And her father translate Spanish
3,307 parallel translation
Your sister's in a delicate place right now, with the divorce and her father.
Tu hermana ahora mismo está en una situación delicada con el tema del divorcio y lo de su padre.
Let's set one up with Charlotte and her father.
Vamos a hacer una de Charlotte y su padre.
If Kensi's right and her father was murdered,
Si Kensi está en lo cierto y asesinaron a su padre,
- And her father's an idiot.
Y su padre es un idiota.
It's really very kind of you, but if anyone is going to have a wedding reception for my daughter, I think it should be her mother and her father.
de verdad es muy amable de su parte, pero si alguien va a tener una fiesta de boda de mi hija, creo que debería ser su madre y su padre.
And her father raised her alone, so he must be an amazing person too.
Y su padre la crió solo, así que también debe de ser asombroso.
You killed her father and her little brother.
Mató a su padre y a su hermano pequeño.
A woman calls her father to tell him she's pregnant. says,'Great. Thanks,'and hangs up on her.
Una mujer llama a su padre para contarle que está embarazada él responde, "genial, gracias" y cuelga el teléfono.
My mom was desperate for my father's attention, and her secret weapon always involved less clothing and more skin.
Mi madre estaba desesperada por la atención de mi padre, y su arma secreta siempre implicaba menos ropa y más piel.
Anyway, one of us is the father of her baby, and I'm betting it's me.
Uno de nosotros es el padre del bebé, y apuesto que soy yo.
And my father, he'd get all drunk and he'd yell at my mother because that she had me her hole wasn't tight anymore.
Y mi padre, él conseguiría todos borrachos y él gritaba a mi madre ya que tenía me su agujero no era apretado más.
Her father found out and was furious.
Su padre se enteró y se puso furioso.
Her father was infuriated and locked her up at home until she gave birth secretly.
Su padre enfureció y la encerró en su casa... hasta que ella dio a luz en secreto.
You have no right to question a child and try to turn her against her father!
¡ No tienes el derecho de preguntarle a una niña y tratar de ponerla en contra de su padre!
Her poor father died of drink, curse'im, and I'm a following'her.
Su pobre padre murió por la bebida, maldito sea... y yo sigo sus pasos.
Until then I had learnt, that a girl goes from her father's home to her husband's, and that becomes her new life
Hasta entonces yo había aprendido, que una niña va de su padre a casa de su marido, y se convierte en su nueva vida.
Her father gave his life for this kingdom, and it's the least I can do.
Su padre dio la vida por este reino, y es lo menos que puedo hacer.
I got married when Ariel was a toddler, and she was raised with my husband as her father.
Me casé cuando Ariel era una niña, y creció con mi marido como su padre.
For a whole seven years he refused to take her to see her mother and father.
Durante siete años enteros se negó a llevarla a ver a su madre y a su padre.
"Let her see her mother and father before they're dead," she said.
"Hazle ver a su madre y su padre antes de que estén muertos", dijo.
My father walked her back and forth from one end to the other 15-20 times.
Mi padre la acompañó de ida y vuelta de una punta a otro, 15-20 días.
The father of her child is in prison, and she's being forced to raise our baby with the man I believe put me here.
El padre de su hijo está en prisión, y ella se ve obligada a criar a nuestro bebé con el hombre que creo que me metió aquí.
I want you to resume acting like a compassionate father to Charlotte, to agree never to reveal to her her true paternity, and to settle this divorce fairly and out of court.
Quiero que resumas tu actuación a ser un padre devoto con Charlotte, a aceptar no revelar nunca su verdadera paternidad, y a fijar un acuerdo de divorcio justo y fuera de los tribunales.
She was born rich, but her father stole a bunch of money from people, and she was thrown out of her townhouse and disgraced.
Ella nacio rica, pero su padre robo un monton de dinero a la gente, y fue expulsada de su casa de campo y desgraciada.
- Well, her father made his fortune on ten-minute tune up and lube center franchises.
- Bueno, su padre consiguió su fortuna con franquicias de puestas a punto y lubricantes en diez minutos.
And 10 years later, she asked you to father her child?
Y diez años después, ¿ le pidió que engendrara a su hijo?
I'm her maid of honor, and I have just been so busy dealing with my own drama about my father. Oh.
Soy su dama de honor, y he estado muy ocupada tratando con mi drama sobre mi padre.
You'II give her a lift for free and make your father spend money on rickshaw?
¿ Tú la llevarás a ella gratis y harás que tu padre se gaste dinero en un taxi?
If I'd been a better husband, a better father her mother and her sister might still be alive.
Si hubiera sido un mejor marido, un mejor padre su madre y su hermana podrían estar vivas.
