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Who was here Çeviri Portekizce

1,419 parallel translation
- So then who was here last night?
- Então quem esteve aqui ontem à noite?
waitress : Come on. Did you see where the guy who was here went?
Viram para onde foi o tipo que estava aqui sentado?
She won't rest until she's killed everyone who was here that night.
Ela não vai descansar enquanto não matar todos os que estavam aqui essa noite.
We're all related to someone who was here.
Estamos a substituir alguém que já cá esteve.
We're all related to someone who was here.
- É tarde demais.
Um, I'm looking for a woman who was here last night.
Procuro uma mulher que estava aqui a noite passada.
Well, we're gonna need a list of everyone who was here worshipping the temple.
Vamos precisar da lista de frequentadores desse templo...
That's who was here?
Foi quem esteve aqui?
That guy who was here yesterday.
O tipo que esteva cá ontem.
So, this is everyone who was here last night, Mr Lopez?
São todas as pessoas que aqui estiveram ontem à noite, Mr Lopez?
I'm here for the woman who was killed on the loading dock.
Estou aqui pela mulher que foi morta no armazém.
Newbie's pestering me for advice on how to be best woman at turtle head's wedding and I got a resident who can't do a simple procedure even though she learned it the first week she was here.
O Novato está-me a melgar por conselhos sobre ser madrinha no casamento do cabeça de tartaruga e tenho uma residente que não consegue fazer um procedimento simples, apesar de o ter aprendido na semana que chegou aqui.
And it was nice. Here I was, having my tie tied by this beautiful woman who happened to be one of my closest friends and I realised this is what a relationship is supposed to feel like.
Aqui estava eu, a ter a minha gravata posta por esta mulher linda que era uma das minhas amigas mais chegadas e apercebi-me que é assim que uma relação deve ser.
- Sorry. I know that you said Dr. McAndrew was booked... but I was referred here by Dr. Ward and Dr. Popham... who both attended the Paint for the Cure benefit I threw.
Disse que a Dra. MacAndrew estava cheia, mas fui cá enviada pelo Dr. Ward e o Dr. Popham que foram à minha festa de beneficência.
We're the only people who knew it was here and the only people with a key.
Só nós sabíamos que estava aqui. E só nós tínhamos a chave.
You see the guy who was sitting here?
Lembras-te do tipo que estava aqui?
It says here she was a warrior princess who... kicked a lot of ass and broke a lot of hearts.
Diz aqui que era uma princesa guerreira que partiu muitas cabeças e muitos corações.
Molly already killed one reporter who was about to expose what you're doing here and she's going after another.
A Molly já matou um repórter que ia expor o que anda a fazer aqui e agora anda atrás de outra.
Who'd have thought there was a hospital here?
Quem pensaria que haveria um hospital aqui?
In 50, 60 years, some guy with a camcorder will track down some old codger who worked here on the kitchen staff and tell the story of how I thought Stan Musial was a pediatrician from Abbey's medical school class.
Daqui a 50, 60 anos, um tipo com uma câmara vai encontrar um velho maluco que tenha trabalhado na cozinha e conte a história de como achei que Stan Musial era pediatra da turma de Medicina da Abbey.
However, it was we Dutchmen who bring sunflowers here.
No entanto, fomos nós, os Holandeses que trouxemos os girassóis.
The question here is what happened, who was responsible for it happening, and what can we do to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.
A pergunta é, "O que aconteceu?" "Quem é o responsável pelo ocorrido?" E "que podemos fazer para prevenir este tipo de problemas no futuro?"
Have you met anyone in here yet who was just OK?
Já conheceste aqui alguém que seja boa pessoa?
Then my engine dies and I cannot get out of this backwater butt park and then I'm standing here waiting for some AAA guy who you said was gonna be here 18 minutes ago, when this lovely lady named...
Depois o motor vai-se abaixo antes de eu sair desta terrinha. E depois fico na rua à espera de um tipo da assistência, que tu disseste que chegaria há 18 minutos atrás quando esta senhora chamada...
Come here. Carl wasn't the kind of uncle who was gonna take you to the circus... or the zoo or a puppet show... but he did know the greatest place to bring any kid -
O Carl não era o tipo de tio que te levaria ao circo ou ao jardim zoológico... ou a um espectáculo de fantoches.
