And her son translate Spanish
3,496 parallel translation
Claire and her son need to move forward.
Claire y su hijo tienen que seguir adelante.
Even though she's your mother's only sister and her son works for you?
A pesar de todo, ella es la única hermana de su mamá y su hijo trabaja para usted.
Her third husband murdered her second husband, her cousin tried her for treason and her son stole her throne.
Su tercer esposo asesinó a su segundo esposo, su sobrino le hizo juicio por traición y su hijo le robó el trono.
Lord Grantham thinks his duty is to protect Mary and her son by managing everything himself.
Lord Grantham piensa que su deber es proteger a Mary y a su hijo encargándose de todo él solo.
Uh, my daughter and her son.
Uh, mi hija y su hijo.
And her son?
¿ Y su hijo?
Please cancel the pass until we figure this out, because I know her and I know that things are not good at home.
Por favor cancele el paso hasta que resolver esto, porque yo conozco y sé que las cosas no son buenas en casa.
And now they've grabbed her son.
Y ahora han raptado a su hijo.
Her left arm is broken in four places, and six of her ribs are crushed.
Su brazo izquierdo está roto en cuatro lugares, y seis de sus costillas son aplastadas.
And her husband was shot to death by her own son.
Y su marido fue fusilado a muerte por su propio hijo.
She and her mother are very, very neat.
Ella y su madre son muy, muy ordenadas.
They pooped all over her oriental rug, and they're mean sons of bitches. Try these on.
Se cagaron en su alfombra oriental, y son malditos hijos de perra.
Mouse knew in order for her and Seth to be who they truly were, they would need to let go of each other.
Mouse sabía que para que ella y Seth fueran quienes realmente son, tendrían que alejarse.
OK, she's 5'9.5 " and her measurements are 36-23-34.
Bueno, ella mide 1,74 y sus medidas son 90-58-85.
And those her children that wail out there?
¿ Son sus hijos esos chicos que se lamentan ahí fuera?
Henry has still not been captured and Queen Margaret has sailed home to France with her son demanding help.
Enrique no ha sido capturado aún y la reina Margarita ha navegado a su hogar en Francia con su hijo pidiendo ayuda.
Once the clitoris or outer genitalia is removed, the girl is then sewn up and her legs are bound for 40 days while the wounds heal.
Una vez que el clítoris o los genitales externos son removidos se sutura a la niña y se le atan piernas por 40 días para que cicatricen las heridas.
She should be thinking about her son and about you, frankly.
Ella debería estar pensando en su hijo y en ti, francamente.
Her precious care is in my hands and I will decide when she is ready for such realities not the son of a vicar!
Yo soy responsable de su preciado cuidado y yo decidiré cuándo está lista para dichas realidades ¡ no el hijo de un vicario!
You think a woman who goes to her husband's shop, drinks detergent in front of her son and collapses simply wants to die?
¿ Crees que una mujer que va al negocio de su marido bebe detergente frente a su hijo y se colapsa lo hace porque simplemente quiere morir?
Nah, nah, she knew. Her and her husband pretend to be at each other's throats, but actually they're thick as thieves.
Ella y su marido simulan que se odian, pero son carne y uña.
Obviously, this is great news, and we're very keen... to make sure that Marie fulfills her potential.
Obviamente, estas son grandes noticias, y estamos muy animados de asegurarnos de que... Marie alcance su potencial.
I want to know where she was born, who her friends and family are, every man she's ever slept with, and what she's having for dinner tomorrow night.
Quiero saber dónde nació, quienes son sus amigos y familia, cada hombre con el que se ha acostado, y que hará para cenar mañana por la noche.
My sister and all her friends are out back.
Mi hermana y todos sus amigos son parte de atrás.
Once upon a time there was a princess who made her people dream. That was Grandmother... and these are articles about her.
Habia una vez una princesa quien hizo soñar a su pueblo esa era la abuela y estos son articulos sobre ella
Her eating and sleeping patterns are normal.
Sus patrones de comida y sueño son normales.
Then she got on brooding on that and ended up killing her son?
Ella comenzó a pensar en eso y terminó matando a su hijo.
And the traffic cop, Rhonda Reynolds... buried her teenage son after a drive-by.
Y la policía de tráfico, Rhonda Reynolds, enterró a su hijo adolescente después de un tiroteo desde un coche.
She loves Ricky and Ricky loves her and they have a son and they're getting married.
Ella ama a Ricky y Ricky la ama y tienen un hijo y se van a casar.
