And her daughter translate Spanish
2,926 parallel translation
And it was exactly that secret that ended up placing Miss. Celia and her daughter in that, let's say, difficult situation.
Y fue exactamente ese secreto el que terminó poniendo a la Sra. Puhn y a su hija en esa, digamos, dificultosa situación.
I delivered it on a tray for you... to get the Chinese woman and her daughter.
Lo presenté en bandeja para ti... para atrapar a la mujer china y a su hija.
Princess Sorokina and her daughter.
La princesa Sorokina y su hija.
This is Patrick's aunt and her daughter Alexandra.
Es la tía de Patrick y su hija Alexandra.
I've got her and her daughter under federal protection from these people.
¿ Hacer de niñeras? La tengo a ella y a su hija bajo protección federal de esta gente.
D-D-Dr Ashcroft, we're talking about a woman who's lost her husband and her daughter.
Dr. Ashcroft, estamos hablando de una mujer que perdió a su esposo y su hija.
I saw your boys, but not your daughter and her family.
Vi a tus hijos, pero no a tu hija y a su familia.
Bring me the King's daughter, and you let her slip right through your tiny little fingers.
"Trae a la hija del rey" y tú la dejaste escaparse entre tus dedos de mantequilla.
Our home is a two-family unit. And my daughter lives with us and her family and my husband.
Nuestra casa es una unidad de dos familias... y mi hija vive con nosotros... y su familia y mi esposo.
My point is Patrone's daughter goes to college in New Orleans, and we want you to keep an eye on her.
Mi punto es que la hija de Patrone Va a la universidad en Nueva Orleans. Y te queremos para que la vigiles.
I won't put my bets on a man... who lives in the same city as his daughter and sees her ten times in two years!
No voy a apostar por un hombre.. .. que viviendo en la misma ciudad que su hija la ve ¡ diez veces en dos años!
Her friend Princess Sorokina has a house here and a virgin daughter.
La princesa Sorokina tiene una casa aquí y una hija virgen.
Yeah, I love her! What is this all about? Oh, maybe one day you'll get married and have a daughter of your own.
No puedo traer esos años de vuelta, pero te prometo que nunca más voy a olvidar el valor que tienen tú y los niños.
If you don't go see this pretty little probation officer, I'll have to see your pretty little daughter and make her feel the grip of this beast.
Si no vas a ver a esa muy pequeña oficial de custodia, tendré que ir a ver a tu pequeña hija y hacerla sentir el poder de esta bestia.
If she is not my daughter just kill her and discover later that she is my daughter then I would also be dead too
Si ella no es mi hija simplemente matar a su y más tarde descubre que ella es mi hija entonces yo también estaría muerto también
But... is my boss and you're her sweet, innocent daughter.
Pero... es mi jefe y tú eres su dulce e inocente hija.
They say he carried a pitchfork because of her. And the joke was that if you'd because of her. And the joke was that if you'd mess with rayborn's daughter...
La cagada era que si tu... te metías con la hija de Rayborn... te metías con el tridente.
Some say that he entered his person. Some say that he entered his house to find that his daughter some say that he entered his house to find that his daughter and her new boyfriend had house to find that his daughter and her new boyfriend had murdered his wife and the sight and her new boyfriend had murdered his wife and the sight threw him into a murderous rage.
Algunos dicen que entró en su casa... para descubrir que su hija... y su novio habían... asesinado a su esposa... y al verlo... cayó presa de una furia asesina.
They never found him. Some people say pitchfork found they never found him. Some people say pitchfork found his daughter and her boyfriend.
Algunos dicen que Tridente... encontró a su hija y a su novio... y que por eso nunca más... se supo de ellos.
And here we are and I've never seen my little daughter so happy in her life.
Y aquí estamos... y jamás había visto a mi hijita tan feliz en toda su vida.
I just need to tell you, you bring your daughter to school late and you pick her up late and her teacher has been complaining.
Necesito hablarle porque trae y recoge tarde a su hija. Su maestra se ha quejado.
If that happens, make sure - that Aino's mother will bury her husband, son, and daughter.
Si eso ocurre, asegúrate de que que la madre de Aino entierre a su marido, su hijo, y su hija.
Dinner with the ex and her new husband, my insolent daughter, her asshole boyfriend.
Una cena con la ex y su nuevo esposo, mi hija insolente y su novio imbécil.
And if it wasn't bad enough that you slept with my husband all those years ago and left your daughter in the dark about her father's identity, then you send an imposter into my home to get money.
Y por si no fuera suficientemente malo que te acostaras con mi marido hace años y que dejaras a tu hija sin conocer la identidad de su padre, envías a mi casa a una impostora para conseguir dinero.
I'm in the middle of this wacky screenwriting gig, and my daughter's all distraught about her asshole boyfriend and that might be all my fault. - So it could be a while.
Estoy en el medio del guion para este chiflado y mi hija está desconsolada por su novio idiota y eso puede ser culpa mía, así que puede ser un tiempo.
Well, Alex is my partner's daughter and I've allowed her to run the place, but I've always had my concerns.
Bueno, Alex es la hija de mi socio y le he permitido llevar el negocio, pero siempre he tenido mis preocupaciones.
My mother was not thrilled when we decided to get married and didn't want her daughter to have to suffer any negativity from others.
