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We all were Çeviri Portekizce

4,948 parallel translation
We all were.
Estávamos todos a ser.
We all were. Besides, Sean shot the girl with your gun, high on your drugs.
Além disso, o Sean disparou contra a miúda com a tua arma.
We all were.
Todos nós tentámos.
- We all were there.
- Estávamos todos.
We all thought you were d... Yeah, I know.
- Todos pensámos que estava...
We were just friends. Do all the apartments have a view of the Hollywood sign?
Todos os apart. têm vista para o letreiro de Hollywood?
We were all struck by that lightning.
Fomos todos atingidos por aquele relâmpago.
What if I were to tell you that within our lifetime we will have the ability to not only slow down the aging process, but the ability to arrest it all together, to stop it in it's tracks?
E se eu vos disser... que durante a vida teremos a capacidade, não só para retardar o processo de envelhecimento, , mas a capacidade para o parar completamente, para interromper o seu caminho?
Yeah, I know. If we were still single, we'd be tripping over all that booty.
Se ainda estivéssemos solteiros, choveriam mulheres.
One call, last night, when we were all sleeping.
Um telefonema, ontem à noite, quando estávamos todos a dormir.
We were getting ready To move it all when the bombs hit.
Estávamos a preparar para mudar tudo quando as bombas dispararam.
I don't know if you've been paying attention around here, but we need to wrap this thing up, so I need to know if whatever you and Logan were up to can force him to end this thing with Mike once and for all.
Não sei se andas a prestar atenção, mas temos de acabar com isto, e preciso de saber se sabes de alguma maneira de fazermos o Logan acabar com isto de uma vez por todas.
That we were all perfectly safe.
Que estamos perfeitamente a salvo.
We were all in Mexico.
Estavamos todos no Mexico.
Are they just going after Muslims? Today's targets were all Muslim-owned businesses, but, simply put, we do not have enough information to draw any conclusions at this time.
Os alvos de hoje eram todos negócios que pertenciam a muçulmanos, mas, simplesmente, não temos informação suficiente para tirar alguma conclusão até agora.
She had too much to drink at Launch Day. She came out here for a midnight swim like we all did when we were kids... - Hmm!
- Que ela bebeu demais no dia do lançamento e veio nadar, como antigamente.
We all have to deal with the fact that we have no control over our destiny, that this was chosen for us before we were born.
Todos temos de lidar com o facto de não termos controle do nosso destino e do que nos foi planeado antes de nascermos.
Okay, and I'm gonna need a list of all of their names so we can determine where they were at 5 : 00 P.M.
Está bem e vou precisar de uma de todos os nomes, assim, podemos determinar onde é que eles estavam às 17h00.
I thought we were family, but it was all a lie.
Pensei que fossemos uma família, mas era tudo uma mentira.
All the other members of the Senate were relieved that I found out in time, thankful that we didn't give away our invaluable technology for one B-52 bomber.
Os outros senadores estão gratos por ter descoberto a tempo. Por pouco não trocamos a nossa inestimável tecnologia por um bombardeiro B-52.
I mean, after all, isn't that how you were able to afford electric skateboards and extravagant beds that we don't even want?
Afinal de contas, não foi assim que compraste os skates e as camas chiques que nem queríamos.
We were five years old, and we spent Christmas all alone.
Tínhamos cinco anos, e passámos o Natal sozinhos.
Is it possible that Tesla knew he was on a mission? Was he attempting to uplevel our technology to the point at which we would be capable of having all of the abilities of those who, in ancient times, were called the gods?
Desenvolvido implementos, tais como fios de diamante com ponta e polidores capacitá-lo a moda obras de arte fora do enorme granito blocos obtidos a partir de pedreiras próximas.
He felt that we were receivers, that all impulses came from the outside, and that we worked on these impulses.
É possível que as pedras de precisão de corte em Puma Punku são realmente o produto de tecnologia extraterrestre?
like the obelisks that we can find all around the world... that they, at some point, were all connected and that they were feeding off the Earth's magnetic grid.
Levou-os 13 anos a descobrir apenas cinco por cento dos uma civilização gigantesca.
And it would be in all of our interests if we were to continue that arrangement here.
E ia ser do interesses de todos se tivéssemos de continuar esse arranjo aqui.
I'm very pleased we were able to make a studio that has survived as a resource for all the people in the music scene that I consider my brothers.
Fico muito satisfeito por termos construído um estúdio que sobreviveu como recurso para todas as pessoas da cena musical que considero meus irmão.