When a guy gets a girl pregnant in high school, even if he does the right thing and steps up and marries her, that doesn't mean that the two of them love each other, it just means they're two good people who're trying do the right thing.
Cuando un chico deja embarazada a una chica en la secundaria, incluso si hace lo correcto y se casa con ella, eso no quiere decir que se aman, solo significa que son dos buenas personas que intentan hacer lo correcto.
( Polly ) Living with your parents also means your parents are your roommates, but not the good kind who stays at her boyfriend's every night and doesn't keep track of her expensive shampoo.
Vivir con tus padres también significa que tus padres son tus compañeros de cuarto, pero no de los que se quedan en la casa de su novio todas las noches, y no cuida su champú caro.
Her and her family own the place.
Ella y su familia son los dueños del lugar.
Her hips are smaller than mine, and also, she's orange.
Sus caderas son más pequeñas que las mías, y además, es naranja.
All she ever did was try and find the bastard who put a bullet in her son's head.
Todo lo que hizo fue tratar de encontrar a quien le metió una bala a su hijo.
But she held her son close, turned to her brothers and said, " The gospel is true.
Tomo a su hijo en brazos y mirando a sus hermanos les dijo : " el Evangelio es la verdad.
And her legs are- - her legs are a nightmare.
Y sus piernas son... sus piernas son una pesadilla.
You and her, you're special.
No lo sé. Tú y ella... Son especiales.
And the best people to help us with that, obviously, are those that were closest to her.
Y las mejores personas para ayudarnos a hacer eso, obviamente, son las más cercanas a ella.
You're her colleagues and her friends.
Ustedes son sus colegas y amigos.
And if you wonder what the moaning is that's Boomer and her Fevola poster. Aw!
Y si te preguntas qué son los gemidos matutinos, es Boomer con su póster de Fevola.
Her ladyship has lost a daughter and a son-in-law.
Su señoría ya ha perdido una hija y un yerno.
And you're saying these two men are responsible for her murder?
¿ Y está diciendo que estos dos hombres son responsables por su muerte?
Which means 50 % are the bullies, and which team do you want her on?
Lo que significa que el 50 por ciento son acosadores, ¿ en qué equipo quieres que esté ella?
- Where she was born, who her friends and family are, and every man she's ever slept with and what she's having for dinner tomorrow night.
- Donde nació, quienes son sus amigos y familiares, y todos los hombres con los que se ha acostado y que tomará mañana para cenar.
We've all sat here patiently listening to you and your son disparage his ex-wife, using this courtroom as a forum to paint her as a monster and him as the victim without taking any responsibility for your part in this tragedy.
Hemos escuchado pacientemente a usted y a su hijo... menospreciando a su ex-esposa... usando esta corte como un foro para pintarla como a un monstruo... y a él como la víctima sin tomar... ninguna responsabilidad por su parte en esta tragedia.
And the son of a bitch who stabbed her broke all of her toes.
Y el hijo de puta que la apuñaló rompió todos sus dedos.
This is Becca and her cousin Joyce.
Estas son Becca y su prima Joyce.
I have her, but I'm about to throw it in her face when I see her, and I can't go to my son.
La tengo, pero estoy por tirárselo en su cara cuando la vea, y no puedo ir donde mi hijo.
And the only thing in her file is some unpaid parking tickets.
Y lo único que hay en contra ella son multas de tráfico impagadas.
Now that bitch and her little bitch of an assistant are the only ones there I couldn't vouch for.
Esa perra y su perro asistente son los únicos de quienes sospecho.
Okay, so the two of them are a crew using her deejay skills to access high-end homes and then cleaning them out along the way.
Así que son un equipo que con el pretexto de la música, entran a casas de ricos y los "limpian" en el camino.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here they come 18
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here they come 18
and here's the thing 41
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and here he comes 19
and here we are 249
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and her father 16
and her brother 18
and her mother 27
her son 58
sonia 229
sonar 54
song 205
sonne 21
sonic 83
sonya 462
and her brother 18
and her mother 27
her son 58
sonia 229
sonar 54
song 205
sonne 21
sonic 83
sonya 462
son of a gun 53
sondre 22
son of a bitch 2723
sonny boy 69
sons of bitches 98
songwriter 38
son of a whore 16
song ends 39
son of bitch 30
son and holy spirit 25
sondre 22
son of a bitch 2723
sonny boy 69
sons of bitches 98
songwriter 38
son of a whore 16
song ends 39
son of bitch 30
son and holy spirit 25