And who was that translate Spanish
4,641 parallel translation
We ran five separate searches and cross-referenced the five search parameters which were the following, recently retired generals who have attempted to publish work that was heavily redacted, commanders who have served as head of the Marines Combat Logistics and Munitions Element,
Hicimos cinco búsquedas separadas e hicimos referencias cruzadas con los cinco parámetros que estábamos siguiendo : generales recientemente retirados que han intentado publicar trabajos que han sido redactados de manera contundente, comandantes que han servido dirigiendo el Elemento de Logística y Municiones de Marines de Combate, generales que han tomado posturas académicas desde que se retiraron,
My point is that someone bought the book for a lot of money and Neal's dropping everything to help me find out who it was so that I can give him or her a real signed copy of the book.
Quiero decir que alguien compró el libro por mucho dinero y Neal lo está dejando todo para ayudarme a encontrar quién es y que pueda darle a él o ella una copia del libro firmado de verdad.
We need someone who doesn't work here to post an article that contains the information that MacKenzie was president of the Cambridge Union and not the Oxford Union so that Wikipedia would edit her page.
Necesitamos que alguien que no trabaje aquí publique un artículo que contenga la información que MacKenzie era presidenta del Club de Debate de Cambridge y no de Oxford para que Wikipedia edite su página.
Well, I e-mailed him and explained who I was, that you were my boss and that you have an expert understanding of where you did and didn't go to school,
Bueno, les envié un correo explicándoles quien era, que tú eras mi jefa y que tienes un perfecto conocimiento a qué universidad has ido y a cuál no,
And anyone who has a problem with that should remember that he was my brother.
Y al que esto le resulte un problema debería recordar que él era mi hermano.
This group, who believed that Jesus was alive during that time... turned the word vivo into a code and that's how 7175 emerged.
Este grupo, que creía que Jesús aún vivía... transformó la palabra "vivo" en un código y así es como surge el 7175.
Within two years, you had superman, Who was so powerful that he could move planets, And then you had batman, who had no powers at all.
En solo dos años tenías a Supermán, tan fuerte que podía mover planetas y tenías a Batman, que no tenía ningún poder era su opuesto.
Including me, who had friends and family in the war, He was our connection to that action.
Para muchos niños, incluyéndome a mí que tenían amigos y parientes en la guerra él era nuestra conexión con esa acción.
I can't believe that a man who was once the best in Trung Nam like you can stay here and watch his woman sewing strange men
No puedo creer que un hombre como tú, que fue el mejor de Trung Nam... pueden permanecer aquí y ver a su mujer acostarse con otros hombres.
Paulson lost his job and was arrested after LifeTrace conflated his profile with that of a serial rapist who happened to have the same name.
Paulson perdió su trabajo y fue arrestado después de que LifeTrace mezclara su perfil con el de un violador en serie que resulta que tenía el mismo nombre.
Who? He was this guy that I dated years ago, and I thought he was the one until we took a couples trip to Santa Barbara.
El hombre con el que salía hace dos años, y pensaba que era el único hasta que hicimos un viaje en parejas a Santa Bárbara.
He came to me and said that there was a couple other people who had come up with a plan, a way to get rich off the casino.
- Vino y me dijo que había otro par de personas a las que se le había ocurrido un plan, para hacerse ricos a costa del casino.
I know that he's a bloodthirsty immortal who's killed more people than I can count, and that was before he stole my identity, locked me up in a safe, and dropped me in the bottom of a quarry.
Sé que es un inmortal sediento de sangre que ha matado a más gente de la que puedo contar, y eso fue antes de que robara mi identidad, me encerrara en una caja fuerte, y me tirara al fondo de una cantera.
I'm a Christian, and so I certainly think God created the universe, but the nice thing about intelligent design is that you can realize something was designed without knowing who the designer was.
Soy cristiano, y ciertamente creo que Dios creó el Universo, pero lo bueno sobre el diseño inteligente es que puedes darte cuenta que algo fue diseñado sin saber quién fue el diseñador.
But we did go to Tapas at Casa del Abuelo, and you let me have a cana, which was sent over by that matador who took a shine to you.
Pero nos fuimos de tapas a la Casa del Abuelo, y tú me diste una caña a la que te había invitado ese matador que se había colgado de ti.
As to who killed Freddy, that vial was on the dining room table for hours, and any one of us could have slipped something into it.
