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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Portekizce / [ W ] / We think

We think Çeviri Portekizce

59,516 parallel translation
- Hmm? So we can feel more comfortable, so we don't have to deal with anyone who isn't what we think they should be.
Para podermos ficar confortáveis e não termos de aturar pessoas que não são como desejávamos.
- Uh-huh? - We think that women want their man to be a calm point, - so they can spin out emotionally and go chaotic.
Pensamos que as mulheres querem que os maridos sejam um porto de abrigo, para que se possam passar emocionalmente e ficar caóticas.
Ironically, we think that's when the men actually go underground, and they get cunning.
Ironicamente, achamos que é aí que os maridos passam à clandestinidade, e ficam astutos.
We think you'd be the best person to refute that.
Achamos que seria a melhor pessoa para refutar.
Y'all think they'll let us into heaven after we've been in prison?
Achas que nos aceitam no Céu depois de estarmos na prisão?
She is wonderful and beautiful and unique and just because her brain doesn't think like everybody else's around here, doesn't mean we should stuff her full of pills.
Ela é maravilhosa, bela e única. Embora o cérebro dela não funcione como o das restantes pessoas, não significa que precisa de comprimidos.
I think that we're starting to split hairs here a little bit.
Já estamos a usar subterfúgios.
I think we gotta be firmer with her.
Temos de ser mais firmes com ela.
You think the rest of us ain't got kids we'd like to see, you selfish piece of shit?
Achas que não gostávamos de ver os nossos filhos, egoísta de merda?
Starting to think maybe we shouldn't have snorted all that coffee.
Não devíamos ter inalado tanto café.
- Yeah, I... I don't think we can do that.
- Pois, não me parece.
Well, I think we may need to revisit that conclusion, Marco.
Acho que talvez precisemos rever essa conclusão, Marco.
I don't think we can rely on Craig Squire.
Acho que não podemos contar com o Craig Squire.
- You think we're gonna lose?
- Achas que vamos perder? - Não.
You ever think we're watching the last generation of nukemen?
Já pensaste que estamos a assistir à última geração de homens nucleares?
Yeah, I said maybe we could think about having another kid...
Disse que talvez pudéssemos pensar em ter outro filho.
We'll make them think we're handing you over.
Fá-los-emos pensar que estamos a entregá-lo.
I used to think we must be the richest family in town to be able to give up so much when no one else did.
Eu pensava que éramos dos mais ricos da cidade, para sermos os únicos a oferecer tanto.
Our clients think we're funny and should be on television.
As clientes acham-nos engraçadas e que devíamos aparecer na TV.
I think we both took advantage of that.
Ambos nos aproveitámos disso.
I think we may have a leak.
Eu acho que podemos ter um vazamento
- But I really think we can launder money...
- Mas acho que podemos lavar dinheiro...
I don't think we need to go there, all right?
Não me parece que cheguemos a isso.
So don't worry. We just... We just avoid their turf, I think.
Evitamos o território deles, acho eu.
So if you think... that you can talk us out of getting what we want with your pretty little words... then you have not yet understood the purpose of this tour.
Portanto, se acha que nos consegue convencer a desistir daquilo que queremos com as suas palavras bonitas então ainda não entendeu o propósito deste pequeno passeio.
What I'm saying is... we're all different than what people think, in some ways.
O que digo é que somos todos diferentes do que pensam, de certa forma.
I think we're all good and bad.
Acho que todos somos bons e maus.
Um, I think half the reason that we cave sometimes is'cause we have no idea what the other person's saying, right?
Metade das vezes pelas quais recuamos é porque não entendemos o que nos dizem.
- Yeah, I think that we...
- Sim, acho que nós...
Hon, I know we said yes, but I don't think this is a good idea.
Sei que dissemos que sim, mas não acho que isto seja boa ideia.
So, I think we should just really wait for him.
Acho que devíamos esperar por ele.
I think we should wait until he gets here.
Acho que devemos esperar que ele chegue.
But... I think we should take it slow.
Mas acho que devemos ir com calma.
Hmm, I think the time we've invested in him may actually pay off. Mm-hmm.
O tempo que investimos nele acabou por compensar.
They jacked up the rent on all the stores down here because of that hotel you made us think we wanted.
Aumentaram as rendas por causa do hotel que nos convenceste a querer.
All right, I think that's all we got time for.
Bem, não temos tempo para mais.
Yeah, we like to think that we are.
Gostamos de pensar que sim.
I think we should think less and pray more.
Acho que devíamos pensar menos... e rezar mais.
We stick to the plan. You really think Ice Nation gives a damn about your plan?
Achas mesmo que a Nação do Gelo liga ao teu plano?
I think we should start looking at some real estate for yourself and Belle.
Acho que devíamos começar a procurar casa para ti e para a Belle.
Well, from time to time, I think we've all felt like killing Danny, but so far none of us have done it.
Uma vez ou outra, todos quisemos matar o Danny, mas até agora nenhum de nós o fez.
I think that maybe we should meet.
Talvez nos devêssemos encontrar.
I think it would be good if we, uh... all talked.
Seria bom, se todos conversássemos.
Monty and I have been looking for a connection between the victims, and I think we may have found one.
O Monty e eu temos procurado uma ligação entre as vítimas, e acho que encontramos uma.
But, you know, say we get the perfect spell, think about the energy it'd take to work it.
Imagina que acertamos. Pensa na energia necessária para funcionar.
You don't think Penelope suspects that we went together?
Acha que a Penelope suspeita que fomos juntos?
I don't want her to think that we were on a date or something.
Não quero que ela pense que tivemos um encontro ou assim.
No, I don't think we want the same thing at all.
Acho que não queremos.
I think we got it.
Acho que conseguimos.
All right, I think we got it.
Tudo bem, acho que conseguimos.
I think we all knew how this was gonna end.
Acho que todos sabíamos como isto ia acabar.

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