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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ I ] / I told you

I told you Çeviri Portekizce

58,707 parallel translation
I told you I had no choice.
Já lhe disse que não tive escolha.
- I told you not to call me here.
- Disse-te para não me ligares para aqui.
- I told you a thousand times.
- Contei-te imensas vezes.
I told you that this could happen.
Disse-te que isto podia acontecer.
I told you it was worth the wait.
Bem te disse.
I told you once this happened again, I don't work for you anymore.
Já te disse que se isto acontecesse, não trabalharia mais para ti.
Well, what if I told you I know a place where they won't give you that look?
E se eu souber de um sítio diferente?
There's a real world out there, and like I told you, there's an experienced lawyer on the other side looking to exploit our mistakes.
Há um mundo a sério lá fora. E eu disse-te que há um advogado à espera para explorar os nossos erros.
But I told you that I wouldn't stop looking for a way to keep her in her home, and I think I found one.
Mas disse-te que não ia parar de tentar arranjar forma de a manter em casa. E acho que encontrei uma.
- I told you he'll lose.
Devolve o caso ao Oliver. - Ele vai perder.
I gotta figure out how- what if I told you i have a way to get you into the bar?
Tenho de descobrir como... E se te disser que consigo que entres na Ordem?
- This case is based on the fact that your client started construction while tenants - And what if I told you Ms. price signed off this?
Este caso é baseado no facto de o seu cliente começar a construção com os inquilinos no edifício, o que viola o código imobiliário.
I told you a bunch of times, okay?
Estou farta de dizer-te.
I told you not to talk about that. I know.
Eu disse-te para não falares disso.
I told you, you were going places.
Eu disse-te que ias longe.
- I told you.
- Eu disse-te.
I told you about her last night.
Falei-te dela ontem à noite.
I told you about him a few months ago.
Falei-te dele há uns meses.
- I told you about this last week.
- Falei-te disso na semana passada.
I told you, we're partners.
Já te disse, sócios.
Lewis, I know I told you I'd be there for you, but I need you to be there for me.
- Louis, sei que disse que te apoiaria, mas preciso também do teu apoio. Pronto, Harvey, faço isso.
Leslie, I told you to text me when you were outside.
Leslie, disse-te para me enviares uma SMS quando chegasses.
I told you that you would lose your mind taking those antiperspirants.
Eu disse-te que ficavas maluca se tomasses os "antitranspirantes".
That's Herman Hoehne, the gallery owner I told you about.
É o Herman Hoehne, o dono da galeria de que te falei.
- Now that Lidia has told you, I'm sorry.
- A Lidia contou-vos, lamento.
I told them all I was coming to see you.
Disse-lhes que te vinha ver.
I told him I'm here, so, you know, fuck it.
Disse-lhe que estava aqui, por isso que se foda.
I didn't even know about it till you just showed up here and told me.
Nem sabia de nada, até falar nisso.
When Nathan introduced me, he told you that I used to work at Pearson Specter Litt.
Quando o Nathan me apresentou, disse que trabalhei na Pearson Specter Litt.
- I thought Gibbs told you she'd never let that happen.
Pensei que a Gibbs tinha dito que não o iria permitir.
- What do you think I told her?
Que deve ser um erro.
I told her that it must be some kind of mistake, but you and i both knows it's not,
Mas ambos sabemos que não é.
Mr. Ross, I'm grateful for everything you've done, but Marissa told me that if we could prove what happened to aj is their fault, they'd have to pay.
Sr. Ross, agradeço-lhe tudo o que fez. Mas a Marissa disse que se provarmos que a doença do AJ é culpa deles, eles teriam de pagar por isso.
- Except now you told me i can't handle it, and that's gonna be boring a hole in my brain, making this thing a thousand times harder.
Oliver, nós conseguimos ultrapassar isto juntos. Mas tu já disseste que eu não consigo. Isso vai estar sempre presente e vai dificultar a situação.
- Benjamin, before you ask, i already told you- what if I could make it more like you?
Benjamin, antes que perguntes, já disse... - E se a fizesse mais parecida contigo?
He said it was some sort of mix-up, but when I asked Donna about it, she told me that you were the one who went to see that man for me, not Louis.
Disse que houve um erro. Mas quando perguntei à Donna, ela disse-me que tu é que foste falar com o homem, não o Louis.
And I don't believe a goddamn thing you were told to say in that room.
E eu não acredito em nada do que a mandaram dizer naquela sala.
I told him you'd be happy to talk, but to give you a few days when you're feeling better.
Disse-lhe que falarias de bom grado, mas para te dar alguns dias, até te sentires melhor.
I told Belle this was a mistake to talk to you.
Eu disse à Belle que era um erro falar contigo.
I couldn't have even told you then what it meant.
Na altura, nem te conseguiria ter dito o que significava.
I just told you, this is not an Islamic terrorist attack, so we need to tread very carefully here.
Acabei de dizer que isto não é um ataque islâmico, por isso temos de ser cautelosos.
I'll tell you what I told Josh Gelfand in the sixth grade - when he asked me to the spring social. - Uh-huh.
Vou dizer-lhe o que disse ao Josh Gelfand no sexto ano, quando me convidou para o baile de primavera.
I knew you had other clients, but you told me I was in a different league from them.
Eu sabia, mas disseste que eu estava num nível à parte.
I should have told you the truth so long ago.
Devia ter-te dito a verdade há tanto tempo.
Well... I told him that you always pay your rent on time.
Disse-lhe que pagas sempre a renda a tempo.
- I told you.
- Já te disse.
I told you what we need to do.
Já te disse.
What do you think I told them?
- Que achas?
Alex, I can't believe you told on me!
Alex, nem acredito que te chibaste!
So I told them, " You listen to me right now.
E eu disse-lhes : " Ouçam-me bem.
She told me she could handle it and under no circumstances am I to tell you, so I...
E que, em circunstância alguma, eu te devia dizer, por isso...

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