You get married Çeviri Portekizce
2,348 parallel translation
- Jacques, did you get married?
- Jacques, casaste-te?
You get married because you love someone and you don't want to spend your life without them.
Casamos por amarmos alguém e não querermos passar a vida sem eles.
Then you get married.
Depois casam-se.
But before you get married, make sure you explore all your options, guys, and bone as many chicks as you can.
Mas antes de se casarem, certifiquem-se de explorar todas as opções, rapazes, e saltem em todas as gajas que conseguirem
If you're planning on having a threesome, you better to do it before you get married.
Se vocês estiverem a planear um "Ménage à trois" é melhor fazê-lo antes de casar
Did you get married?
When you get married, let me know'cause I want to send you something.
Quando te casares, Avisa-me para eu te enviar qualquer coisa.
Okay. So when you get married and you make your entrance... I have full permission to look at the groom?
Portanto, quando te casares e fizeres a tua entrada triunfal, tenho a tua autorização para olhar para o noivo?
Then you get married and pop out 2.5 babies
Depois casas-te, tens 2 bebés e meio,
Why'd you get married?
Porque é que te casaste?
Yeah, the moving around is kind of cool when you're single, and then... you get married, have kids, it's a other deal.
Pois, é bom mudarmo-nos, quando somos solteiros, mas depois... casamos, temos filhos, e a história já é outra.
Well, you're gonna get married anyway, so why don't you get married here where we can be all together, and that way Grandma Annie can be a part of it.
Bom, vão casar de qualquer maneira, então porque não se casam aqui, onde podemos estar todos juntos, e assim, a avó Annie também pode participar.
Why did you get married?
Porque te casaste?
When Chloe and I were little girls, we made a promise... neither of us would get married until we found our soul mates the one person in the whole wide world that we were destined to be with... which is why you can't take a 10-year-old on their word.
Quando a Chloe e eu éramos pequenas fizemos uma promessa. Nenhuma de nós casava até encontrar a nossa alma gémea. A única pessoa em todo o mundo com quem estamos destinados a ficar.
You do still wanna get married, right?
Ainda queres casar, certo?
You were gonna get married.
Uau. Você iriam se casar.
and I know with me get'n married and all, you must be wondering.
e eu sei que comigo se casar e tudo, você deve estar se perguntando.
Unless you wanna go ahead and get married.
A não ser que queiras casar-te já.
Right, so why wouldn't you wanna get married?
Então, por que é que não se casam?
You don't get married to get out of a rut.
Não casamos para sair de uma rotina.
I've told you many times : Get married, get a flock.
Já te disse muitas vezes, casa e terás um rebanho.
You should go back to Hong Kong, and get happily married.
Deves voltar para Hong Kong e casar normalmente.
Son, you are ready to get married, aren't you?
Filho, estás pronto para te casares, não estás?
You should get married soon.
Devias ter casado mais cedo.
I'm sure you're gonna get married... and have kids or adopt a slew of Nigerian children... and I'm gonna get to be Uncle Henry.
Sei que vai se casar e terá filhos ou vai adotar algum Nigeriano e eu serei o Tio Henry.
Do you mean you still want to get married?
Queres dizer com isso que ainda queres casar?
Get married, you and I.
Casamos, tu e eu.
The only sports you're gonna get when you're married... is Little League T-Ball.
O único desporto que vais ver quando fores casado é a Liga Infantil.
You still wanna get married?
- Ainda queres casar?
You had to beg for it, you had to cop a feel... Or get married.
Se quisesse ter sexo, nos anos 50, teria que pedir, de joelhos, ou casar.
Maybe you should get married again.
Devias casar-te de novo.
- You mean to women who are about to get married?
Com mulheres que estão prestes a casar-se? Sim!
What do you do besides work and help people get married?
O que fazes para além de trabalhar e de ajudar pessoas a casar-se?
It's just that you wanted to get married at The Boathouse in Mom's dress too.
Também querias casar-te no Boat House com o vestido da mãe.
Oh, honey, it must be so hard to watch your younger sister get married before you.
Querida, deve ser tão difícil veres a tua irmã mais nova casar-se antes de ti.
And if you and Joyce decide to get married, I hope you invite me and Shane to the wedding.
E se tu a Joyce decidirem casar, espero que me convidem e à Shane para o casamento.
Now you ready to rock. Go get married.
- Quer conhecê-lo?
You promise me it doesn't bother you- - me wanting to keep my last name when we get married?
Prometeste-me que não te importavas que eu mantivesse meu último nome quando casamos.
We want you to get married here tomorrow.
Queremos que se casem aqui amanhã.
And you can get married like we did, in the barn.
E podem casar como nós casámos, no celeiro.
He was Russian and she was Tlingit, and back then you had to get approval from every member of the tribe before you got married.
Ele era Russo e ela era da tribo Tlingit, e naquela época era preciso a aprovação de todos os membros da tribo antes de casar.
Now you better not go off and get married.
É melhor você não sair correndo e se casar.
You know we.... we just get married on paper
Podíamos casar só no papel.
I thought you were supposed to get your blood drawn before we got married.
Eu pensei que tu tinhas ido tirar sangue antes de nos casarmos.
You can get married again someday.
Podes voltar a casar.
You didn't need to get married to make sure you wouldn't be alone.
Não era preciso casares para garantir que não ficavas sozinho.
Did you ever get married?
Alguma vez casaste? Não.
I could tell you were the type that Wanted to settle down and get married early
Eu sabia que eras do tipo que queria assentar raízes e casar cedo.
So what are you saying? You never wanna get married no matter what?
Que nunca queres casar, aconteça o que acontecer?
You're a Christian, he's a Muslim, you can't get married.
Tu és cristã, ele é muçulmano. Não se podem casar.
I mean, if you want to, you know, Get married or move in with someone Then you're probably barking up the wrong tree,
Quer dizer, se queres casar ou ir viver com alguém, provavelmente estás a bater na porta errada, mas acho que sou um bom tipo para a transição.
you get me 124
you get what you pay for 29
you get away from me 19
you get used to it 162
you get the idea 54
you get what i'm saying 29
you get 202
you get the point 20
you get some rest 46
you getting this 48
you get what you pay for 29
you get away from me 19
you get used to it 162
you get the idea 54
you get what i'm saying 29
you get 202
you get the point 20
you get some rest 46
you getting this 48