Just so you know Çeviri Portekizce
5,109 parallel translation
Just so you know, you have ruined this amends for me!
Só espero que saibas que estragaste-me isto!
Just so you know, you were home sick last night.
Só para que saibas, ontem estiveste em casa doente.
Just so you know, I'm putting the passcode on my phone...
Para que saibas , vou pôr uma palavra - passe no telefone ,
And just so you know where my head was at, I was going to chase you down the hallway. Right?
E só para saber, fiquei tão desnorteado que ia sair a correr atrás de ti.
But just so you know, this ain't your average bear.
Mas só para você saber, esta não é a sua média de urso.
Just so you know, my mum's right out of red carpet.
Só para saberes... a minha mãe não passa em tapete vermelho.
Just so you know, with your type of chemo there's only about a 20 % chance it'll save your hair.
Para que saiba, com o seu tipo de quimioterapia, tem apenas 20 % de hipóteses de salvar o cabelo.
Just so you know, I had no knowledge of this party.
Para que saibas, não tive conhecimento desta festa.
Just so you know, I got out on my own accord three years ago.
Só para saberes, eu saí por vontade própria há três anos.
Well, just so you know, my name is Rome.
Para que saibam, chamo-me Rome.
And, uh, just so you know, I would have done the same thing if you were white.
Para que saibas, teria feito o mesmo se fosses branco.
Just so you know, I'm totally willing to do it.
Só para que saiba, estou disposto a fazer isso.
Just so you know, both are out of the question.
Para que saibas, as duas estão fora da questão.
- Bem só para que saibas eu espero ouvi-la.
I told her, you know, everything with me and you is in the past, and we're just friends, so...
Eu disse-lhe que tudo entre nós dois é passado, e que somos só amigos, então...
Listen, just, you know what, get a warrant so you can unseal the adoption records.
Arranja um mandado para termos acesso aos registos da adopção.
So we're just supposed to trust that you know best? No.
Devemos acreditar que você sabe mais?
But, you know, he's not really my type. He's just a rebound. So I guess it doesn't really matter.
Não faz bem o meu tipo, é só alguém para me ajudar a esquecer.
I understand that there are some legal complications... so I... well... you know I just... Carl, hi.
Olá, Carl.
He don't have a name that I know of so I just been calling him baby, but, you know, he is a real, real good boy and that'why I wanna name him Boyd,
Não sei qual será o seu nome, por isso tenho-o chamado Bebé. Mas, sabem, ele é mesmo um bom menino.
I thought... you know, I just saw the suit, so I figured, you know...
Pensei... você entende, vi o fato, por isso imaginei, entende...
Look, I know you think you're here so you can just lock me in a room until I give birth to the leader of the Resistance.
Acha que está aqui para me deter até eu dar à luz - o líder da Resistência.
So as some of you may know, Bear Stearns has just received a loan from JP Morgan.
Como devem saber, o Bear Stearns recebeu um empréstimo do JPMorgan.
So, I just wanted you to know I'm not happy about it.
Só queria que soubesses... Não estou contente com isso.
So the house, well, I'd just really like to hold on to it, you know, to remember... to remember how much we love each other.
Por isso, a casa... Gostava muito de ficar com ela. Para recordar...
So, I just wanna say that I've known, you know, Elissa a longtime.
Só queria dizer que já conheço a Elissa há muito tempo.
So, I got this idea to log on, but you can't just start playing, you know?
Então, tive a ideia de me logar. Não é só jogar.
You see, if I'm sweet to you, Nick, if I just let you walk out of here free as air, well, I want people to know how sweet I am. So, be honest, Nick.
Estou a ser gentil contigo, e não posso deixar te sair do nada, bem, eu quero que as pessoas saibam como gentil eu sou.
You just have to be you. I know so.
Só tens de ser tu.
You know, you're just the last in a long line of bloodsuckers coming here to dig up dirt, so you...
É o último dos sanguessugas que vieram desenterrar...
Yeah, so, you know, we try to keep them like, uh... just a little bit removed from that.
Por isso, tentamos mantê-los um pouco isolados disso.