They were all in the trunk. You know, we were all thinking that Keri was here investigating the death of Emily Bartson, but most of these files are related to the Gig Harbor Killer.
Sabes, pensávamos que a Keri estava aqui a investigar a morte da Emily, mas a maioria destes processos estão relacionados com o assassino do Porto Gig.
We were telling stories, that's all.
Estávamos a contar histórias, só isso.
Look, all we were saying is that if people did the stuff that they saw in the movies, we'd all be in jail.
Tudo aquilo que estávamos a dizer era que, se as pessoas fizessem aquilo que vêm nos filmes, estaríamos todos na cadeia.
That's it. We were all on the ground.
Estávamos todos no chão.
I wanted to wait until we were all together.
Queria esperar que estivéssemos todos juntos.
You know we were both raised to believe all the rules, that they were good and true and from God.
Sabes que fomos criadas para acreditar em todas as regras. E que elas eram boas e verdadeiras e de Deus.
By the time we got to the lake, our skin were all kind of black and blue.
Quando chegávamos ao lago, os nossos braços estavam roxos.
We were all carrying the virus.
Todos transportamos o vírus.
The spell's materials were all the same items that we found in Ed Lusk's cauldron.
Os materiais do feitiço, são os mesmos que encontramos no caldeirão do Ed Lusk.
Maybe this will sound weird, but how'bout when this is over, you and I finally go get that cup of coffee we were supposed to get all those years back?
Isto pode parecer estranho, mas, quando isto acabar. que tal irmos beber o café que ficámos de beber há tantos anos?
When you all get to be grown ladies and get married, and we look back when you were coming up "you can say," I didn't live with all my sisters and brothers, but Daddy let me see'em, and we knew'em. "
Quando vocês forem mulheres e estiverem casadas, e olharmos para trás de onde viemos, poderão dizer : "Eu não morei com todos os meus irmãos e irmãs, mas o papá deixava-nos ver e nos conhecíamo-nos."
No, we can't. When Kate was taken from us, and Director Shepard, Mike Franks... their autopsies were all I had left of them.
Quando a Kate nos foi tirada, e a Directora Shepard, e Mike Franks... fazer as autópsias foi tudo o que me restou deles.
Yesterday, we were all a little hasty.
Ontem estávamos todos um pouco precipitados.
I thought you were starting to grasp what we're doing here, the impact it will have on all of our futures.
Pensei que estavas a começar a perceber o que fazemos aqui, o impacto que isso vai ter sobre o nosso futuro.
Maybe there was a time when the feelings were real and we could have had a real relationship, but the moment that you aligned yourself with your father, it was all over.
Talvez tenha havido uma época em que... os meus sentimentos foram reais... e talvez pudéssemos ter tido uma relação real, mas quando alinhaste com o teu pai, acabou-se tudo.
We were all devastated.
Ficámos todos devastados.
We were all gonna wear skinny jeans and no shirts for our Christmas photo.
Nós todos vamos usar ganga apertada e tronco nu para a nossa foto de Natal.
There were four others out of NSA, and we were all trying to work internally in the government over these years trying to get them to come around to being constitutionally acceptable and take it into the courts and have the courts oversight of it too.
Eu não estava sozinho nisto, haviam mais quatro da NSA, e estávamos todos a tentar trabalhar internamente no governo durante estes anos a tentar que eles tornassem constitucionalmente aceitável e a levar a tribunal e que os tribunais pudessem supervisionar também.
But any rate, after that, and all the stuff we were doing they decided to raid us, to keep us quiet, threaten us, you know.
Bem, mas depois disso, e de todas as coisas que estávamos a fazer eles decidiram fazer-nos uma rusga, para nos manterem calados, ameaçar-nos...
We heard that you were the greatest collector of magic in all the Land.
Ouvimos dizer que é o maior coleccionador de magia de todo o reino.
It would be nice if we were all in agreement.
Seria bom se todos estivéssemos de acordo.
And later on, we were all having a drink together, and one of the judges from the fight was sitting on a stool next to your father.
E, mais tarde, estávamos a beber juntos e um dos juízes da luta estava sentado perto do teu pai.
It all came back to me when we were in the east wing of the palace, how you ignored me for all those years, left me to wander this place like a ghost.
Voltou-me tudo à mente quando estávamos na ala este do palácio. Como me ignoraste durante todos aqueles anos. Deixando-me a vaguear este castelo como um fantasma.
If the brujeria were back, we'd know it, all right?
Se o brujeria estavam de volta, nos conhecemos, tudo bem?

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