourself.
Vem cá. Controla-te.
- Get ahold of yourself, Lucy!
- Controle-se, Lucy!
Just get ahold of yourself.
Vê se te acalmas.
Vera, get ahold of yourself now.
Vera, tente controlar-se.
Get ahold of yourself, Andy.
Controla-te, Andy.
Take these and get ahold of yourself.
Vê se te controlas.
Get ahold of yourself.
Give yourself a few seconds, and you get ahold of the situation.
Mas depois de alguns segundos, a situação tem que estar sob controle.
Lisa, get ahold of yourself.
Lisa, controla-te.
- Think you gotta get ahold of yourself.
- Precisa de se controlar.
Hey, Alton. Get yourself a map get ahold of the SWAT boys... and get your best body armour. Yes, sir.
Alton, pega num mapa, chama os gajos da SWAT e veste a tua melhor armadura ;
Get ahold of yourself, now!

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