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Uncle michael Çeviri Portekizce

74 parallel translation
I think that Uncle Peter and Uncle Michael are having a nervous breakdown, yes.
Acho que o tio Peter e o tio Michael... estão a ter uma crise de nervos.
- Yeah, it's dead. - Oh, boy. Uncle Peter and Uncle Michael are gonna be plenty ticked off with Daddy.
Oh meu, o Tio Peter e o tio Michael vão ficar danados com o pai.
- We're back with the Borgias! - Uncle Michael...
Voltamos aos Boria!
Do you think he's going to let Uncle Michael survive?
- Como? Acha que ele vai deixar o tio Michael sobreviver?
As long as they are around, Uncle Michael is safe.
Enquanto estiverem perto, o tio Mike está seguro.
Stay here with your Uncle Michael.
Fiquem aqui com o tio Michael. Vejo-vos mais tarde.
- Uncle Michael - - Okay.
- Tio Michael.
Listen to Uncle Michael.
Ouve o Tio Michael.
Jenna, this is my Uncle Michael.
Jenna, este é o meu tio Michael.
This is Uncle Michael's friend, Tommy.
Este é o amigo do tio Michael, o Tommy.
Yeah ls this uncle michael's car?
Sim. Este carro é do tio Michael?
Now promise me you'll be cool, especially around uncle Michael.
Agora promete-me que vais ficar calmo, especialmente ao pé do tio Michael.
Uncle Michael. Look who's coming on to us.
Tio Michael. olhe quem voltou para casa.
Uncle Michael! Uncle Michael!
Tio Michael.
- Uncle Michael, hey.
- Tio Michael!
Uncle Michael, I realize how strongly you feel, but Lily and I just...
Tio Michael, sei que as suas convicções são fortes, mas eu e a Lily...
Uncle Michael, I came here in good spirits, and I don't want to let anything change that.
Tio Michael, eu cheguei cá bem disposto. Não quero deixar que nada mude isso.
Should I set a place for Uncle Michael?
Devo guardar um lugar para o Tio Michael?
Uncle Michael's still very busy.
O Tio Michael está muito ocupado.
Uh, Timmy, you know Uncle Michael loves you.
Timmy, sabes que o Tio Michael gosta muito de ti.
Uncle Michael, it's OK.
Tio Michael, não faz mal.
I always knew that, Uncle Michael.
Sempre soube isso, Tio Michael.
Welcome to the fight, Uncle Michael.
Bem-vindo à luta, Tio Michael.
I'm only seeing the old stuff from Uncle Michael.
Estou só a ver as coisas antigas do tio Michael.
And I know that Uncle Michael would want we had very careful with it.
E sei que o tio Michael quereria que tivéssemos muito cuidado com ela.
He says : "Hello, Uncle Michael."
Diz : "Olá, tio Michael".
I took Uncle Masterman some broth and Michael...
Levei caldo de carne ao tio Masterman e o Michael pareceu...
Uncle Klaus, Michael probably has plans.
Tio Klaus, o Michael já deve ter planos.
Michael, where's my uncle?
Michael, onde está o meu tio?
They know that Michael Myers is her uncle.
Eles sabem que Michael Myers é o seu tio.
But it had to be a secret, because of Michael's uncle.
Mas tinha de ser segredo por causa do tio do Michael.
Even when the uncle of Michael Seton died a week ago?
Mesmo quando o tio de Michael Seaton morreu há uma semana?
- Michael, your uncle gave you that van for free.
- Michael, o teu tio deu-te aquela carrinha de graça.
- What? "Uncle, Michael is a guy"
Tio, Michael é um rapaz.
George Michael, your uncle has a request.
George Michael, o teu tio tem um pedido.
George Michael will be fine with his aunt and uncle.
O George Michael fica bem com os tios.
- Hey, Uncle Michael, it's me, Maeby.
Sou eu, a Maeby.
And Michael realized he needed to retrieve his Uncle Oscar.
E o Michael viu que tinha de trazer o tio Oscar de volta.
George Michael was off from school for two weeks... and was enjoying spending time with his uncle.
O George Michael estava de férias por duas semanas... e divertia-se a passar o tempo com o tio.
Michael looked at his son and saw... that he truly was inspired by his uncle... that perhaps the boy actually admired him.
O Michael olhou para o filho e viu que estava mesmo inspirado pelo tio, que talvez o admirasse de verdade.
In fact, at Maeby's suggestion... George Michael was off to visit his Uncle Gob. Hi, Uncle Gob.
Após a sugestão da Maeby, o George Michael foi visitar o tio Gob.
Michael looked at his son and saw... that he truly was inspired by his uncle... that perhaps the boy actually admired him.
O Michael olhou para o filho e viu que estava mesmo inspirado pelo tio, que talvez o admirasse de verdade. Tens de sair daqui.
Where is George Michael? In fact, at Maeby's suggestion... George Michael was off to visit his Uncle Gob.
Após a sugestão da Maeby, o George Michael foi visitar o tio Gob.
For a while, George-Michael had shared a room with his Uncle Tobias.
Durante algum tempo, o George Michael dividira o quarto com o Tio Tobias.
Michael's uncle had recently moved into Lucille's apartment... where they quickly rekindled a long-dormant romance.
O tio do Michael mudara há pouco para o apartamento da Lucille, reatando rapidamente um romance há muito adormecido.
George Michael, get your uncle a bandage for his forehead.
George Michael, traz um penso para a testa do teu tio.
George Michael, how would you like to get away from Uncle Buster?
George Michael, queres passar algum tempo longe do Buster? - Gostava muito.
- with his uncle, at his father's suggestion. - King me. Oh, God!
Entretanto, o George Michael passava a tarde... com o seu tio, por sugestão do pai.
When he was a boy, your great-uncle, Michael Ashen, vanished without a trace.
Quando era miúdo, o teu tio-avô, o Michael Ashen, desapareceu sem deixar rasto.
maybe uncle MicheaI is not such a good guy after all.
Talvez o Tio Michael não seja mesmo um bom gajo.
You handpicked Michael Scofield and the bunch trucked them all out here on Uncle Sam's dime to do your bidding and now they're standing right in the cross hairs for what you did.
Escolheste a dedo o Michael Scofield e os outros, trouxeste-os às custas do dinheiro do governo para fazer a tua tramóia e agora eles apanharam as culpas pelo que tu fizeste?

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