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I underestimated you Çeviri Portekizce

225 parallel translation
I underestimated you, Sammy.
Eu subestimei-te, Sam.
I underestimated you.
Eu te subestimei.
Sorry I underestimated you.
Seems I underestimated you.
Parece que o subestimei.
Well, I underestimated you.
Bem, subestimei-o.
- I underestimated you, my friend.
- Eu subestimei-te amigo.
Once again, Captain, I underestimated you.
Mais uma vez, capitão, eu subestimei-o.
I underestimated you.
It seems I underestimated you.
Parece que o subestimei.
I'm afraid I underestimated you.
Parece que te subestimei.
I underestimated you, son.
Eu subestimei-te, filho.
I underestimated you, sir!
Eu subestimei-o.
i underestimated you last time, but that won't happen again.
Subestimei-te da última vez, mas não voltarei a fazê-lo.
It would appear that I underestimated you.
Parece que o subestimei.
I think I underestimated you, Nikolai, and I don't usually do that.
Acredito que te subestimei, Nikolai, e geralmente não o faço.
I underestimated you, Captain.
Subestimei-o, Capitão
I underestimated you, Agent Doggett.
Eu subestimei-o.
I guess I underestimated you.
Acho que te subestimei.
I think I underestimated you, Helena.
Acho que te subestimei, Helena.
I underestimated you.
Eu subestimei-te.
I underestimated you, Anne.
- Subestimei-a, Anne.
I'm afraid I underestimated you guys.
Receio ter-vos subestimado.
Obviously, I underestimated you.
É óbvio que o menosprezei.
I'd say either you're setting me up to be killed or I underestimated your love for your wife.
Diria que me estás a armar uma cilada para ser morta ou que subestimei o teu amor pela tua mulher.
I just have to say, I underestimated you.
Sou obrigado a dizer que a subestimei.
Perhaps I underestimated you.
Talvez te tenha subestimado.
I underestimated you, Brewer.
Subestimei-te, Brewer.
- I underestimated you.
- Subestimei-te.
I guess I underestimated you guys.
Acho que os subestimei, rapazes.
I underestimated you.
I can see that I've always underestimated you.
Posso ver que sempre o subestimei.
I guess I may have underestimated you, Doctor.
Subestimei-o, doutor.
You've always been underestimated, I'm the first to recognized it, and to ask you to excuse me.
Foi sempre subestimado, sou o primeiro a reconhecer, e peço que me desculpe.
I'm afraid that you have underestimated me.
Subestimou-me, Dr. Brewster.
I believe you've underestimated me, mister.
Acho que me subestimou, senhor.
Although it seems I may have underestimated you.
Embora eu te tenha subestimado.
But I underestimated you.
Mas subestimei-te.
I really underestimated you fellows.
Eu subestimei-vos.
I've underestimated you, Quill.
Menosprezei os teus dotes, Quill.
I've possibly underestimated you, Lois.
Talvez te tenha subestimado, Lois.
I told your father he had underestimated you.
Eu disse ao teu pai que ele te tinha subestimado.
I think we've greatly underestimated you over the years, Arnold.
Acho que te temos andado a subestimar, Arnold.
- Buffy? I'm glad I've caught you. We may have underestimated what we're dealing with.
Descobrimos mais do que era esperado sobre esta esfera.
C.W. Briggs, I seem to have underestimated you.
C.W. Briggs, pareço tê-lo subestimado...
I may have underestimated you, kid.
Talvez te tenha subestimado, rapaz.
I underestimated you.
Pois é Victor. Subestimei-te.
I clearly underestimated you.
Subestimei-te claramente.
I think you've underestimated the variables, about 11 of them.
Acho que menosprezou as variáveis.
You know, Clark I always thought that your parents corn-fed hokum had made you weak but clearly, I have underestimated your dark side.
Sabes, Clark sempre achei que o absurdo da quinta dos teus pais te tinha tornado um fraco mas, claramente, subestimei o teu lado mais sinistro.
I mis-underestimated you.
Sim. Subestimei-te.
I shouldn't have underestimated you.
Não vos devia ter subestimado.

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