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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I saw him today

I saw him today Çeviri Portekizce

71 parallel translation
- Well, I saw him today.
- Bem, vi-o hoje.
I saw him today, and he's short, bald and dumpy.
Eu o vi hoje, e ele é baixo, careca e triste.
Mr. Chapman didn't promise anything when I saw him today.
O Sr. Chapman não prometeu nada quando o vi hoje.
When I saw him today, he shot past me like I was a stranger.
Quando eu o vi hoje, ele passou por mim como se eu fosse um estranho.
I saw him today, though.
Vi-o hoje.
- I saw him today.
- Vi-o hoje.
I saw him today.
Vi-o hoje.
I saw him today.
Vi-o hoje!
Her kid died and I saw him today.
O filho dela morreu e eu o vi hoje.
I saw him today.
Eu vi-o hoje.
I saw him today.
Eu falei com ele hoje.
But check it out, I saw him today.
Mas ouve, vi-o hoje.
I know you don't care as much as I do, but dad just seemed really off when I saw him today.
Sei que não te importas tanto quanto eu, mas... O pai pareceu-me estranho hoje.
I thought I saw him today.
Hoje, achei que o tinha visto.
I saw him today after two and a half months because I insisted. Come on, Guta.
Vá lá, Guta.
I don't know, I never even saw him before today.
Não o conheço. Nunca o vi antes.
If you knew my Dad, there isn't anybody like him, not anybody, but today, he acted like somebody I never saw before.
Se conhecesse o meu pai... Veria que não há ninguém como ele, mas, hoje, parecia um total desconhecido.
All I do know is that I saw him do it five times today.
Só sei que, hoje, o vi fazê-lo cinco vezes.
And earlier today, I saw him asleep inside a radiation suit.
E esta manhã, encontrei-o a dormir num fato anti-radiações.
I saw him in class today.
Eu vi-o hoje na aula.
Yeah. Well, I saw him earlier today.
Eu estive com ele hoje.
When I saw him at the bus stop today, he was laughing.
Quando o vi hoje na paragem, ele estava a rir-se.
My kid is 4 years old and for the first time today... I saw him playing with the other kids just being a normal kid.
O meu filho tem 4 anos e pela primeira vez, hoje... eu vi-o a brincar com outras crianças, a ser uma criança normal.
Today I saw him committing a 225-02VC.
Hoje, vi-o a cometer uma infracção 2-25-02-VC.
I saw you with him today.
Vi-te com ele hoje.
I saw first hand today how horrible it is with him and Dan.
Vi hoje com os meus olhos como é horrível a relação dele com o Dan.
I saw him at the grocery store today.
Vi-o na mercearia hoje.
I don't know. I can't place him, but I know that I saw him before today.
Eu não o consegui identificar, mas sei que o vi noutro dia.
I can't place him, but I know that I saw him before today.
Não me recordo onde, mas já o vi antes.
I saw him torture someone today.
Hoje vi-o a torturar uma pessoa.
I saw him break up a fight earlier today, and these guys didn't seem too happy about it.
Eu vi-o separar uma luta de manhã, e os gajos não ficaram contentes.
I saw you today, standing out on Main Street with him.
- Eu vi-te hoje com ele na Main Street.
- Sarah, I saw you today. Standing out on Main Street with him.
Sarah, eu vi-te hoje com ele na Main Street.
I saw him already today.
Eu já o vi hoje. Desculpa.
I was shopping today. And I saw him and some girl outside who I've never seen.
Andava às compras hoje, e vi-o...
Today, when? I saw him there, as if it was not him.
e pareceu-me que se tinha ido.
The other day, i noticed this guy when I met with you, and then I just saw him again today.
No outro dia, reparei num fulano quando me encontrei com vocês, e hoje voltei a vê-lo.
I think I saw him. Today
Acho que o vi, hoje, ao lado da igreja.
I saw him escape from jail earlier today.
Eu vi-o fugir da cela, hoje.
And I was at the scene of another crash today, and I saw him there, so I chased him.
E eu estive no local de outro acidente hoje e vi-o lá, por isso fui atrás dele.
Kevin is a big, fat nothing, and I could not believe what I saw her doing with him today.
Kevin é uma grande e gordo nada! E nem acreditei o que a vi fazer com ele hoje.
I saw Matt Lauer interview him on the Today show.
Vi o Matt Lauer entrevistá-lo no "Today".
I just saw him today.
Eu vi-o hoje.
I saw him cry today when I questioned him.
Eu vi-o a chorar quando o interroguei hoje.
Jimmy saw a side of the business today that I've sort of shielded him from.
Com nenhuma. O Jimmy hoje assistiu a uma vertente do negócio de que o estava a proteger.
While I was speaking with him today, she texted him a second time. And I saw her name come up on his phone.
Quando falei com ele hoje, ela mandou outra mensagem e vi o nome dela.
I saw him... saying good-bye to you today.
Eu vi-o... a dizer-te adeus hoje.
You're gonna walk into that studio, and you're gonna show him the Napoli that I saw today.
Vai entrar no estúdio e mostrar-lhe o Napoli que eu vi hoje.
I saw you putting someone in a town car today, kissing him good-bye.
Vi-te a fechar a porta do carro para um homem. E dar-lhe um beijo de despedida.
I saw him again today.
Eu vi-o hoje outra vez.
And I'm pretty sure that I saw him driving by earlier today.
E tenho quase a certeza que o vi a passar aqui de manhã.

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