Meanwhile Asami, Bolin and General Iroh head toward Hiroshi's secret airfield where Asami intends to take down her father.
Mientras, Asami, Bolin y el General Iroh van a la torre secreta de Hiroshi donde Asami intentará derrotar a su padre.
The man claiming to be her father has a bullet wound in the abdomen and refuses treatment.
El hombre dice ser su padre... tiene una herida de bala en el abdomen y se rehúsa a ser tratado.
But everything points to the female choosing the biggest blowing and hardest hitting male to be the father of her young.
Pero todo indica a la hembra eligiendo al macho que produce más burbujas y que golpea más fuerte, para ser el padre de su cría.
Michelle picks up one of her father's old cases, and now she's crooked?
¿ Michelle cogió uno de los viejos casos de su padre, y ahora está en problemas?
All right, listen, I have to run and take Ava to her father's, so I'll see you tonight, yes?
Bien, escucha, tengo que darme prisa y recoger a Ava de su padre, entonces te veo esta noche, ¿ Si?
It's about a father who puts his daughter to bed and gives her butterfly kisses... With his eyelashes.
Va sobre un padre que acuesta a su hija y le da besitos de mariposa... con sus pestañas.
Sophie called from Exeter, concerned about her father, naturally, and then Patrick texted from West Point.
Sophie llamó desde Exeter, preocupada por su padre, naturalmente, y luego Patrick mandó un mensaje de texto desde West Point.
He was dating Amanda, and she had him convinced that our family was somehow involved in the terrible things that her father did.
Él estaba saliendo con Amanda, y ella lo tenía convencido que nuestra familia estuvo de algún modo involucrada en las cosas terribles que hizo su padre.
It's her bound duty to come back home and take care of my father.
Es su derecho consolidado para volver en casa y cuidar de mi padre.
You and Mads will go over to Rebecca's, where your father is having dinner with her, and confront them for being involved- - possibly- - in Derek's murder...
Mads y tú iréis a casa de Rebecca, donde tu padre está cenando con ella, y os enfrentáis a ellos por estar envueltos, posiblemente, en el asesinato de Derek...
My father's sitting next to her, he's not mad at her and then this girl, this really mean girl named Mandy Stewart, she sees me, she comes up to me and she says,
Mi padre estaba sentado junto a ella, no esta alterado como ella y entonces esta chica, esta horrible chica llamada Mandy Stewart, me ve, se me acerca y me dice,
And as far as Caroline goes, I'm sorry, but... Her father hurt a lot of people.
Y de lo de Caroline, perdón, pero su padre lastimó a muchas personas.
- Someone out there has her- - I could walk past her any day, and she wouldn't know her own father.
Alguien Ia tiene. Me pasaria al Iado, y no reconoceria a su padre.
And neither is her father.
Y tampoco su padre.
Your little girl's gonna grow up and one day figure out that her father, who she trusted and loved, killed her dog because she ate a coaster from a strip club, and this is gonna fill her with such anger towards you,
Su niñita va a crecer y un día averiguará que su padre, en el que confiaba y al que amaba, mató a su perra porque se comió un posavasos de un club de striptease, y eso va a llenarla de tanta ira hacia usted,
But decided to come home and work for her father's cause. Don't worry.
Pero decidió volver a su hogar y apoyar la causa de su padre.
I mean, it's the least you could do after you lied to that woman and let her think you were one of them. Hey, I don't know who my father is.
Digo, es lo minimo que podrias hacer despues de que le mentiste a esa mujer y la dejaste pensar que eras uno de ellos
Odette was- - along with my father, and when I reminded her of that, she asked about my dad.
Odette estuvo... junto con mi padre, y... cuando se lo recordé, me preguntó por mi padre.
Ladies and gentlemen of the... room, she would want you to know who her father really is.
Señoras y caballeros de la sala, Ella querría que supieran quien es realmente su padre.
Now, I don't know her father, and I have never met him... And I would like you to put that on the record, actress who's never allowed to talk...
No conozco a su padre, y nunca le he conocido... y me gustaría que conste en acta actriz a la que no se le permite hablar...
We take a short recess until she can speak, and resume the deposition, on me, because her father is an amazing guy, and...
Haremos un pequeño receso hasta que ella pueda hablar, y continúe con su declaración, a mí, porque su padre es un tío alucinante, y...
Sh-She told me her father had been smoking in her room, and-and a fire had started ;
Me dijo que su padre había fumado en su habitación, y había empezado un incendio ;
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here we go 118
and here you are 183
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here they come 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
and her husband 30
and her 173
and her daughter 18
and her brother 18
and her mother 27
and her son 20
her father 134
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18
and her mother 27
and her son 20
her father 134
father 10424
fathers 85
father of the year 25
father and son 35
father brown 114
father christmas 18