En cuanto a quién mató a Freddy ese frasco estuvo en la mesa del comedor durante horas. Y cualquiera de nosotros podría haber puesto algo en él.
Well, if he is, and Oliver's theft was merely opportunist, who does that leave, Collins?
Bueno, si es así, y el robo de Oliver fue solo oportunista... ¿ Quién nos queda, Collins?
For 25 years, I carried Lou and your family, despite the fact that he was a bumbling incompetent who was also probably stealing from me.
Por 25 años, he cargado con Lou y tu familia, a pesar de que era un torpe incompetente que también probablemente me haya estado robando.
I want to know who did that, and I want to know why Seth Newman was in possession of it.
Quiero saber quién lo hizo, y quiero saber por qué Seth Newman estaba en posesión de él.
And, I believe that it was this man who Lucky was waiting for...
Y, creo que era este hombre que Lucky estaba esperando...
Our grandpa was the one who used to tell us that there was a ghost of a woman... that walked up and down the road way up the holler at what they call the Prudy Place, screaming.
Nuestro abuelo fue el que nos decía que había un fantasma de una mujer que andaba arriba y abajo por el camino es lo que ellos llaman el grito de Prudy Place.
And the irony was this is a guy who bought a mug for himself that said "World's Best Boss".
Y la ironía de que era un tipo que se compró una taza que decía "El mejor jefe del mundo."
Jeremy Richards'card was used on that date but the surveillance video shows that it was a woman who came in and made the transaction.
La tarjeta de Jeremy Richards fue utilizada en esa fecha Pero el video de vigilancia muestra que fue una mujer la que entró e hizo la transacción.
You freelance like that, you will get yourself and anyone else who was willing to go in after you killed!
Si vuelves a lanzarte así, ¡ conseguirás matarte tú y los que vayan por ti!
That was my sister who is visiting town... and my office, which is where I am calling you from.
Era mi hermana que está de visita... en mi oficina, desde la que te llamo.
And the shirt coming off in the on-call room... that was really, like, a joke about people who have sex in on-call rooms.
Y que me quitara la camisa en la sala de guardias realmente era una especie de broma sobre la gente que tiene sexo en las salas de guardias.
I mean, there was no reason for Maya to doubt that he was exactly who he said he was... an antique dealer who thought that she was attractive and interesting.
Quiero decir, Maya no tenía ninguna razón para dudar de que él fuese lo que decía ser. un comerciante de antiguedades que pensó que era atractiva e interesante.
Jimi had learned Sgt. Pepper and opened with it, so for me, that is one of my proud moments, that someone I loved as much as that, and someone who was destined to be great, one of the greats,
Jimi había aprendido Sgt. Pepper y abrió el show con ese tema. Ese momento fue un orgullo para mí.
You never got the feeling that this was someone who was going to show off until he got on stage and then...
No parecía una de esas personas que pueden alardear, PAUL MCCARTNEY MÚSICO hasta que subía al escenario, y entonces...
Yeah. He reached out to me in'69 through a friend who was told that Jimi was going to be in Memphis and wound up at the concert.
Sí, se puso en contacto conmigo en el 69 a través de un amigo al que le dijeron que Jimi venía a Memphis y acabó en el concierto.
Or is the Amitabha Buddha an example of an extraterrestrial who visited Earth and was able to achieve some higher grade of evolution while he was here and then help others achieve that as well?
¿ O el Buda Amitabha es un ejemplo de un extraterrestre que visitó la Tierra y que fue capaz de lograr algún grado superior de evolución mientras estuvo aquí y luego ayudó también a otros a lograrlo?
But it just, it feels so good to be back to who I was and to have found someone who shares that faith.
Pero me siento tan bien por volver a ser quien era y haber encontrado alguien que comparte esa fe.
Add in Geoff Klein, the scam artist that developed the vaporware and who Mr. Dietz gave all their money to, and Jason Dietz, the victim's son, whose college fund was lost, as well.
Además está Geoff Klein, el estafador del vaporware... y a quien el Sr. Dietz entregó el dinero, y Jason Dietz, hijo de la víctima, cuyo fondo universitario se perdió.
And that rookie cop who blew the whistle was none other than one Detective Mark Reyes.
Y el novato que dio la alarma no fue otro que el detective Mark Reyes.
Joining me now is Rick Tellmore who's been out here for six days, and your five-year-old son was eaten, is that correct?
