Open the doors Çeviri Portekizce
871 parallel translation
Judge us not for our weakness, but for our love. And open the doors of heaven for Charlie and me.
Não nos julgue por nossas fraquezas... mas por nosso amor... e abre as portas do céu, para Charlie e para mim.
We're going to open the doors of Skull... and ask you all to come in and eat and drink the finest food and liquor... that money can buy.
Vamos abrir as portas do Skull... e convidar todos para comer e beber a melhor comida e bebida... que o dinheiro pode comprar.
- When they open the doors, I fall in.
- Quando abrem as portas, lá estou.
So, come to my chamber tonight, and I'll gladly open the doors, with my own hands.
Depois, vem ao meu quarto esta noite... e, pessoalmente, abrirei as portas com as minhas próprias mãos.
When the Allies open the doors...
Quando os Aliados abrem as portas...
You open the doors to the cashiers'cages.
Tu abres a porta de acesso à caixa.
Open the doors wide!
Abri a porta de par em par.
Sejanus, tell your men to open the doors.
Seiano, manda os teus homens abrirem os portões.
Open the doors.
Abra as portas.
Open the doors.
Abre as portas!
Keep moving. I'll open the doors.
Continua a andar. Eu abro a porta.
- Landberg, can't we open the doors?
- Só abre quando o trem para.
Open the doors.
Abra a porta.
Warden, tell them to open the doors.
Diretor, peça para eles abrirem as portas.
Open the doors. Draw the curtains.
Abram as portas e as cortinas.
And this is our gracious host who will open the doors of society to you.
E este é nosso amável convidado que te abrirá as portas da sociedade.
Why not pry open the doors at this level?
Por que não forçamos as portas do piso?
Open the rest of the doors.
Abre o resto das portas.
If you'll all calm down, I'll make arrangements to keep the doors open till 4 : 00 and you'll all be paid today.
Se todos se acalmarem, prepararei tudo para manter as portas abertas até øs 16 : 00... e seräo pagos ainda hoje.
Not if we keep the doors and windows open.
- Abrimos a porta e as janelas.
I daren't unpack a thing. And the windows don't open and the doors don't shut and the plumbing won't work.
As janelas não abrem, a porta não fecha e os canos não funcionam.
The doors are open ;
As portas estão abertas.
Now, I thought, doors will open beyond which I shall catch a glimpse of the unknown.
Pensei que as portas se abririam e, para lá delas, poderia vislumbrar o desconhecido.
Then I saw the partition doors open, so I got up an hour ago.
Como vi a porta aberta, levantei-me.
Will you leave the doors open please, so you can hear if I call?
Podes deixar a porta aberta, para ouvires se te chamar?
All right. The next time you start a car, make sure you leave the garage doors open, you understand?
Quando ligares um carro, deixa a garagem aberta.
All the doors are open, it's gone.
Todas as portas estão abertas.
Shall we open the outer doors on the stern tubes?
Abrimos as escotilhas nos tubos da popa?
And all the blinds will go up, and all the doors will open, and you'll never be lonely, ever again.
E as vidraças levantar-se-ão e todas as portas se abrirão e então nunca mais se sentirá só.
When the motor kicks in, instead of the lights going on the doors click open.
Quando o gerador for ligado, em vez de acender a luz... abre as portas.
If the cable fails legitimately, those doors spring open.
Se por acaso faltar a electricidade, as portas abrem-se.
And when the right doors wouldn't open he went in the wrong ones.
E, quando as portas certas não se abriram, foi bater às portas erradas.
Princess, now, look, you've gotta open the right doors for me.
Princesa, tens de me abrir as portas certas.
There are three doors. We're gonna try to have somebody inside who will open up one of the other doors.
Vamos tentar colocar aIguêm Iá dentro... para abrir uma das outras portas.
Not unless you can make one of the doors stay open.
Só se deixar alguma porta aberta.
And those ulcers will stop... the day all schools must get an education... before being allowed to open their doors.
Para que as úlceras acabem... as escolas devem ser instruídas antes de abrirem as portas.
I'll get the doors open.
Eu vou abrir as portas.
Offer your food and raiment to the poor and hungry, for they will open to you the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Oferecei as vossas vestes e o vosso pão aos pobres e aos mendigos, pois eles abrir-lhes-ão o reino dos céus.
If it's Zarbi, the doors will not open.
- Escondam-se.
Uma das melhores maneiras de se abrirem portas.
Open the hangar doors!
Abram a porta grande.
We open the cell doors with his keys and we take the other deputies by surprise murder them, swipe a few Remingtons and beat it.
Abrimos as portas com as chaves e apanhamos os outros ajudantes de surpresa, matámo-los, roubamos umas Remingtons e desandamos.
Open the pod doors, Hal.
Abre as portas do veículo, Hal.
Open the pod-bay doors, please, Hal.
Abre as portas da base, por favor, Hal. Abre as portas da base, por favor, Hal.
Open the pod-bay doors, Hal.
Abre as portas da base, Hal.
But bankers don't leave the front doors open.
Se fosse ao banco, não deixava a porta da frente aberta.
We'll enter as soon as the doors open.
Entraremos assim que as portas se abrirem.
And now I believe you can replace the umbrella and open your doors.
Obrigado, Sr. Jones, Pode substituir o chapéu e abrir as portas.
When the doors of the safe and the vault both stay open more than two minutes,... all the doors lock and the police gets a signal.
Quando a porta do cofre e do caixa forte ficam... abertas por mais de dois minutos... todas as portas se trancam... e a polícia recebe um sinal.
I feel a strong desire to open each of those doors and expose the intrigue in which we've been involved.
Eu sinto um forte desejo de abrir cada uma daquelas portas e expor a intriga na qual nós fomos envolvidos.
The doors are open.
As portas estão abertas.
open the window 84
open the door 2669
open the gate 269
open the gates 106
open the damn door 76
open the box 45
open the trunk 45
open the fucking door 115
open the safe 26
open the case 20
open the door 2669
open the gate 269
open the gates 106
open the damn door 76
open the box 45
open the trunk 45
open the fucking door 115
open the safe 26
open the case 20
open them 61
open the bag 25
open the door now 39
open the hatch 29
open the goddamn door 52
open the 18
open the register 17
open the iris 28
open them up 18
the doors 46
open the bag 25
open the door now 39
open the hatch 29
open the goddamn door 52
open the 18
open the register 17
open the iris 28
open them up 18
the doors 46
doors 63
doors closing 23
doors open 18
doors opening 23
open your mind 30
open your mouth 357
open it 1442
open your eyes 699
open up 2215
open your heart 22
doors closing 23
doors open 18
doors opening 23
open your mind 30
open your mouth 357
open it 1442
open your eyes 699
open up 2215
open your heart 22
open it up 264
open bar 41
open your legs 21
open up the door 41
open door 32
open wide 81
open that door 50
open your present 22
open bar 41
open your legs 21
open up the door 41
open door 32
open wide 81
open that door 50
open your present 22