That money Çeviri Portekizce
18,043 parallel translation
Everyone said my mom should fire her because of all the times that money went missing from the register, but that wasn't Mom.
Toda a gente dizia que a minha mãe devia despedi-la por causa de todas as vezes que o dinheiro desaparecia da caixa, mas a minha mãe não era assim.
All that money rolling in, what're we getting?
Com todo esse dinheiro a entrar, quanto é que vamos ganhar?
Guess what's gonna happen to you when I find that money?
Adivinha o que é que te vai acontecer quando descobrir o dinheiro?
You know, do we really want someone coming after you with all that money?
Queremos mesmo que venha alguém atrás de vocês com todo aquele dinheiro?
That money belongs to God.
- Esse dinheiro pertence a Deus.
Start following that money again, see where that leads.
Vou seguir o dinheiro de novo.
I think I know exactly what happened to that money.
Acho que sei, exactamente, aquilo que aconteceu ao dinheiro.
That money's gonna lock you up.
Aquele dinheiro vai-te engavetar.
And I'm gonna find that money if I have to break every wall in this house, starting with this one.
E vou encontrá-lo nem que precise de partir todas as paredes desta casa, a começar por esta.
And I'm gonna find that money, and when I find it, I'm coming up here, and I'm lighting a big, fat, Cuban cigar and smoke it with a smile on my face, and then I'm going right down to Cook County Criminal Court, and watch them perp walk your black ass
E irei encontrar esse dinheiro, e, quando o fizer, virei até aqui, e acenderei um grande charuto cubano e fumá-lo-ei com um sorriso no rosto, e, depois, irei até ao Tribunal Criminal de Cook County,
Apparently he needed that money urgently.
Parece que precisava urgentemente do dinheiro.
I was alone, and I shouldn't have been, with all that money.
Estava sozinha, e não devia estar, com todo este dinheiro.
I help with logistics and money, that's it.
Ajudo na logística e com o dinheiro, apenas isso.
Now, where does a kid like him get money like that?
Agora, como é que miúdo como ele arranja assim tanto dinheiro?
What little money that Charlotte made from her legitimate jobs was going to the lawyers handling her Zerakem lawsuit.
O pouco dinheiro que a Charlotte ganhava nos empregos legítimos ia para o advogado que tratava do caso contra a Zerakem.
There's no sign Griffin's been hiding the money from those counterfeit E.D. pills, and there's no evidence in his home or his lab that he's handled the precursors you'd need to synthesize the mushroom poison.
Não há indícios de que o Griffin esteja a esconder o dinheiro. E não há indícios na casa nem no laboratório dele de que tenha mexido no que precisa para sintetizar o veneno.
The money that you should've paid her for her product- - hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Centenas de milhares de dólares.
She roadblocked you. She was trying to gouge Zerakem into paying her the money that she believed she was owed for her biofuel process.
Queria que a Zerakem lhe pagasse o dinheiro que achava que merecia pelo processamento do biocombustível.
That's a lot of money.
Isso é muito dinheiro.
Do you know how much money that is?
Sabes quanto dinheiro isso é?
As soon that advance money came in, she was gonna quit.
Assim que o dinheiro antecipado chegasse, ela despedir-se-ia.
If Frieda is getting all my money, that means people think I'm dead and that I, forgive my inability to make air quotes, died mysteriously.
Se a Frieda vai receber todo o meu dinheiro, isso quer dizer que as pessoas acham que estou morto e que eu, desculpa a minha incapacidade para dizer piadas, morri misteriosamente.
And always insisted that Pam work the register, even when money would go missing during her shifts.
E insistiu sempre que a Pam trabalhasse na caixa, mesmo quando o dinheiro desaparecia no turno dela.
All that lawyer money she got?
Tem muito dinheiro de advogada.
Like a gambling casino that certainly makes money if you have millions of gamblers at the slot machines?
É como um casino que ganha dinheiro se tiver milhões de apostadores nas slot machines?
That belongs to her. It's her money.
- Pertencem-lhe a ela.
That's not money you take to the market for food.
Não é dinheiro que se leve para ir às compras.
That's blood money.
É dinheiro sujo.
They got investigators and a shit load of money, 200 or 300 little creeps running around there that can search the internet or research whatever they need, you know.