Before Pine Creek was settled, and long before Echo Mountain was a preserve, this whole area was sacred land to the Indians who lived here.
Antes de Pine Creek ser colonizada... antes da montanha Echo ser uma reserva... esta era a terra sagrada dos índios.
Finally, here was somebody who truly cared.
Finalmente, ali estava alguém que realmente se importava.
No one was here looking at the place, Who are you selling it to?
Ninguém veio ver a casa, a quem a vais vender? À Universidade.
I need to know about a child who was born here.
Eu preciso de saber de uma criança que nasceu aqui.
He was the guy who started the fire here years ago hoping to escape, but instead all the patients were burned alive.
Foi ele que iniciou o incêndio há anos atrás, para tentar escapar, mas em vez disso morreram todos queimados vivos.
Do you know that we once had a little girl here who... as it turned out, was allergic to the silverware in the cafeteria?
Uma vez, tivemos cá uma menina que era alérgica aos talheres do refeitório.
Man, who was just in here?
Quem entrou aqui?
- Who was just in here?
- Quem estava aqui agora?
Hey, you're the one who came in here. I was running from bullies. W-What's that smell?
De repente, a pequena pessoa viu uma águia a planar por cima das cabeças.
The old lady who lived here was a silly kisser too.
A velhota que morava aqui, também era uma beijadora tola.
Uh, does Laura Daniels, who was formerly Laura Miller, live here?
Mora aqui uma Laura Daniels? O apelido de solteira era Miller.
- The geezer who was in here before, he left one in there. You're welcome to it.
O antigo morador deixou uma.
Now if I was Jack and was in trouble with a gang who busted my heist and every policeman in the city thinks I shot a cop I would come here.
Agora, se eu fosse o Jack... e tivesse problemas com o bando que me lixou o golpe... e todos os polícias da cidade pensassem que matei um polícia, viria aqui.
Now don't tell a lie. Who of you all thought that he was going to get out of here without giving us a hymn?
Alguém pensou que ele iria embora sem cantar uma canção?
It was here, who pinched it?
Estava aqui, quem o levou?
It wasn't until I started coming here and saw people who had been clean for many years that I started to believe it was possible.
Não foi até eu começar a vir aqui e ver pessoas que tinham ficado limpas por muitos anos que eu comecei a acreditar que era possível.
Commander Prothero toured the lab with a priest, Father Lilliman, who I was told is here to monitor for Rules and Rights violations.
O Comandante Prothero visitou o laboratório com um padre, Lilliman que me disseram estar cá para verificar as violações de Regras e Direitos.
Indeed... there was a Japanese man named Ken-ichi... who traveled here frequently.
Na realidade... houve um Japonês chamado Kenichi que viajou até aqui frequentemente.
If you are here than who was that?
Se estavas aqui então quem lá estava?
In fact, it was 9 men who died here. This is the only physical evidence we have... of what actually happened on board that night.
Estas são as únicas provas físicas que temos do que realmente aconteceu a bordo, naquela noite.
I want to speak to the man who was just in here.
Quero falar com o homem que esteve aqui.
You know, in the meantime, maybe Jordan's financials here will help us figure out who she was with yesterday.
Entretanto, talvez as contas da Jordan nos ajudem a descobrir com quem é que ela esteve ontem.
This wetback... who's living here off of my tax dollar, and my son, he was an american, and this little spic is more important to you than my Wayne was!
Esta imigrante, a viver à custa dos dólares dos meus impostos? O meu filho era americano. E essa hispânica é mais importante para si que o meu Wayne!
They knew he was in here, they knew he was armed and dangerous, and they knew that he was gonna fight till the last round, and they sent me in here with an unarmed kid who can't shoot his way out of a wet paper bag.
Eles sabiam que ele estava aqui, eles sabiam que ele estava armado e perigoso, e eles sabiam que ele vai lutar até o último'assalto', e eles mandaram-me aqui com um rapaz desarmado... que não pode atirar numa mala de papel molhado.
I guess my question is who of us here didn't know what government was... before we came?
Acho que a minha pergunta é quem de nós não conhecia o governo, antes de vir para cá?
- Yeah! It's also a real hospital with patients who didn't get antibiotics because I was in here doing compressions.
- Mas também é um hospital a sério com pacientes que não tomaram o antibiótico, porque estive 30 minutos aqui a fazer compressões.

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