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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ M ] / Maybe we should just

Maybe we should just Çeviri Portekizce

940 parallel translation
Maybe we should just drop in on him.
- Talvez devêssemos avançar.
Maybe we should just cut the chitchat and you just jump in here and we'll get lucky.
Talvez devêssemos deixar-nos de tretas. Salta aqui para dentro e vamos ser felizes.
Maybe we should just go tell the sheriff.
Talvez devêssemos dizer ao xerife.
Maybe we should just quit... get out of here.
Talvez nós devêssemos apenas desistir... sair daqui.
But not without our little green buddy. Maybe we should just cancel.
Mas não sem nosso amiguinho verde.
Maybe we should just do what he says and leave.
Podemos também fazer o que ele manda e irmo-nos embora.
Maybe we should just think about backing off and heading south.
Talvez devêssemos recuar e ir para o Sul.
- So maybe we should just go and hide. - What are you doing?
- Devíamos ir esconder-nos!
Maybe we should just hitchhike.
Se calhar, devíamos pedir boleia.
Maybe we should just pull over. See what they want.
É melhor encostarmos e falarmos com eles.
Maybe we should just... forget the whole thing.
Talvez deseja sugerir... Esquecer tudo.
- Maybe we should just leave.
- Talvez devessemos ir embora
Maybe we should just get my stuff off the road, huh?
Talvez devêssemos tirar as minhas coisas da estrada, não?
Maybe we should just call the police.
Talvez seja melhor chamarmos a polícia.
Maybe we should just let the local police know.
Talvez deviamos avisar a policia local.
Maybe we should just banish thinking forever.
Talvez apenas baniríamos o pensamento para sempre.
Maybe we should just build a raft and row off.
Podíamos construir uma jangada e sairmos daqui para fora.
talvez devemos discutir-lo enquanto tomamos o chá.
Maybe we should just go back.
Talvez devêssemos voltar atrás. Atrás?
Maybe we should just pack up and leave.
Talvez devíamos fazer as malas e ir embora.
Maybe we should just drive around town and look for Hilary's keys.
Se calhar, podíamos ir pela cidade procurar as chaves da Hilary.
Maybe we should just keep walking tomorrow.
Amanhã, talvez fosse melhor não pararmos de caminhar.
Maybe we should just walk to Chile.
Talvez devêssemos continuar até ao Chile.
Well, maybe we should just not speak for a while.
Talvez seja melhor, não falar por um pouco.
Maybe we should just turn back, huh?
Talvez devêssemos voltar para trás, não?
So, uh, maybe we should just keep this our little secret. Wait a minute.
- Este será nosso segredo.
I don't know, maybe we should just see what happens.
Não sei. Logo veremos.
If we can't be like Gareth and Matthew, then maybe we should just let it go.
Se não pudermos ser como o Gareth e o Mathew, é melhor desistirmos.
Maybe we should just make it personal.
Podíamos tornar isto uma coisa pessoal.
Maybe we should just eat here.
Podíamos comer aqui.
- Look, maybe we should just call the whole thing off.
- Talvez devêssemos cancelar tudo.
Then maybe we should just go to a motel and fuck all day.
E se fossemos para um motel e passássemos o dia a foder?
Maybe we should just stop talking, period.
Talvez devêssemos deixar de falar, ponto final.
- So maybe we should just take a little break from the whole idea of marriage.
- Então talvez devêssemos esquecer por um tempo toda a ideia de casamento.
Look, maybe we should just go to the ridge like you said before.
Olha, talvez devêssemos ir até ao cume, como disseste antes.
Maybe we should just stay put and wait for someone to come get us.
Talvez devêssemos ficar quietos e esperar que nos venham buscar.
Maybe we should just leave them alone.
por que não lhes deixamos em paz?
Maybe we should just lie down and let these scumbags walk all over us.
Deviamos deitar-nos e deixar que estes parasitas caminhem por cima.
Maybe we should just take some time off from each other.
Se calhar devíamos dar um tempo um ao outro.
I'm sorry, Adama, but with all those ships in the air fighting for their lives in and around those tankers, I guess maybe we should've sent just my squadrons.
Lamento, Adama... Mas, com tantas naves no ar a lutar pelas suas vidas... à volta daqueles tanques... Só devíamos ter mandado os meus esquadrões.
But just in case, maybe we should go in the house and bar the door for a while : All right?
Mas pelo sim, pelo não é melhor entrarmos e barrarmos a porta.
Maybe we should have just gone to City Tech, huh?
Talvez devessemos ter ido para a City Tech.
I should have just stuck to being an agent. Maybe if we tell him we'll do anything he wants, promise not to tell on him. Maybe, then he'll let us go.
Talvez se lhe dissermos que faremos o que ele quiser, se prometermos que não o denunciamos...
Maybe we should have a look. If I can just get this door open...
Se conseguisse abrir esta porta...
Maybe we should have looked near their house instead of just around the ball park.
Talvez devessemos procurar perto deles ao invés do parque.
Maybe it just means we should remember that we forgot them, or something.
Se calhar só quer dizer que devemos lembrar-nos que nos esquecemos deles, ou de algo.
It's ridiculous to think we'd give it away just because some lazy mutants... Doug. - Maybe we should take a trip.
Não vamos entregá-lo a um bando de mutantes que pensam que são os donos de Marte.
I'm not the one running around trying to save the world. You know, if that's how you feel, maybe we should just...
Você sabe, isso é como você se sente, Talvez devêssemos apenas...
Well, maybe we should, just to see what's the big deal.
Podíamos fazê.lo. Só para ver o que tem de especial.
Maybe we should invite somebody, so it's not just her surrounded by three men.
Talvez devêssemos convidar alguém, para ela não estar sozinha com 3 homens.
I just think maybe we should start lookin at improbable explanations.
Acho que devíamos começar a procurar explicações improváveis.

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