And who are you translate Spanish
8,773 parallel translation
- And who are you?
- ¿ Y usted es?
Who are you and what the hell are you doing with my face?
¿ Quiénes sois y qué diablos haces tú con mi cara?
I am the Emperor's beloved wife and you are his cruel, vindictive son who unjustly banished his own half brother, and who's been seen staggering about the palace drunk, cursing the Emperor's name.
Soy la amada esposa del emperador y tú eres su cruel y vengativo hijo que injustamente ha desterrado a su medio hermano, y que ha sido visto tambaleándose borracho por el palacio, maldiciendo el nombre del emperador.
Who are you and where is he.
Quién eres y dónde está él.
Who the hell are you and what did you do to me?
¿ Quién coño eres tú y qué me has hecho?
And here you are, saddled up with an uptight girlfriend who freaked out for no other reason than the fact that you just wanted to fantasize about having sex with her lifeless corpse.
Y aquí estás, ensillado con una novia frígida que se asustó por ninguna otra razón, salvo el hecho que sólo querías fantasear con tener sexo con su cuerpo sin vida.
And I'm sure there's some awesome dude out there who will accept you for who you are, vaginal teeth and all.
Estoy segura de que hay algún tío maravilloso que te aceptará por quién eres, con tus dientes vaginales y todo.
Who are you and what are you doing here?
¿ Quién eres y qué haces aquí?
Well, I-I kind of snuck into Mr. Gardner's apartment to get some hair from his brush, and I have a friend who works at The Maury Show, and I got him to run a quickie DNA test, and... I'm sorry to say, Mr. Gardner, but you are the father.
Bueno, como que me colé en el apartamento del Sr. Gardner para coger pelo de su cepillo, y tengo un amigo que trabaja en el Maury Show, y conseguí que hiciera una prueba rápida de ADN, y... siento decirlo, Sr. Gardner,
They are my blood, but you and Zayday and even the Chanels, all of the people who I have suffered through all of this with, you are my family.
Tienen mi sangre, pero tú y Zayday e incluso las Chaneles, toda la gente con la que he sufrido esto, vosotros sois mi familia.
Who are the men and the woman - who were with you? - I don't know.
¿ Quiénes son los hombres y la mujer que os acompañaban?
Who are you and...
¿ Quién es usted y...
And Jack... Don't forget who you are.
Y Jack...
Speaking of which, why are you in it, and who is he?
Hablando de eso, ¿ por qué estás en ella, y quién es él?
The Horseman is pursuing us because you and I are the only ones who can fix this.
El Jinete nos persigue porque somos los únicos que pueden arreglar esto.
Do you ever feel frustrated at perhaps, I mean, you've spoken about corruption and certainly in the past you've made very strong views against officials, for example, who are corrupt, but many of those officials haven't left their jobs,
Alguna vez se ha sentido frustrado por quizás, quiero decir, ha hablado sobre corrupción y ciertamente en el pasado ha hecho fuertes apreciaciones en contra de los oficiales, por ejemplo, que son corruptos, pero muchos de esos oficiales no dejan sus trabajos,
You know, it's just that we're the kids, the one's who are supposed to be getting into trouble and causing problems.
Sabes, que se supone que nosotros somos los niños, los que se suponen que se meten en problemas y causan problemas.
Who are you and why did you take my phone?
¿ Quién eres, que tienes mi teléfono?
Come back here in 15 minutes, And if I still remember who you are, I'll be shocked.
Regresa aquí en 15 minutos, y si aún recuerdo quién eres, estaré sorprendida.
But none of that matters, because you're in love, and people who are in love should get married.
Pero nada de eso importa, porque estás enamorada, y las personas que están enamoradas deberían casarse.
Malick : You know, what we've all come to realize is, as important as all of this is, it's how you feel about yourself and how much you accept who you are and don't get too freaked out about the little imperfections.
Ya sabes, lo que todos hemos llegado a comprender es, es tan importante como todo esto, es cómo te sientes acerca de ti y cuánto aceptas quien eres y no estar demasiado asustada sobre las pequeñas imperfecciones.
So what I want to say to those of you who have an offer, or are just daunted by what's out there, beyond those gates..... is be strong..... and go for it.
Así que lo que quiero decir para aquellos que tengan una oferta, o están intimidados por lo que hay ahí fuera, más allá de esas puertas... es sé fuerte... y ve a por ello.
You know, I think Ned and his brother would be very interested to find out who you really are, huh?
Sabes, creo que Ned y su hermano estarían muy interesados en saber quien eres realmente, he?
I'm the only one who knows who all the zombies are in Seattle and where they live, so, really you can't kill me.
Soy el único que sabe quiénes son todos los zombis que hay en Seattle y donde viven, así que, realmente no puedes matarme.
And, frankly, it's weak, and less than who you are.
Y, francamente, es débil, y por debajo de quién eres.
You are a successful, unique, brilliant woman, who has 100 friends out there who love and respect you enough to show up and watch you do something as crazy as this.
Tienes éxito... eres única, una mujer brillante... que tiene 100 amigos ahí fuera que te quieren y respetan... para venir y ver qué haces algo tan loco como esto.
