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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ U ] / Uncle hank

Uncle hank Çeviri Portekizce

56 parallel translation
My uncle Hank did.
Meu tio Hank fez.
It belongs to my Uncle Hank.
Pertence ao meu tio Hank.
- Uncle Hank parking the car?
- O tio Hank está a estacionar o carro?
Uncle Hank?
Tio Hank?
Uncle Hank, I don't understand how you can walk away from a wonderful marriage.
Tio Hank, não percebo como pode sair de um casamento tão bonito.
I was always over their house after school, playing Nok Hockey with Uncle Hank.
Ia sempre para casa deles depois das aulas, jogar Nok Hockey com o tio Hank.
Hey, uncle hank.
Olá, Tio Hank.
Is that Uncle Hank?
Aquele é o tio Hank?
Uncle Hank's arresting Mr. Archilleya.
O tio Hank está a prender o Mr. Archilleya.
Hey, Uncle Hank I heard you arrested Mr. Archilleya the other day.
Tio Hank, soube que prendeste o Mr. Archilleya, no outro dia.
You and Uncle Hank, you seemed pissed off.
Tu e o tio Hank pareciam irritados.
You and Uncle Hank.
Tu e o tio Hank.
So, Uncle Hank, he was in a shootout?
Então, o tio Hank esteve envolvido num tiroteio?
Uncle Hank wasted him.
O tio Hank limpou-lhe o sebo.
- Congratulations, Uncle Hank.
- Parabéns, tio Hank. - Olá, Hank.
Uncle Hank and Aunt Marie are bringing takeout but if you're hungry, I could rustle something up.
O tio Hank e a tia Marie vão trazer comida. Mas se tiveres forme, posso fazer-te qualquer coisa.
Uncle Hank, Aunt Marie everybody knows that you haven't done anything wrong.
O tio Hank, a tia Marie, toda a gente sabe que não fizeste nada de errado.
- Hey did you know the doctors told your Uncle Hank he can get out of here anytime he wants?
- Ei! Sabias que os médicos disseram ao tio Hank que pode sair daqui quando quiser?
Uncle Hank gave it to me.
Foi o tio Hank quem mo deu.
Uncle Hank said that they were worth learning about that everybody knows who Pablo Escobar is but nobody knows about the guys that brought him down.
O tio Hank disse que valia a pena conhecê-los melhor porque todos sabem quem era o Pablo Escobar, mas ninguém conhece os homens que o apanharam.
- Weigh in here, Uncle Hank.
- Ajuda aqui, tio Hank.
Does he understand what's going on with Uncle Hank?
O pai sabe aquilo por que o tio Hank está a passar?
I'm concerned about your Uncle Hank and his safety.
Eu estou preocupado com o tio Hank e a segurança dele.
I agree, Uncle Hank.
Eu concordo, tio Hank.
- Tell him Uncle Hank was right.
- Diz-lhe que o tio Hank tinha razão.
Maybe we could roll Uncle Hank through the car wash.
Podíamos levar a cadeira do tio Hank à lavagem automática.
You've been spending too much time around your Uncle Hank.
Andas a passar muito tempo com o teu tio Hank.
Right, Uncle Hank?
Não é, tio Hank?
Hey, Uncle Hank, what about that case you were looking at with that crazy singing guy?
Tio Hank, como está aquele caso que estavas a investigar, sobre aquele cantor maluco?
Up high for uncle Hank.
Dá cá mais cinco ao tio Hank!
They... they haven't said it on TV yet, but Uncle Hank says he was this, major, major drug dealer.
Eles... eles ainda não disseram isso na televisão, no entanto o tio Hank diz que ele era um grande, grande traficante de drogas.
Uncle Hank was after this guy all along.
O tio Hank esteve atrás desse gajo o tempo todo.
They figure Mr. Fring is the one who put the hit out on Uncle Hank.
Eles descobriram que era o Sr. Fring que perseguia o tio Hank.
Like, when this hits the news, Uncle Hank is going to be a hero.
Quando a notícia for espalhada, o tio Hank vai ser um herói.
You'll help me out, right, Uncle Hank, now that you run the DEA?
agora que diriges a DEA?
Congratulations again, Uncle Hank.
tio Hank.
Why do I have to go to Uncle Hank's?
Porque tenho de ir para casa do tio Hank?
Uncle Hank and Aunt Marie, they got plenty of space.
O tio Hank e a tia Marie têm muito espaço.
I'm calling Uncle Hank.
- Vou ligar ao tio Hank.
Uncle Hank, they said he arrested you? I will discuss all of this later, okay?
Uncle Hank is dead?
O tio Hank está morto?
- Tell me about Uncle Hank.
- Fala-me do tio Hank.
What happened to Uncle Hank?
O que aconteceu ao tio Hank?
You killed Uncle Hank.
Mataste o tio Hank.
You killed Uncle Hank.
- Mataste o tio Hank.
We have Pepto, Uncle Hank.
Temos um antiácido, Tio Hank.
Say, " Bye, Uncle Hank.
Diz : " Adeus, Tio Hank.
" Bye, Uncle Hank.
" Adeus, Tio Hank.
Since Hank's grandma lived on the way to the jailhouse, and Hank wanted his donuts fresh, I figured the smart thing to do was go by his uncle's and get the newspaper first.
Como a avó vivia no caminho para a prisão e o Hank queria donuts frescos, o mais acertado era ir primeiro buscar o jornal ao tio dele.
Talk to your uncle, Hank.
Fala com o teu tio, Hank.
No scam, nope... although Hank did say that you might be able to slide me some startup cash, like you did for your Uncle David when he got out.
Não é um golpe... Apesar que o Hank me disse que talvez pudesse dar-me algum dinheiro, assim como fez com o seu tio David quando ele saiu.

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