Well spotted Çeviri Portekizce
63 parallel translation
Yes, well spotted, Henry.
Sim, bem visto, Henry.
Well spotted.
Bem visto.
Well spotted.
Bem observado.
Well spotted, Inspector Abberline.
Bem observado, inspetor Abberline.
Rugby Blue. Well spotted, Zoe.
Bem apanhado aí, Zoe.
Well spotted, Charlie.
Bem visto, Charlie.
Well spotted.
Bom olho.
Very well spotted.
Bem visto.
Well spotted!
Bem visto!
Well spotted, Maurice.
Bem visto, Maurice.
Well spotted, Giulia Farnese.
- Muito bem, Giulia Farnese.
- Well spotted.
- Bem visto.
Well spotted.
Estou a incomodar.
Well spotted, Dot!
Bem encontrado, Dot.
Well, perhaps he's spotted a covey of Dervishes and wants to keep an eye on them.
Talvez tenha visto dervishes e queira ficar de olho neles.
Well, somebody must have spotted him.
Bem, alguém o deve ter localizado.
Well, so far, Peter, up to the present moment, I've spotted nearly... -... nearly one.
Bem, até agora Peter, até este momento, observei quase quase um.
you spotted that- - well done. go away.
Vá-se embora!
Oh, well, I um, er... just thought, sir, that I'd spotted the golden-crested tit, sir.
Oh, bem, eu hum... apenas pensei, senhor, que tinha visto a teta-banhada-a-ouro, senhor.
Well, Rupert has spotted something.
Bem, o Rupert avistou alguma coisa.
Oh well, my partner and I, we were passing by the supermarket, and well, the first thing you know, well we spotted the suspect sitting in a getaway car, and well...
- Bem... Eu e o meu colega íamos a passar pelo supermercado e... Bem, quando demos por ela avistámos o suspeito no carro da fuga e...
Well, it was just big enough that a cop spotted me and gave me another ticket for a broken tail-light.
Foram o suficiente para um polícia me ver e me passar uma multa pelo farol partido. - Eu avisei-te, Al.
well, i spotted that.
Bem me parecia.
Well, I think I spotted them.
Bom, creio que os vi.
Well, were we spotted?
Fomos vistos? Acho que não.
Yeah, well, I think I spotted your car.
Acho que avistei o teu carro.
Well, I'm not sure how serious this is, but they were spotted in town three days ago, I've just been informed.
Não sei qual é a gravidade, mas eles foram vistos na cidade há 3 dias. Acabaram de me informar.
- And because of that reputation Well, if I were to be spotted in a town where a major theft has just taken place, as in here Well, the local authorities might be somewhat inclined to...
- Essa reputação, se eu fosse viste numa aldeia onde tivesse acontecido um grande assalto, como aqui, as autoridades locais poderiam estar inclinadas... para me prenderem.
Well, you spotted me, So you get the reward.
Encontraste-me. Recebes a recompensa.
Well, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I spotted several big mistakes.
Quanto a vocês não sei, mas eu detectei vários erros.
Well, I spotted this item which was really exceptional.
Bom, vi um objecto que era realmente excepcional.
You spotted that unique bird near the well, didn't you?
Viste aquele pássaro invulgar perto do poço, não viste?
- Well, I just spotted Les Dennis, the comedian and impressionist and actor Les Dennis.
- Bom, acabei de ver o Les Dennis, o comediante e imitador e actor Les Dennis.
Well, one of our agents following the Jameson lead, spotted an individual matching Ba'al's description at the Gilroy Hotel on Fifth Street, about an hour ago.
Um dos nossos agentes que seguia o rasto do Jameson localizou um indivíduo que corresponde à discrição do Ba'al no Hotel Gilbride na 5ª Rua há cerca de uma hora.
Well, he's been spotted with explosives.
Bem, ele foi apanhado com explosivos.
We were contacted by an airline supervisor and informed that several of its passengers... as well as a dozen or so of its employees... spotted an elliptical-shaped craft sitting motionless over the United terminal.
Fomos contactados pelo supervisor e informados que os passageiros, bem como uma dúzia de empregados viram um objecto elíptico, imóvel, na pista C do terminal da United.
Okay, well, I just spotted them in the hallway, and there's something you should know.
Acabei de vê-los no corredor, e precisa saber de uma coisa.
- Well, I've spotted a few so far.
Bom, eu já vi alguns.
Are you positive? Well, there could always be something that we haven't spotted, but then again, it could also be psychosomatic.
- Pode ser algo que não detectámos... mas também pode ser psicossomático.
Well at least you spotted the threat.
Pelo menos detectou a ameaça.
Well, my European contact was able to get us here without being spotted.
Bem, o meu contacto europeu foi capaz de nos trazer até aqui incógnitos.
- Yeah, well, that explains why no one spotted her along the road to the park.
- Sim e isso explica porque mais ninguém a viu no caminho para o parque.
Yeah, well, he stopped for gas, and Sac P.D. unis spotted him.
Sim, ele parou para pôr gasolina, e a polícia viu-o.
- Oh. - [Gobber] Well-spotted, lass. But before he was bold, he was known as Bork the Very, Very Unfortunate.
Isso está certo, mas antes de ele ser o Bravo, ele era conhecido como Bork, o Muito, Muito Azarado.
Oh, well, I saw you on the "Gossip Girl" "Spotted" map, and I-I thought I'd come by and drop these DVDs off.
Bem, vi-te no mapa de encontrados da Gossip Girl e pensei em passar por aqui e entregar-te estes DVDs.
Well, how would you like to meet the man Behind that magnificent forgery you spotted?
Gostarias de conhecer o homem por detrás da magnífica falsificação que descobriste?
Well, none of the, uh, neighbors spotted an ambulance driving up to Leseur's house.
Nenhum dos vizinhos viu uma ambulância a dirigir-se à casa do Leseur.
Well spotted, Watson.
Bem observado, Watson.
Well, he's definitely spotted us.
Ele viu-nos, com certeza.
That's well-spotted, Watson.
Bem observado, Watson.
Yeah. Well, like I said, we're letting you go, but at the same time a wanted fugitive has been spotted in town. And we think he's got intentions towards you.
Pois, bem, como lhe disse, vamos deixá-lo ir, mas foi avistado na cidade um criminoso procurado, e suspeitamos que tem segundas intenções relativamente a si, por isso...
spotted 85
well done 4465
well hello 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well done 4465
well hello 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well it's 16
well enough 63
well i never 20
well spoken 20
well no 77
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well it's 16
well enough 63
well i never 20
well yes 116
well actually 36
well yeah 97
well uh 21
well put 59
well well well 22
well look 36
well good 26
well of course 27
well well 33
well actually 36
well yeah 97
well uh 21
well put 59
well well well 22
well look 36
well good 26
well of course 27
well well 33