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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ H ] / Have you heard anything

Have you heard anything Çeviri Portekizce

329 parallel translation
Have you heard anything from the hotel?
Teve notícias do hotel?
Have you heard anything about our boy?
- Sabe alguma coisa do nosso filho?
Listen, have you heard anything from up the river?
Ouça,... ouviu falar de algo lá de cima do rio?
Have you heard anything yet?
Já soubeste de alguma coisa?
"Have you heard anything about my little girl?"
"Ouviu alguma coisa sobre a minha menina?"
Have you heard anything about the Persians?
Ouviste alguma coisa acerca dos persas?
The market's a little weak. Have you heard anything from the secretary?
Sim, deixei-o ir, o mercado esta um pouco débil... escutou algo?
Say, Mr Wynn, have you heard anything about this new comedian, Stanley Belt?
Sr. Wynn, já ouviu falar de um cómico novo, o Stanley Belt?
- Have you heard anything?
- Já sabe de alguma coisa?
Have you heard anything about Oscar?
Diga-me... sabe do Óscar, desde que ele saiu daqui?
- Have you heard anything?
Michael... - Já soube de alguma coisa?
Have you heard anything?
Ouviram alguma coisa?
Have you heard anything like it? There is a confession of faith on their money!
viemos a um país bom e temeroso de Deus.
Have you heard anything about that, Manning?
E você, Manning?
Have you heard anything?
Com as tuas mãos! Ouviste alguma coisa?
- Alex. Have you heard anything?
- Alex, já ouviu alguma coisa?
Tell me, have you heard anything about Sarah lately?
Diz-me, tens tido notícias de Sarah últimamente?
♪ I like-a say... ♪ Have you heard anything like that in your life?
Já alguma vez ouviu algo assim em toda a sua vida?
Have you heard anything?
Soube de alguma coisa?
Have you heard anything about this Unified Ranch Corporation?
Já ouviste alguma coisa sobre a Corporação De Ranchos Unificados?
- Have you heard anything from them?
- Soube alguma coisa através deles?
Say, Brad Jr., have you heard anything from Tommy? No.
Brad Jr., tiveste notícias do Tommy?
- Have you heard anything about Clara?
- Como é Clara? Got News?
Have you heard anything from James?
Sabe alguma coisa do James?
Mr. Horne, have you heard anything from your daughter?
Sr. Horne, tem alguma notícia da sua filha?
Have you heard anything from the State Department?
Tem notícias do Departamento de Estado?
Have you heard anything from Dad?
Sabes alguma coisa do pai?
Well, have you heard anything about either one of them?
Está bem, leu as críticas?
- So, George have you heard anything about the missing equipment?
- Então, George, novidades do equipamento desaparecido?
Have you heard anything about that?
Ouviu falar de alguma coisa?
Have you heard anything more about the matter we discussed?
Tem ouvido algo mais sobre o assunto que discutimos?
Have you heard anything more from Q?
O Q apareceu de novo?
You ain't heard anything about this copper they call the Hawk, have you?
Ainda não ouviste nada sobre esse chui a que chamam "o Falcão", pois não?
You couldn't have heard anything.
Não ouviram nada com certeza.
You haven't heard anything about that bomb, have you?
Por acaso não ouviste nada acerca daquela bomba?
Have you not also heard them saying that anything is possible now that Commodus has become Caesar?
Não terá também ouvido dizer que agora que Cômodo é César tudo é possível?
You haven't seen or heard anything suspicious, have you?
Você não viu ou ouviu algo suspeito, não?
Have you heard anything like this?
We have not heard anything more, but you know the penalty for desertion.
Nós não soubemos mais nada dele. Mas tu já sabes qual é a pena por deserção.
Have you... er... heard anything... on the grapevine?
Ouviu... qualquer coisa... na videira?
Anything you might have heard.
Tudo o que possa ter ouvido.
Have you ever heard anything more feeble and wet?
Já ouviu algo tão ridículo?
Have you heard anything about the ship?
Sabem alguma coisa da nave?
Have you ever heard him called anything else?
Já o ouviu ser chamado por outro nome?
Have you seen or heard anything that might suggest someone else had a motive?
Ouviram ou viram algo que sugira um possível motivo?
How many of you out there have heard of alternative engines engines that can run on anything from alcohol to garbage or water?
Quantos ouviram falar de motores alternativos que trabalham a álcool, lixo, ou água?
Have you ever heard of anyone doing anything like this?
Já soubeste de alguém que fizesse uma coisa destas?
Have you ever heard anything more sick, anything more perverse?
Já alguma vez ouviram alguma coisa mais doente, mais perversa?
Have you ever heard anything more...
- Já ouviste coisa mais...
O'Grady, have you heard of anything over at First National Bank? Yeah.
O'Grady, ouviu alguma coisa sobre o Banco Estadual?
Have you ever heard anything like that?
- Alguma vez viste uma coisa assim?

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