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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ H ] / He woke up

He woke up Çeviri Portekizce

701 parallel translation
What if he woke up one day, and my father took away all the automobiles he let him have to sell and said : "You're fired".
E se o meu pai, um dia, lhe tirasse... todos os automóveis que o deixa vender e dissesse : "Estás despedido."
He woke up in the middle of the night and thought he saw... a great big white hand comin'up at him over the edge of the bed.
Ele acordou a meio da noite e achou que estava a ver uma grande mão branca a aproximar-se... - Ai, sim?
Then he woke up, nobody slept for 48 hours.
E depois acordou e ninguem dormiu durante 48 horas.
With this, our first trip Wichita will be... He woke up.
Com isto, a nossa primeira viagem a Wichita será... despertou.
The other times I smelled the gas escaping, pounded on his door until he woke up.
As outras vezes senti o cheiro do gás a verter, e bati à porta dele até ele acordar.
Usually when he smelled the land breeze, he woke up and dressed to go to wake the boy.
Normalmente, quando ele sentia | o cheiro da brisa, ele acordava... e vestia-se | para ir acordar o rapaz.
He heard your storm and he woke up.
Ouviu a tua trovoada e acordou.
He woke up.
- Acordou mesmo!
He woke up as usual. He started driving his car. He stopped for breakfast.
Ele acordou, saiu com o carro... parou para tomar café, foi à casa de banho e saltou pela janela.
[He didn't waste any time. ] [ Seizing the phone he woke up... ] [... the most stalwart members of his faction.]
Sem perder tempo... agarrou o telefone e acordou... os membros mais robustos da sua facção.
When he woke up, he didn't know whether he was a man or a cat.
Quando acordou, não sabia se era um homem ou um gato.
When I came by, he woke up, jumped up and started firing his gun.
Quando eu ia a passar, acordou, saltou e desatou aos tiros.
He woke up yesterday and he can't see.
Ontem acordou, e estava cego.
He woke up.
- Já acordou!
- He woke up?
- Já acordou?
... it started to bleed, then he passed out, but she prepared a compress to stop the blood, and then she stopped the blood, and when he woke up it was no longer bleeding.
Ao despertar, tinha deixado de sangrar e apesar de muito fraco, demonstrou-lhe seu afeto.
I don't have any buddies left. Or is he probably struck a rock during a dive was knocked unconscious, and died before he woke up.
O problema é que não tenho amigos ficou inconsciente e morreu antes de voltar a si.
He woke up half the police station. He was very loud, very vocal.
Acordou metade da esquadra, de tão alto que gritou.
He woke up this morning with no headache.
Acordou esta manhã sem dores de cabeça fino como um alho!
He woke up at the zoo.
Acordou no zoo.
He woke up then.
Nessa altura, acordou.
When he woke up, he was all in one piece,
Quando acordou, estava inteiro.
He snored all night, he said nothing, then in the morning he woke up and died.
De noite ressonava... Não disse outra coisa! - De manhã acordou e morreu!
And when he woke up, He was on fire.
E quando acordou, estava a arder.
[Cahill] Yeah, we cuffed him just before he woke up.
- Algemamo-lo antes de acordar.
Three days later, he woke up and looked out of the window.
Três dias depois, acordou e olhou pela janela.
It was a giant and he woke me up.
Era um gigante e ele acordou-me.
He woke me up at three o'clock in the morning, banging on my door.
Acordou-me às três da manhã, a bater à porta.
I woke up, and he was gone.
Quando acordei, ele já se tinha ido.
He woke me up this morning.
Acordou-me esta manhã.
He woke with a jerk of his fist coming up, and the line burning out through his hand.
Ele acordou com um puxão do seu | pulso, e a linha a queimar a sua mão.
Fortunately, he woke up in time.
Felizmente, acordou a tempo.
Then, in the middle of the night I woke up, and there he was. Standing by our bed shielding the candle with his hands to keep the light from hitting my husband.
À noite, acordei, e lá estava ele... ao lado da cama, cobrindo a luz para não acordar meu marido.
He just woke up.
Ele acabou de acordar.
Well, he might have waited until I woke up to begin his joke.
Não está certo! Devia ter esperado que eu acordasse para pregar a partida.
He was gone when I woke up, along with the other guard and Mr. O'Neil.
Quando acordei, tinha desaparecido com o outro guarda e o Sr. O'Neil.
Gringo son of a bitch woke us up. He don't give a damn!
Este maldito gringo acordou-nos e ficou indiferente.
Someone woke me up at 6.00 yesterday morning saying he was the British ambassador.
Só sei que me acordaram às seis da manhã ontem a dizer que era o Embaixador Britânico.
He woke me up and said "I'm gonna make you the grooviest chick in this town."
Acordou-me e disse : "Vou transformá-Ia... na garota mais linda da cidade."
Frank, he must have just woke up.
Frank, ele deve ter acabado de acordar.
He just woke up there.
Acabou de acordar lá.
Once he stayed out all night and there was no one to make my coffee when I woke up.
Uma vez, passou toda a noite fora e não estava cá ninguém para preparar o meu café quando acordei.
His Grace woke up, and succeeded in freeing himself from the dying woman. But he was unable to extinguish the flames that now were engulfing him.
Ele acordou e conseguiu soltar-se da mulher em chamas... mas não conseguiu apagar o fogo, que o consumiu.
Well he just woke up at noon, sir.
Acordou agora. Ao meio-dia.
I woke him up before, and he got really mad.
Já o acordei e ele ficou muito zangado.
When I woke up... It seemed like he was still in the room with me.
Quando acordei... parecia que ainda estava no quarto comigo.
I woke up, and he was gone.
Acordei, e ele já cá não estava.
When I woke up he was gone I didn't mind, saw the sea outside
Quando acordei ele tinha desaparecido. Não me importei. Fui ver o mar lá fora.
He used to tell us stories about how toys woke up after we were asleep.
Ele costumava contar-me histórias de bonecos que nos acordavam depois de adormecermos.
He got ratted one night in Oslo, and woke up the next morning in Burma.
Ele ficou estendido uma noite em Oslo, e acordou na manhã seguinte em Burma.
And then what happened was I fell asleep, and when I woke up, he was gone.
E aí o que aconteceu foi que eu adormeci e quando acordei, ele tinha ido embora!

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