Mi madre no estaba muy emocionado cuando decidimos casarnos y no quería que su hija a tener que sufrir cualquier negatividad de los demás.
I have a beautiful 13-year-old daughter, and I want her raised in a good Miami... A wholesome Miami.
Tengo una hermosa hija de 13 años y quiero verla crecer en una linda Miami una increíble Miami.
Young aspiring writer seeks out daughter of very successful novelist and proceeds to bed her?
¿ Joven aspirante a escritor busca hija de un novelista muy exitoso y procede a llevársela a la cama?
And Carol's crazy, but she does love her daughter.
Y Carol está loca, pero quiere a su hija.
And, Julian I'm really happy that my daughter has you in her life.
Y Julian me alegra mucho que mi hija te tenga en su vida.
Whatever you're doing with this company and for whatever reasons, I want you to remember that your daughter loves you desperately and desperately needs you to love her back.
Cualquier cosa que estés haciendo con esta compañía y por cualquier razón, quiero que recuerdes que tu hija te quiere desesperadamente y desesperadamente necesita que la quieras.
Look, my daughter's in the hospital and the doctors don't know what's wrong with her.
Mira, mi hija está en el hospital. y los médicos no saben que le pasa.
Calvino Pallavicini, his good-for-nothing brother, and his entire retinue - Sh! Sh! - of aides and auxiliaries, repose at our expense, while we wait for our daughter to emerge from her chamber.
Calvino Pallavicini, su hermano bueno para nada y todo su séquito de ayudantes y auxiliares, descansan a nuestras expensas mientras esperamos que nuestra hija salga de su habitación.
So regardless of who her biological father is, she's our daughter, and she deserves to exist!
Así que da igual quien sea su padre biológico. Es nuestra hija. ¡ Y se merece existir!
Mr. Pewterschmidt, we pumped your daughter's stomach and we found vodka, Rohypnol, a fair amount of DNA that is not her own and a class ring.
Le hicimos un lavado de estómago a su hija y encontramos vodka Rohipnol, mucho ADN que no es el suyo y un anillo universitario.
Because her father, Sergeant Macken, was there on duty, and he saw his daughter, saw her in the heat of battle.
porque su padre, el sargento Macken, estaba allí trabajando, y vio a su hija, la vio en el medio del calor de la batalla.
She had a daughter, and you saw her, Cobb.
Tuvo una hija, y tú la viste, Cobb.
And I also know that my daughter went through a very traumatic year... And that you were there for her...
Y tambien se que mi hija ha pasado por un año muy traumatico... y tu has estado ahi para ella...
Your little daughter who listened to her heak and ran away from you.
Tu pequeña hija quien escuchó sobre su destino y huyó de tí.
No, erm, my daughter went to university on, er, on Sunday and it's a long way away, and, well, I'm missing her.
No, mi hija se fue a la Universidad el domingo. Está muy lejos, y, bueno, la echo de menos
A loving daughter to Judy and Jerry, a sister to Edward, a talented architect, she touched the lives of all those around her.
"Una hija amorosa para Judy y Jerry," "una hermana para Edward," "una arquitecta talentosa,"
Danny McKillop's left a daughter behind, and she's gonna grow up thinking her old man's a scumbag, and if he wasn't, she's got the right to know.
Danny McKillop dejó una hija, que va a crecer creyendo que su viejo era una persona despreciable, y si él no lo fuera, ella tendrá el derecho de saberlo.
I've got to call Petra, Doc Hossa's daughter, and let her know that her dad was on the flight, but I'm on hold with joint rescue in Ontario.
Tengo que llamar a Petra, Hija del doctor Hossa y avisarle que su padre estaba en el vuelo, Pero estoy en espera con rescate conjunta en Ontario.
I'll call Axel's daughter and tell her we don't need him.
Voy a llamar a Hija de Axel y le diré No lo necesitamos.
You're gonna burst in on your 16-year-old daughter and tell her that you don't trust her to be alone
Vas a abrirte a tu hija de 16 años y le dirás que tu no te abres a ella para estar solo
Count, take of me my daughter, and with her my fortunes.
Conde, tomad a mi hija, y con ella mi fortuna.
and the ecstasy hath so much overborne her that my daughter is sometime afeared she will do a desperate outrage to herself!
Y a tales desvaríos llega que mi hija teme a veces ¡ que Beatriz atente contra su propia vida!
That must your daughter and her gentlewoman carry.
Que se encargue de ello vuestra hija y su doncella.
And then I turned around and told her I never wanted to see her again, and I took her daughter away from her...
Y luego fui y le dije que nunca quería volver a verla, y le quité a su hija...
Well, Fawn never saw her attacker, and her father isn't gonna admit that he paid someone to abduct his own daughter.
Bueno, Fawn nunca vió a su atacante, y su padre nunca admitirá que le pagó a alguien para secuestrar a su propia hija. - Intentemos con la madre.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here they come 18
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here they come 18
and here's the thing 41
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her father 16
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her father 16
and her brother 18
and her mother 27
and her son 20
her daughter 70
daughter 495
daughters 66
daughter time 24
daughter dance 36
daughter thing 16
and her mother 27
and her son 20
her daughter 70
daughter 495
daughters 66
daughter time 24
daughter dance 36
daughter thing 16