Eles têm investigadores e a merda de uma montanha de dinheiro, 200 ou 300 pequenos cretinos às voltas por lá, que podem pesquisar a internet ou pesquisar o que quer que seja que precisem, sabes?
His wife Gina Larson accepted it, and she had somehow made peace with it, when Mr. McBride convinced her that there was money to be had.
A sua mulher, Gina Larson, aceitou isso, e de certa maneira ficou em paz com isso, até o Sr. McBride a convencer de que havia dinheiro disponível.
Extra drug money, that sort of thing.
Dinheiro extra das drogas, esse tipo de coisas.
He was saying stuff like there's way more money to be made killing cops and freeing criminals, and I may be a bad person at times, but I do not do that.
Dizia coisas do tipo, faz-se mais dinheiro a matar policias e a libertar criminosos, e eu posso ser uma má pessoa, às vezes, mas não faço isso.
You make that much money on a comic book?
Ganhas assim tanto com uma banda desenhada?
This deal means that the Truth brand will expand beyond my wildest dreams, but, more importantly, our children will have legit money behind them for the rest of their lives.
Este acordo levará a marca Truth a crescer para lá dos meus sonhos. Mas, mais importante, os miúdos terão dinheiro legal por trás durante toda a vida.
She and that bag of money are none of your damn business.
Ela e essa mala de dinheiro não são da sua conta.
And these things that you've been laundering money for, they're...
E estas coisas pelas quais tem andado a lavar dinheiro, são...
A sum of money that large can only be controlled from the top.
Uma quantia de dinheiro tão grande só pode ser controlada por alguém do topo.
That was after the raid, and before police picked up Farris, so it's possible he realized we had his computer, and moved the money while he still could.
Foi depois da rusga e antes de a Polícia ter ido buscar o Farris. Pode ter percebido que tínhamos o computador e ter tirado o dinheiro.
As for where he got the money, well, that's between you and him, it ain't nothing to do with me.
Como arranjou o dinheiro. Bem, é entre ti e ele, não tem nada haver comigo.
It's just that everybody thought that I took him out because he owed us money.
É justo que todos pensem que acabei com ele, porque ele devia-nos dinheiro.
Whoa. That's a lot of money.
Nossa, é uma fortuna.
Companies like that, they make money off this war.
Companhias assim, fazem dinheiro com esta guerra.
You show up knocked up with his baby, asking for money, is that how it is?
Apareceu-lhe com a notícia do bebé a pedir dinheiro, foi isso?
That is, until the money got turned into evidence, where they discovered a huge gap in the numbers.
Isto é, até o dinheiro ser levado e ter sido entregue como prova, quando descobriram uma enorme falha nos números.
Where's that money?
Onde é que está o dinheiro? !
Emil had family money, and after being married to that sad sack, I deserve every penny I get.
O Emil tinha dinheiro da família e depois de casar com aquele traste, mereço todos os centavos que conseguir.
Now, that threatening text that eddie received Was about owing someone money.
A mensagem ameaçadora que o Eddie recebeu é sobre dever dinheiro a alguém.
Okay, if that's the case, Then why didn't eddie give you the money?
Se é esse o caso, porque o Eddie não lhe deu o dinheiro?
Another thing : I didn't have any bullets in my gun, and I merely asked that woman for the money.
Outra coisa não tinha balas na minha arma, e apenas pedi o dinheiro à mulher.
Do people like money- - is that what you're asking?
Estás a perguntar se as pessoas gostam de dinheiro?
How do you burn through that kind of money in 30 days anyway?
Como é que vocês "queimam" tanto dinheiro em 30 dias?
money 2165
moneypenny 26
money talks 25
moneybags 16
money first 26
money isn't everything 29
money problems 28
money laundering 67
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
moneypenny 26
money talks 25
moneybags 16
money first 26
money isn't everything 29
money problems 28
money laundering 67
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that sounds fun 130
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that was stupid 112
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that is ridiculous 146
that sounds great 436
that sounds fun 130
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that was stupid 112
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that is ridiculous 146
that way 1811
that is all 319
that was quick 252
that is right 117
that is an order 68
that is enough 189
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is all 319
that was quick 252
that is right 117
that is an order 68
that is enough 189
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69