You used to want prom to be a magical night With your charming prince, and now it's a three-way With two guys who are into each other?
Solías querer que el baile fuera una noche mágica con tu príncipe encantador, ¿ y ahora es un trío con dos chicos que se gustan?
We don't give refunds for people who are too thick to figure out the game, and even if we did, you haven't paid your bill in two months, so you're operating on borrowed time as it is.
No le damos reembolso a personas que están demasiado viciadas para entender el juego, y aunque lo hiciéramos, no has pagado tu cuenta en dos meses, así que estás operando en tiempo prestado tal como lo veo.
Never forget who you are and what is what is expected of you.
Nunca olvidéis quien sois y qué es lo que se espera de vos.
Yes, actually, and I suppose that makes you- - Who the hell are you?
Sí, y supongo que tú eres...
"You, land of Castile, are very unfortunate and cursed because you bear that such a noble kingdom is governed by foreigners who don't love you."
Tú, tierra de Castilla, muy desgraciada y maldita eres al sufrir que tan noble reino sea gobernado por extranjeros que no te tienen amor.
They've ruined our perfect, happy life, and yet we don't know who they are or why they want to hurt us, but I promise you this.
Han arruinado nuestra perfecta, feliz vida, y aún no sabemos quiénes son o por qué quieren lastimarnos, pero les prometo esto.
and being bolder, seeing that it's working, so, these are the same turnovers as the ones of our colleague who work on more than 1 hectare so it proves that if you work all manually on a very small surface, you can produce
Y este año está subiendo mucho más porque tenemos más confianza y somos más atrevidos. Este es nuestro volumen de negocios, muy similar a lo que nuestros compañeros producen en una hectárea o más.
So it looks like the guys who attacked you are linked to this drug-dealing network operating up and down I-95.
Parece que los tipos que os atacaron están relacionado con una operación de red de tráfico de drogas por toda la I-95.
And prove who you are.
Y probar quién eres.
Can we grab those two whiskeys, please? I do not know who you are, and I do not think you are pilots.
No sé quiénes son y no creo que sean pilotos.
Everything you went through made you who you are, and that is the most determined, stubborn person I've ever met.
Todo lo que pasaste te hizo lo que eres, la persona más determinada y terca que he conocido.
He thought you were wearing them when you killed her, but the sizes are wrong, and the bloodstain pattern suggests it was worn by someone who committed a stabbing murder.
Creía que las llevabas puestas cuando la mataste, pero las tallas son erróneas, y el patrón de las manchas de sangre sugiere que fue llevado por alguien que cometió un asesinato por apuñalamiento.
You've got your pups, your cubs, your chubs. And most prominently, you've got your average-Joes-who-you-would never-know-are-gay gays.
Y hay perritos, ositos, gorditos... y sobre todo, hay Joes corrientes que nunca pensarías que son gays.
I know who you are, and I'm not interested.
Sé quién es y no estoy interesado.
Well, if you are asking me to choose between your brother and Louis, you know who I'm choosing.
Bueno, si me estás pidiendo escoger entre tu hermano y Louis, sabes a quién voy a escoger.
And here you are, protecting him, Protecting the man who killed your little brother.
Y aquí estás tú, protegiéndole, protegiendo al hombre que mató a tu hermano pequeño.
- Not at all. - Are you someone who would ruin careers, who would ruin families for your own selfish gain just so you can be rich and famous, get a nice spread in Vanity Fair?
- En absoluto. - ¿ Es usted alguien que arruina carreras, que arruina familias para su provecho para ser rica y famosa, para conseguir una buena publicidad en Vanity Fair?
You're the one who drank disinfectant and you are calling me crazy.
Tú eres el que bebió desinfectante y me está llamando loca.
And I don't think you're someone who's likely to try something stupid now, are you?
Y no creo que seas de esos que ahora intentaría hacer algo estúpido, ¿ verdad?
Whoa. Who are you and what did you do to Belinda?
Epa. ¿ Quién eres y qué hiciste con Belinda?
And you are the one who suggested we build this stage.
Y usted es el que nos sugirió que construimos esta etapa.
And you are the hipster, techie genius who's an introvert.
Y tú eres el hispter, genio de la tecnología que es introvertido.
We all know who you are and it will not change anything.
Sabemos muy bien quiénes son ustedes dos y no cambia nada.
And I know who you are.
Y sé quién eres tú.
Who are you? d Hot metal and methedrine... Who am I?
¿ Quién eres? ¿ Quién soy? Soy tú, gilipollas.
and who is she 20
and who knows 137
and who the fuck are you 16
and who was that 22
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who's this 56
and who knows 137
and who the fuck are you 16
and who was that 22
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who's this 56
and who is he 36
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who are you 9775
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who are you 9775
who are you waiting for 22
who are you talking to 380
who are you people 178
who are you working with 31
who are you here to see 24
who are you looking for 117
who are you then 21
who are you here with 21
who are your friends 28
who are you talking about 163
who are you talking to 380
who are you people 178
who are you working with 31
who are you here to see 24
who are you looking for 117
who are you then 21
who are you here with 21
who are your friends 28
who are you talking about 163