Aquí tenemos a Rick Tellmore que ha estado seis días aquí fuera, y se han comido a su hijo de cinco años, ¿ es correcto?
The only way to nail this man is to figure out who hired him, and for that, we need to know what Barrett Hawke was sent to find.
La única forma de atrapar a este tipo es encontrar al que lo contrató, y para eso, tenemos que saber qué estaba buscando Barrett Hawke.
If Hawke's telling the truth, then there's another player involved... Someone who knew that the diamond was real. And used Alice to get it.
Si Hawke dice la verdad, entonces hay otro jugador involucrado... alguien que sabía que el diamante era real y usó a Alice para conseguirlo.
And then she was assigned to Vic, who said that that was the happiest day of his life.
Y después le fue asignada a Vic... quien dijo que ese fue el día más feliz de su vida.
And it was you, not Keaton, who told me that women aren't attracted to men who wear maternity pants?
¿ Y fuiste tú, no Keaton, quien me dijo que a las mujeres no les gustaban los hombres que usan pantalones de maternidad?
And who better than the person who wanted everyone to think that this was just a game?
¿ Y quién mejor que la persona que quería que todos pensaran que esto era solo un juego?
- And who was it that paid - ( Cell phone buzzing ) for these new cheeks of hers?
¿ Y quién fue quien pagó esos nuevos pómulos para ella?
I had a purpose that I understood. And someone... who I was supposed to find it with.
Y alguien... con quién se supone que lo encontraría.
But without telling me who was behind it and finding me someone who can corroborate your claim, our story is nothing but a common myth, and I won't print that.
Pero sin contarme quién estuvo detrás y trayendo a alguien que pueda corroborar tu versión nuestra historia no será más que otra leyenda más y no voy a publicar eso.
Discover who was the recipient of that chest and get it back, no matter what.
Descubrid quién era el destinatario de ese cofre y recuperadlo, sea como sea.
I like to think that if the man who murdered her knew her, he would've helped her to her car, made sure she was safe, instead of stealing her purse and shooting her.
Me gusta pensar que si el hombre que la asesinó la hubiera conocido, la habría ayudado a llegar a su coche, asegurarse de que estuviera a salvo. en vez de robarle el bolso y dispararle.
And who was it used to have to go doing all the apologising, making amends and pointing out that she wasn't from a bad home, she'd had a perfectly good upbringing, thank you..... and we were just as upset and bemused
¿ Y quién solía tener que disculparse? Hacer enmiendas y señalando que ella no era de una mala familia... Que había tenido una perfecta crianza, gracias...
- and that is that we have far too few sperm donors with non-Western backgrounds it was Ali from NRK, Norway who made me aware of the problem.
- Y eso es que tenemos muy pocos los donantes de esperma con antecedentes no occidentales. Era Ali de NRK Oppland que me hizo tomar conciencia del problema.
I bet that's who Barney saw and thought was Gina.
Apuesto a que es a quien Barney vio y pensó que era Gina.
♪ who was killed during birth but left him a brother ♪ ♪ Together they would train and kill those that crossed their path ♪
Entrenaron entre si y mataron a los que se cruzaban en su camino
It was an astonishing empire and built by people who had had really no proper civilization before that. Although generally believed to be a brutal and bloody conqueror, Genghis Khan also brought communication, technology, justice, and prosperity to his people. NARRATOR :
Era un imperio extraordinario, y construido por gente que nunca había tenido una civilización propia antes de eso.
Genghis Khan was known to disappear for days and climb the most sacred mountain of Asia in order to commune with Tengri, who imparted to him not only battle plans but spiritual capability that made him the amazing leader that he was.
Genghis Kan solía desaparecer durante días y subir a la montaña más sagrada de Asia para conversar con Tengri, que le daba no solo planes de batalla, sino capacidades espirituales que le hicieron el increíble líder que fue.
and who is she 20
and who knows 137
and who the fuck are you 16
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who's this 56
and who knows 137
and who the fuck are you 16
and who are you 398
and who are they 24
and who the hell are you 43
and who might you be 58
and who's that 72
and who is that 45
and who's this 56
and who is he 36
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who was that 1077
and who is this 65
and whose fault is that 58
and who am i 66
and who else 21
and who 69
and who might that be 34
and who do we have here 19
and who would that be 36
who was that 1077