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We all saw it Çeviri Portekizce

129 parallel translation
We all saw it.
Vimos tudo.
Saw it, we all saw it!
- Assistimos todos!
We all saw it with our own eyes.
Vimos todos com os nossos olhos.
We all saw it.
Foi visto por todos nós.
We all saw it coming, but we looked for some kind of miracle.
Já estávamos à espera disto, mas ficámos na expectativa de um milagre.
We all saw it.
Todos o vimos.
We all saw it, as God is my witness.
Todos nós vimos isso, e Deus é minha testemunha.
- But we all saw it.
- Mas todos vimos, até o Moskal.
We all saw it.
Todos nós vimos isso.
We all saw it.
Todos nós o vimos.
Yeah. We all saw it happen. I mean, he was on point.
Todos vimos o que aconteceu.
We all saw it.
Todos nós vimos.
- and we all saw it.
- E todos nós vimos.
We all saw it but Crime Scene says it was never there.
Todos a vimos mas a Cena do Crime diz que nunca esteve lá.
We all saw it in the hands of the guy running from the motel.
Foi vista nas mãos de um tipo a fugir do hotel.
After all, we were all Poles together, nobody saw anything wrong in it.
Afinal somos todos polacos, ninguém viu nada de mal nisso.
Of course, we'd all like to think it would be different if we saw things differently.
Claro, gostaríamos de poder mudar isto mudando a nossa percepção.
But now I know it's the devil in all of us that we saw in you.
Agora sei que era o diabo dentro de nós que víamos em ti.
We all saw it!
Rosie, just tell me what you saw, and we at the London Metropolitan Police will do all in our power to see that it doesn't occur again.
- O quê? Diz-nos o que viste, e a polícia fará tudo o que possa... para que não volte a ocurrer.
We saw it all!
Todos a vimos!
E the Battle of El Alamein it started, e we saw the horizon all blowing up.
E a Batalha de El Alamein começou, e vimos todo o horizonte explodindo.
When we saw it was all empty, we called the hospital and got your current number.
Ao ver que a casa estava vazia, telefonamos para o hospital e deram-nos o seu número de telefone.
We all saw it.
Todos nós a vimos.
We saw it. All craft prepare to retreat.
Eu vi. Preparem-se para a retirada.
We saw creatures, these... things that were swimming around in the air and fill it all the time.
Nós vimos criaturas, essas... coisas, estavam literalmente em volta pelo ar. Elas estão no ar! O tempo todo.
It is a long time since we saw so much meat all in one piece.
Há muito tempo que não víamos um pedaço de carne tão grande.
Then when we all saw that stuff there, we went, "God, that is frightening." It suddenly became frightening because none of us had ever done it before and we didn't know what that stuff did.
Iron Duke? Daqui é o Pawn Sacrifice. - Responda, por favor.
Peter, what we saw last night was an act by a performance-artist, that's all it was, Peter.
Peter, O que nós vimos ontem noite foi uma encenação... feita por uma atriz. Isto é tudo o que foi, Peter...
Every time I saw it, I'd run like hell, but I knew that one day we'd have to settle this thing once and for all.
Sempre que o via, fugia que nem um louco, mas sabia que um dia tinha de resolver isto.
It's what we all saw last night.
Foi o que vimos ontem à noite.
Gwen and I saw it all on television. If there's anything we can do, please call.
Se houver algo que possamos fazer, liga-nos por favor.
But then we all saw it.
Mas depois convencemo-nos.
The minister was talking about the mystery of faith, how easy it is to doubt what you can't prove, and how even though none of us saw the miracle in the Lord's tomb, all's we had to do was believe in it hard enough and it would be true.
O padre falava do mistério da fé, e como é fácil duvidarmos do que não conseguimos provar, e como, apesar de nenhum de nós ter visto o milagre no túmulo de Jesus, que só tínhamos de acreditar muito para ele se tornar verdade.
Well, sir, it all began in my Uncle Quark's bar when we saw this list...
Bem, tudo começou no bar do meu tio Quark, com a lista...
Well, it's a shame that things never worked out, but we saw you all right.
Pena não ter dado certo, mas te deixamos numa boa situação.
All that crap about the fight for all souls, the literature we saw, The performance we just witnessed, it all fits.
A treta toda sobre a luta pelas almas, a literatura, a encenação que vimos.
We went across the channel and we saw the boats and ships from Tortie, which was southern England, all the way across, and it was quite a sight to see so much equipment being moved across the channel. They were bumper-to-bumper.
Ao atravessarmos o canal vimos os barcos e navios desde Tortie, que era sul da Inglaterra, durante todo o caminho, o que era uma vista tremenda, ver tanto equipamento ser movido através do canal.
We all saw, it was self-defence.
Todos vimos que foi em legítima defesa.
Cos we saw it all.
Porque nós vimos tudo.
We all saw it.
Todos viram.
Everything we saw and just went through, it all came out of our heads.
Tudo o que vimos e acabamos de passar, saiu tudo das nossas cabeças.
We all saw the way it sniffed you out back there.
Nós todos vimos o jeito que aquilo farejou você lá atrás.
We saw it all.
Presenciámos tudo.
- I know what I saw. All we do is copy it.
- Eu sei o que vi. É só copiarmos.
Well, I'm glad I ran into you... glad that we saw each other after all this time. have imagined it so often, you know?
Bem, eu... estou contente por te ter encontrado... contente por nos termos visto depois deste tempo todo.
I saw you drooling all over it last time we were at Valentino.
Vi-te a babar por ele da última vez que estivemos na Valentino.
I hadn't figured it all out until I saw that we were being shadowed on the way back to the evac.
Só percebi tudo quando voltei ao local do resgate.
I saw it again for some days and for us to begin something and I didn't see it pass me by all we're provided slips away
Ainda vi tantas viagens Que acabaram por naufragar Mal elas se iniciavam
It was like that movie we saw with that... God, what was his name, that actor we like? ... and he gets all that money, and he walks in and he's all coool, and stuf like that...
Foi como aquele filme que vimos, com o aquele actor de que gostamos em que ele agarra o dinheiro e sai...
We all saw what he did to you. He just undid it.
Ele acabou de desfazer.

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