But my biggest fear was, you know, being so... so ignorant of the world that... that I would just wouldn't be able to handle it.
Mas o meu maior medo era ser tão ignorante do mundo que eu não conseguia aguentar.
You know, I just love you so much.
Gosto muito de si.
You know, Charlie Brown, if you like her so much why not just walk up to her and introduce yourself?
Sabes, Charlie Brown, se gostas tanto dela, porque não vais até lá e te apresentas?
It is a camera, and I know how much you like dragonflies, so I talked to the guy and... just fancied it up a little bit.
É uma câmara. E sei o quanto gostas de libélulas, por isso, falei com um tipo e ele embelezou-a um pouco.
I just wanted to let Thomson off the hook so he'd make a mistake, relax a wee bit, you know, fuck up'?
Deixei o Thomson livre, assim podia ficar à vontade e cometer um erro.
So, just wanted to say, you know, " Bye, hair.
E então, só queria dizer tipo, " Adeus, cabelo.
Well, McCarthy gave us some of his, you know, just regular, normal soup but then, it was the last of the soup so we had to go get some more from a restaurant, on the fifth floor of an office building.
Bem, ele deu-nos um bocado da tipo, sabes, sopa, normal mas depois, era o fim da sopa e depois tínhamos que ir buscar mais a um restaurante, no quinto andar de um edifício de escritórios.
Yeah, it's a video, so you know don't think about it too hard, but just make it good.
Yeah, é um video, por isso não penses demasiado sobre isso, mas fá-lo, e bem.
Oh, no, I was just on my way around the block, and I thought of you, and I didn't know this was happening, so you guys should just do your thing.
Não. Eu ia no quarteirão e pensei em ti e não sabia que isto ia acontecer, por isso deviam fazer as vossas coisas.
I'm just waiting, you know, for them to leave so I can be alone again, and I never feel that with you.
E na maioria das vezes que estou com pessoas, fico à espera que saiam para poder fica sozinho de novo, e eu nunca sinto isso contigo.
You know, I just have to tell you, I really love this song so much.
Sabes, eu tenho de te dizer que realmente adoro essa canção.
Yeah, so anyway, that's just my dad, You know, he didn't want anybody to worry about him.
Ela era assim, não queria que ninguém se preocupasse com ele.
You know, I just... I've screwed up so many things.
Sabes, eu... lixei tantas coisas.
So I'm just trying, you know, I'm just trying.
Eu estou simplesmente a tentar.
I just don't move so good anymore, you know?
Já não me movimento muito bem, sabes?
From up here, it all just seems so much smaller, you know?
Tudo parece tão mais pequeno visto aqui de cima.
So I just laid down some cement, got the Astroturf, you know.
Adam Kontras Fundador de Golfkon
So you know, it's just awesome.
Por isso, é fabuloso.
Just so they, you know, they can maintain their overhead and remodel that Grey Gardens backyard of theirs.
Só para poderem pagar as despesas gerais e remodelar o quintal chique que têm.
So I thought I'd, you know, run it by you just to see if you were, I don't know, interested.
Então, pensei em contar-te, para ver se estás interessado.
just some 25
just sometimes 20
just so i'm clear 59
just something 33
just some guy 16
just so we're clear 159
just so 93
just so i know 20
so you know 208
so you know what 79
just sometimes 20
just so i'm clear 59
just something 33
just some guy 16
just so we're clear 159
just so 93
just so i know 20
so you know 208
so you know what 79
so you know him 19
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you know that 5741
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know me too well 26
you know that i love you 32
you know it 920
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you know that 5741
you know what i'm saying 653
you know the drill 277
you know what i mean 2419
you know me too well 26
you know that i love you 32
you know it 920
you know what they say 484
you know i love you 234
you know who i am 419
you know what you did 62
you know where to find me 273
you know what to do 433
you know what i'm thinking 71
you know something 619
you know me 1258
you know what it means 56
you know i love you 234
you know who i am 419
you know what you did 62
you know where to find me 273
you know what to do 433
you know what i'm thinking 71
you know something 619
you know me 1258
you know what it means 56